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Posts posted by Gwoash

  1. i personally would like this rule to be removed entirely, it's obvious that the new rules are more lenient towards the blues and you can see the this topic being brought up several times on the forums with dislike.



    if possible, please implement a system (plugin) that allows to sort the blues out. @Nomulous

    i.e losing 8 rounds in a row automatically switches a blue(s) with least kills in past 8 rounds? or shuffles blues that hasn't taken warden in the past 8 rounds.


    i don't know, other suggestions are appreciated so go ahead. :)

  2. @Hachi delivered the ban.


    I was present the entire time. he did have some slip ups with rules but it was 1am jailbreak and everyone was just screwing and having a good time. Hachi did come on and make some snide comments about the hats/miscs of players on the server, though it seemed to me like they were mostly in jest. nonetheless they were repeated a bit too much. when he had finally tired of playing, he said he was gonna leave after the round. the round lingered on for a while though, and he decided to leave early. before he left he lit a T on fire during his lr, and left before the fire damage killed him, effectively denying the lr. he hadn't read the rules, but was still on blu because nobody else had a mic. i tried to help him with the rules best i could but i hadn't got a chance to explain denying yet. had he remained on the server, i have no doubt it would have been talked over and he would of been very apologetic. the person who was denied (a random i hadnt met before) was not upset at all. and had scoots not left this ban most likely would not have happened. this is all partially my fault too, for allowing someone new to jailbreak to be a ct, but you gotta understand nobody else had a mic. i believe that an hour ban would have been sufficient, but a day ban may have been a bit excessive for one freekill.


    with this being said, I too agree with removing the ban or at the very least shorten it.

    just a heads up though, this is a ban protest; not a report abuse so focus on the subject at hand.

  3. If someone abuses, then that shows their immaturity is definitely questionable enough to not own up to it. In regards to the second, it would be short-staffing us and unnecessarily punishing those who use their powers correctly. Wouldn't it be better just to fix it?

    if possible, allowing us to see who uses the commands would be our first choice, but of course I'm suggesting an alternative method.

    For the power removal, it's only a temporary until we can figure out who via command logs.

  4. The thing is, you can't see WHO is doing the commands. If two mods are on jb and 1 slays @Blue, there's no proof of who did it.

    Ask them directly, it's not that difficult, surely one of them will own up - otherwise like I said, restrict both their powers for the meantime until further notice.

  5. staff members can easily type /who into tf2 chat to find out who has powers on the server currently, if you see anyone abusing - go report to nomulous or make a report abuse thread.


    I'm sure the ones abusing their powers will own up on the abuse thread and if not, restrict both their powers for the meantime until further investigation?


    I'm pretty sure there's a log that shows all the commands used anyway, right? @Nomulous

    plz tell me there's a log ;-;

  6. Btw, this user is a 12/13 year old boy. He commented on my profile and had his name next to the username (which is what I do to good friends). User had made a member submission before. Manhamster - Team Fortress 2 | Xeno Gamers

    @Kbraszz please close.


    On the Manhamster application, he applied on Jan 4 2014, it's been a good 5 months since; he is allowed to reapply. :)

    However, his age is questionable - see Manhamster application, user said he was 15 and on this application he said he's 14.