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  1. Like
    Goblin reacted to Jpie112 in Bring Ponyspenser's Back To Tgh   
  2. Salty
    Goblin reacted to BonfireCentipede in Kittylicious - mmo   
    You guys should let the cl's deal with this, Obviously this is one sided.
  3. Smelly
    Goblin reacted to John_Madden in [xg:a] Origins - Team Fortress 2   
    Not for that, but it was for being an assh0le {not sure if that gets censored so 0 added :british:} as a demo and flying back and forth just picking off snipers and just being an asshat by flying away 2 seconds later. I understand snipers MOST LIKELY can't see you, which is why you probs did this for a good hour, but I had asked you to stop. NOW, if I had banned you, you then have a case. But it was one kick after I had told you to change it up after a good hour of you doing this. Also, if you read the rules. I did enact the "listen to our staff" rule. Also, it's about everyone having fun, not pissing off an entire team. If thats your kinda fun, then please find a server that allows this type of fun.
  4. Disagree
    Goblin reacted to Matsi in [xg:a] Origins - Team Fortress 2   
    repeatedly saying "Selling nothing for absolutely nothing, accepting nothing, nothing for sale in any of my backpack, dont bp me." IS kinda of assish.... no idea if that was relevant or not tho
  5. Smelly
    Goblin reacted to John_Madden in [xg:a] Origins - Team Fortress 2   
  6. Smelly
    Goblin reacted to John_Madden in [xg:a] Origins - Team Fortress 2   
    Before Kbraszzz closes this, I asked you to stop since you were pissing off red team. It wasn't spawn camping rather being a demo, killing people and not giving them a chance. If you kill them, fly back to spawn, you aren't giving red team a chance to fight back then you're pretty much a dick.
  7. Winner
    Goblin reacted to Jayyy in [xg:a] Origins - Team Fortress 2   

    Team Fortress 2 Staff Name:

    [xG:A] Origins Staff's Steam ID:

    Steam Community :: [xG:A] JohnMadden Evidence:

    I don't have any, as I wasn't expecting to be kicked Further Information:

