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Posts posted by Fiery8022

  1. how so? the lack of damage should indicate to the player that they are in godmode or noticing that their model is changed can also give a heads up about it. Its an easier fix than adding a new plugin. we could just add features from a different plugin and solve the problem.

  2. is there any way you can just turn god mode to friendly so the person in godmode cant do damage and will thus realize they are in godmode. Or maybe make them see-through like friendly so the play is more conscious of the godmode. I personally think you should remember that you have placed yourself in godmode, but I could see people forgetting and causing an unintentional problem.

  3. this is an idea page, so im aware what i said was a long shot but I would like to hear other peoples ideas. The point of this thread was trying to find an easier way to get people to read the rules. When people join the server there is nothing telling them the rule. It gives players an add and then drops them into the game. So i get that they should type !motd and read the rule, but if staff members(or just members) are the only way new players can get the rules isn't a great idea and why i think so many people get banned for just being unaware of rules that you need special knowledge to get to.

  4. I'm making this thread to get ideas about ways to make players read the motd before getting onto blue. I've seen far too many bans that just consist of new players joining the server and either glitching onto blue or using the command and not knowing the rules/freekilling. I just want to get ideas for a fix, I dont think it will be fixed in a day but it helps to get ideas for it. My idea is once a blue is brought over to the blue team from the queue then it could force the motd to open. I know someone could close it but that would give someone a chance who doesnt know the rules but wants to play correctly to read them. Any ideas, I would love to get other opinions.

  5. Honestly this should have happened a few weeks ago imo. First I still want to be staff but i think this position should be someone who can handle it. Honestly life came on me quickly the last few months and it has taken a lot of my time and energy, I could keep writing some big useless paragraph but the long and short is I havent been doing my job as DM and I think there are people here that can do it more justice than i have. Ill hold on to if for anything that i might need it for until next promo/demo for what i can do to help @Liekos who has been doing so much. @Ohstopyou @Rejects @scootloo i hope you guys can find someone who can help lightne liekos' load.

  6. Ok time for my two cents. We all know that he abused recently and while I don't think it was a good example for how people should use their powers I do believe that what he did (while a little overkill) was in the wrong his intention was pure. With that I would +1 on the fact that he acted to stop rule breaker. I'm by no means saying donators should abuse instead of calling staff or just recording it to punish the rule breaker when staff comes online. I would say that if he understands what he did wrong and is willing to grow from it i would love to see him get mod (or at least probation like janal). There is no reason in my mind that he shouldn't be given the chance to show that he is mature enough to be a mod.

  7. 68747470733a2f2f7374617469632e78656e6f67616d6572732e636f6d2f646174612f6174746163686d656e74732f352f353435312d63383535653961346366633261396139393531366535613562653935346436302e6a7067




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    Rabid vouched knowing he wasn't allowed to and ruined it. Nobody seems opposed to you getting in. Since I doubt people will come back here and check this thread I'll just make a judgment call that you're in. Merry Christmas.



  8. ok, so here is how this happened. I was hidding away from armory and dan, chatteauer, and matthew all told me he had re-entered armory i asked them if they where sure and they all said yes so i slaid him and he proceeded to say how admins abuse and how i didnt know the rules. I then told him he cant re-enter armory. He said he would report me and i told him everythinmg he needed.