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Posts posted by Gwoash

  1. ai61.tinypic.com_mkyqu0.png.e307c12c3db1a441095ddd115cc0b320.png

    The evidence is lacking and the time of the kills doesn't actually suggest or prove of mass freekill. Unless more proof is added, I don't think it would be fair to ban him.


    Note to Dethman:

    next time you catch a freekiller, make sure you record it instead of providing us with screenshots!

    type "record [insert name of .dem]" into console

    and "stop" to stop recording.

  2. wtf is this shit, I know I did terrible in my provisional matches; I even gave up trying after losing 4 matches in a row, yet I was placed above my friends who I've played with and I know are better than me.


    ughh, league. wtf?

    anyone got the explanation?

  3. @BelloWaldi can you tag some people to this, just wondering.


    yea you can if you believe they'll vouch for you. ;)

    It even encourages to ask for vouches in the membership guidelines.

    "Get to know them than send them to your app and ask if they could vouch for you."

  4. Kay so cuz people are mad, real the rules. Talk to Vector


    • Spawn camping is allowed, if an admin deems the spawn camp nearly impossible to escape from, they are allowed to break the camp. The only admins that can deem that is Vector.

    For anyone too lazy to find it, my question is - why only vector? Shouldn't it be all admins instead?


    "Spawn camping is allowed, if Vector deems the spawn camp nearly impossible..."


  5. What, why you do this? @Nomulous

    If you're bad enough to get spawn camped, then you deserve to be spawn camped. We do have an auto balance if the teams numbers aren't fair, so both teams are on equal grounds and getting spawn camped is just you being bad at the game. Enforcing the rule will be difficult, especially on all the unique maps on trade gaming history with how you define "spawn camping".


    In short, get good at tf2 please and allow spawn camping.




    Edit: Next time, mind giving the members of xg a say in the new changes? Or at least alert us through forums of new changes or even upcoming events/updates.

  6. so i just turned level 30 and i dont know anything on ranked can someone give me some tips in ranked and how it works.



    same here! I recently hit level 30 with 177 solo queues won.

    EUW? please be EUW. >:c