    I was playing regularly on the Pokemon Trade Server, all I was doing at the time was sticky jumping as a frying pan demoman, killing people, and Origins outright kicks me, saying "stop being an ass". I did not break any rules, and I should have not been kicked because of this. Admins/Mods dont have the right to freely kick anyone they wish. I wasn't trying to piss him off, and I wasn't in any way disrespecting him.
  8. Dislike
    Goblin reacted to kbraszzz in [xg:a] Origins - Team Fortress 2   
    OP Needs more proof.
  9. Winner
    Goblin reacted to Haruka in [xg:a] Origins - Team Fortress 2   
    Why would he have to lay off other then you telling him? Is it because you were on the other team and your being biased? You're calling him an ass; which is just your opinion. wheres your proof he was pissing off the whole team?
  10. Smelly
    Goblin reacted to John_Madden in [xg:a] Origins - Team Fortress 2   
    Either change it up, or lay off it for a while.
    Learn 2 read pls. :coffee:
  11. Winner
    Goblin reacted to Haruka in [xg:a] Origins - Team Fortress 2   
    But where does it say that he has to change classes if staff tells him? I understand Staff has final say in things, but in a class someone wants to play? Thats bullshit.
  12. Smelly
    Goblin reacted to John_Madden in [xg:a] Origins - Team Fortress 2   
    Just to point this out, HE NEVER SPAWN CAMPED. If that were the case, then it is abuse that I kicked him. Didn't kick him out of rage, but because he had begun to piss off the entire team he was targeting. If he had been camping as an engi in frewie's room then I would have allowed him. If a sniper was sniping right into spawn then that's not being an ass, it's spawn camping and it's allowed. OP was running away after killing and not letting red team get him, at least another sniper could counter the spawn sniping sniper and kill him. So I answer this question, Why was OP kicked? First, ignoring a staff member. I asked him to change his class or to just hold off on doing it for a while because he was pissing off red team. I asked him several times and remind you this is bannable. Second, acting like a troll. Like any other player, we think avoiding a kill is important. They will probably get you but you have no idea. But if you do it to the same people over and over again and never give them a chance, then it's a dick move. Now may I ask you this, would have slaying him been more appropriate? In my mind no. It would be the same as if I had gone into buddha mode and killed someone, it would unfairly get someone a kill. Also to add, I never told him to stop going demo, but to at least change it up. Go scout or soldier or any other class rather than just go demo and then fly away. If you are gonna be a dick, then at least dominate with numerous classes.
  13. Smelly
    Goblin reacted to AdamStoe98 in [xg:a] Origins - Team Fortress 2   
    yeah, I know orgins wont kick someone for no reason. He is not that kind of mod. so -1 and there is not evidence.
    @kbraszzz plzz close
  14. Winner
    Goblin reacted to Haruka in [xg:a] Origins - Team Fortress 2   
    So you kicked him for pissing off a team? That happens all the time. What, your gunna kick everyone who pisses off the other team? Its like when someone camps Frewies room or the radio tower. For some odd reason the other team gets pissed. Now I understand since you asked him to stop and he didn't is why he was kicked. But was it really necessary? What if someone were to sniper spawn camp? you gunna kick him for being an ass?
  15. Winner
    Goblin reacted to realBelloWaldi in Kypari - Team Fortress 2   
    I have the ultimate solution.
    [spoiler=Only click this if you're Kypari]
    [spoiler=Only click this if you're Rabid/ASock]
  16. Informative
    Goblin reacted to Hidingmaster in Should Vector Be Unbanned?   
    Not ALL CLs are wanting him unbanned. Just saying, don't assume just because we all have the position that we believe the same.
  17. Winner
    Goblin reacted to Timer5 in Should Vector Be Unbanned?   
    First off I wanted to give a heads up that I am writing this post on my phone so there will probably be some mistakes bear with me please
    So on the topic of vector. I personally stand by the ban 100%. Vector and I have a bad history he chased me off the XG: Gaming history server. At the time it was my main server. I had a long history on it and actually met my Fiance on it "not a normal online relationship she is in the middle of immigrating to the US and the K1 visa process has started a house has been purchased and everything is inline for us to be married so it is a real relationship for the record) now back on track. At the time my fiance and I played on XG every day and enjoyed it during the early days of our relationship. Well one day vector just started going off at me for liking mlp and was a total ass hole. At first I figured it was a one time thing but jt ended up being every day he would mess with me go out of his way to kill me and just make being on the server a pain. After about 2 weeks of this I left XG and never touched it again. It was not till later Chicken panda and I became good friends that I began to try XG again. It was not till I heard about his demotion that I started to go on again. Since his removal XG has improved leaps and bounds and is a fun server again. I try to go on when I can and when I do it is always great anx an enjoyable time with our people going out of their way to give me a hard time. The sky is the limit for XG and with vector being permanently banded the server will become better than ever. People like vector hold servers like XG back. That is my personal opinion you can take it or leave it but I wanted to make sure I could help influence XG to become a better and greater server chain and ensure dead weight like vector can not hold back the growth of the server.
  18. Agree
    Goblin got a reaction from ChickenPanda in Should Vector Be Unbanned?   
    I honestly don't care, Vector can be honestly a very cool guy but at the same time he can be unnecessarily penisy.
    Tbh i'd rather have him on the forums than on the servers infact I don't even mind if he's on the forums, if he starts more crap just ban him again.
    And js if you never played Team Fortress 2 with Vector while he was an Admin and had seen how he treated people on the servers, you really can't say :poop: about him coming back to tf2.
  19. Agree
    Goblin reacted to Forest in Rip @me   
    Is this legit. If so, that has got to be one of the best reasons I've seen for someone getting grounded.
  20. Winner
    Goblin reacted to Dethman in Rip @me   
    So i was grounded for 3 weeks thanks to bach's entire teamspeak going full blown autistic and talking about german sausage dildos or someshit. Anyways i will get on when they are not home but right now my activity is going to be slashed to shit.
    No more german sparkle parties for me
    Special thanks too: @Bach @Whyte @DeKoi @Liekos and @ChickenPanda for those lovely german accents that made my mom think i was talking to a gay german porn hotline.
    (I can still work on the MC server but it will be slower but should be out on time.)
  21. Agree
    Goblin reacted to Scootaloo in Should Vector Be Unbanned?   
    I personally am caught in between a rock and a hard place in this dilemma.
    On one hand, I once considered Vector a friend. Like others, I have seen his declining attitude and demeanor, but he has never really done anything to me PERSONALLY that would make me want to never speak to him again. I do see how his mannerisms are hurtful and toxic, so I understand the outcry to keep him banned. I feel that it's for the better of the clan that he stays banned, but at the same time, I don't want to be the guy to make that decision. Luckily for me, I don't seem to be alone in feeling this way.
    Also, I'm stuck in the position that if Vector DOES get unbanned, practically ALL of the people I call friends in this clan will leave. Where would that leave me? Being one of the only higher-up staff that remains after a mass walk-out? Can't say that sounds too appeasing to me, to be completely honest.
    If I had to make the choice, I'd say to keep him Permanently banned from all servers and services, then in a couple of months, unban him from forums to give him a chance to make a new Member Request. IF he can prove he has changed, that is.
  22. Optimistic
    Goblin reacted to Tsuchikure in Should Vector Be Unbanned?   
    +1 for unban on forums
    idgaf about server ban because tf2 nerds will probably gang on me if i +1 it.
  23. Ding!
    Goblin reacted to Flareon in Should Vector Be Unbanned?   
    Im not going to sugarcoat my opinion about this issue. Vector has long been a thorn on the side of the tf2 division and community using every nook and cranny every loophole to harrass and and disrespect people.
  24. Agree
    Goblin reacted to Chrono in Should Vector Be Unbanned?   
    If you're honestly going to leave over 1 player being unbanned, that just shows where your loyalties are. You clearly don't care about the community as much as you preach if you would leave over a player very harshly (and unjustly, given the lack of evidence) banned no longer being banned then do us all a favor and leave now anyway. thanks. :)
    In the end, the decision is with the CLs, regardless of what the poll says. But I want to make sure they read the above, because that's the cold hard truth of the matter. [uSERGROUP=23]@Community Leader[/uSERGROUP]
  25. Like
    Goblin got a reaction from Flareon in Should Vector Be Unbanned?   
    I honestly don't care, Vector can be honestly a very cool guy but at the same time he can be unnecessarily penisy.
    Tbh i'd rather have him on the forums than on the servers infact I don't even mind if he's on the forums, if he starts more crap just ban him again.
    And js if you never played Team Fortress 2 with Vector while he was an Admin and had seen how he treated people on the servers, you really can't say :poop: about him coming back to tf2.