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Friend of xG
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Status Updates posted by Gwoash

  1. I still wanted a class warfare server... >:(
  2. league smells
    1. DrLee


      Plsernio, I require non-ranked players to play with.
    2. Barmithian


      Somebody in tf2 div is playing league besides me. Hooray
  3. “There is only one god and his name is Death. And there is only one thing we say to Death: “Not today.”
  4. life is a like a dick.. it gets hard for no reason. *.*
    1. DrLee


      Solution: More league-ernio.
    2. xGShadowSpy


      Solution- Never play league.
  5. wait whaaa, is this you? http://prntscr.com/32m6rf
    1. LeToucan


      no http://i.imgur.com/OmW4VoY.png
    2. Gwoash


      we found your doppelganger, kill it with fire.
  6. silver division reached - no moar ranked games for me
    1. DrLee


      I quit ranked after my first ten. :^)
    2. Gwoash


      ranked is surprisingly easy, I used to win a game, lose 2 more; but it's so easy w/ blitzcrank, hard carry your adc.
  7. brb
    1. realBelloWaldi
    2. Forge


      you've been afk for a year, come back bby
  8. the obscure references no one gets.
    1. Crona


      ^ sums up my existance
  9. RIP
    1. Gwoash


      bump, thought it was necessary
  10. #replace shoutbox w/ this http://xat.com/xgrepresent
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FfeTn8QOhIw WTF?
  12. RIP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6ljFaKRTrI
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r8oOi6JOXEQ WARNING: SPOILERS S4E8
  14. matmartinez.net/nsfw/
  15. On all day, bud. http://xat.com/xgrepresent
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6ljFaKRTrI
  17. stop being an asshole, it's a simple solution guys
  18. level 11 on league, someone be proud of me pl0x
  19. no love for pokemon trade server. :c