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Status Updates posted by mrnutty12

  1. Hey, I'm Back! Also, happy fourth of July fellow Americans.
  2. I am thinking of a number between Disco and Russian Roulette...
  3. I just don't know anymore...
  4. Ironically, I have less freetime in summer.
  5. Jetpack + hot hand, calling it the flyro bitchslap.
  6. May the 4th? pfft, Revenge of the 5th is better.
    1. SnowyMinion


      You know what's da best? Dezz nuts
  7. mfw a friend buys me ogrewatch...
  8. MFW Santa wants to fist me...
    1. lilbleed
    2. Thorax_


      You know you want it ;)
    3. Santa


      i already did nutty, now if you need me i will be drowning in jake danials.
    4. Show next comments  3 more
  9. mfw they said I couldn't eat nuts when I got braces...
    1. SnowyMinion


      tfw I ate everything I wasn't supposed to eat and was fine
    2. Tomahawk


      but how can you be mrnutty12? if you can't?
    3. realBelloWaldi


      mfw they said i couldnt eat @[51559:@mrnutty12]'s when i got braces
  10. Mixed feelings, I got promo'd but this is the 4th year anniversary of a close friend's suicide. DON'T ACTUALLY KILL YOURSELF.
  11. MRW TF comic happens http://i.imgur.com/Gw1YTHi.jpg
  12. On vacation and I end up watching 3 kittens for a week... So cute and snuggly!
  13. On vacation for a while.
    1. Kypari


      Miss you already
  14. Opinions are shunned, agree with the collective hivemind or be hung, drawn, and quartered.
    1. Barmithian


      welcome to xG
    2. Hushpuppy


      Opinions can be bad.
    3. ArminArmout


      ^^^^^^^ You do know someone can disagree with an opinion?
  15. Out of town again...
  16. Out of town for a while...
  17. People talk about salt all the time, but without salt food would be so boring...
    1. SnowyMinion


      especially ice cream
    2. realBelloWaldi


      mrnutty12, please
  18. Played floor hockey, promptly took a puck to the face. #JustGoalieThings
  19. Played Overwatch, not impressed.
    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. Hushpuppy


      I guess I've never actually played D.Va so I don't have the best grasp on the hero, but I've never played against a D.Va that i had any problem dealing with, although its very likely I've never played against a good D.Va.
    3. mrnutty12


      1) D.Va's mech is easily respawned (from what I have seen it takes relatively little to get the ult that spawns it) , and can still dish it out well enough to be a threat. Plus it gives a lot of mobility. 2) Zarya has 400 base hp, 200 hp and 200 shield which is less than the 500 of D.Va. Not all to terrible tankiness.
    4. mrnutty12


      3) I just don't think that pressing a no effort button to cancel out an ult in general is good balance. It takes effort (or a lot of time) to get an ult, it takes a cooldown to counter it...
    5. Show next comments  3 more
  20. Playin' Star Wars DnD, was basically a nigh invisible wolf man with brass knuckles beating on stormtroopers...