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Posts posted by Gwoash

  1. Yea, I did, in 7th grade some 8th graders were tossing around a tampon and when more and more kids were getting off the more noticeable the tampon was flying around the bus. Close to my stop they wanted to get rid of it, but no one wanted to hold onto it. I came up, since again it was close to my stop, and said I'll hide it in my binder when i got off, they respected me, and when i got off the bus, i got home and i threw it away



    np bruh, we understand

  2. the evidence you provided isn't substantial; sure kendrick can be a complete prick, but he has been punished (hence the reason he isn't replying), stripping his membership wouldn't stop his forum posting nor his "shitstorming" -


    the disrespect and harassment perhaps worthy, but the thread you linked shows that you too, retaliated and even joined in what you called the "shitstorm" fueling the entire argument between you and kendrick,


    grow up and stop trying to get the last word, be the bigger man and don't retort, it's as simple as


    my proposal is to give both parties a warning and if continuation of the behaviour, both parties should and will be expelled from xg. [unless of course, further evidence is provided against kendrick, in which case we can straight up strip kendrick's membership.]

    the behaviour shown on that thread is not acceptable and hopefully this shit doesn't occur on our servers either; this isn't how we want xg to be represented as.


    good sir chrono summed it up pretty well

  3. you'll most likely get unbanned since stickz is such a nice fellow. :)


    but records show that you have said some naughty things,



    more unncecessary sentences [harrasments worthy (?)] from previous weeks/months but you're most likely banned from the recent chat messages shown above


  4. nigguh, whatcha talking about:

    not being member doesn't stop you from supporting xg - if anything, you support the clan to become a member; having the tag means you represent xg


    being active on forum + server(s) and I'll guarantee your membership, it takes time and dedication, if people aren't willing to accept you now - get to know them and ask for vouches. (Large difference between asking and begging, keep that in mind. ;))


    don't say member or bust, I really don't like that attitude. :l

    I feel like you'll receive 10 vouches anyway, especially after that goodbye thread, guilt tripping to the maximum. ^^

  5. Inappropriate Spray

    If someone has an inappropriate spray, tell them to change it. If they don't change it after that, kick them. If they refuse to change it, it is a bannable offence for 5 minutes exactly. If they come back and still have not changed the spray, you must ban for 1440 minutes. Anything above or below is breaking the rules.


    @Kypari pls, you're doing it wrong :L


    first ban made: 1 hr

    second ban made: 23 mo, 4d, 10hr, 39min

    last ban: 231 mo, 2k, 10hr, 39min


    I don't see the 5 minutes ban nor the day ban, dafuq u doing?


    I was never warned, I was never approached, and no one ever confronted me about it

    explanation pls