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Everything posted by Legend

  1. [xG] You earned $13443546542 in interest in your bank account!
  2. So the bank plugin in our server broke and gave us alot of money and I placed a giant bounty on my head and kept hiding from people killing me anyway here is the pic. Lots of fun
  3. I understand if i get demoted but I never knew if i type !slay @!me It would slay @all so Im just posting proof cause i thought it would only slay me and here it is also aaron told me to. Goodbye xG and everyone. I also banned myself from the server for 1 hour.
  4. I would just build a pc, you would save money and i would save up money to buy a decent pc 300 cant really do much :/
  5. Legend

    Temporary Chatbox

    Fix the website pls
  6. CS:S is getting populated again!!!!! WOOOO!
  7. Legend

    Rip Css

    @IAmLegend Usually starts at 9pm EST but today the jailbreak server was populated the whole day!! and it still is.
  8. no pls jubens stay! We all like you
  9. Edit to my previous post: i was talking about darktemplar the other guy i havent seen
  10. I agree this guy has been starting arguments with mods and I was arguing with him. +1 This guy deserves a ban for being disrespectful, racist, and just rude
  11. Legend

    Rip Css

    What happened to Css, when i first joined the server jb used to be populated all the time and every other server. Now all the servers are dead and they barely get populated :(. I think we should get everyone back on css so it could be fun again! What do you guys think?
  12. Bad idea. What if people who know the rules like the members join and no one wants to warden. We'll just be waiting there for like 1 hour waiting for some1 to warden.
  13. How do you enjoy league? All you do is left click all day every day
    1. IAmLegend


      just try it out, it's better than the dieing css and one of the most competitive games I've played.
    2. Legend


      i played it i dont like it, I mean you press 1 button all day
    3. IAmLegend


      i just don't enjoy mindless shooting that much anymore :/ league is complex when i'm not playing with idiots my level
    4. Show next comments  24 more
  14. @DrLee Close this pls
  15. So my budget is 1500 and I would like to build a computer that can run dayZ and like bf4 on ultra. So if you can post like parts for 1500 that can run that. Thanks