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Posts posted by SirTurdle

  1. Ive either sold all my items or in the process of doing so.


    This will be the last time i will ever be on this forum. I am leaving Xeno Gamers for good, if i even was in it anymore from my inactivity.


    Dont feel bad if i unfriended you, im quitting the tf2 life for good. I want to start fresh with the friends i still play with. Im sorry.


    I dont think i will ever come back on tf2 again, and if i do i will not be easily recognized by my overly gold gibus, or the failstabs (Sometimes the occational trickstab, made good times)


    I may sometime be on the teamspeak with my friends occasionally, you can drop by to say a few things if you like.




    Dont mistake this for me not liking you, i would just rather put all of it behind me.


    Goodbye. I will miss most of you.


    Most of you.

  2. Division:

    Team Fortress 2

    In-Game Name:


    Steam ID:



    Previously in xG:


    Active on Teamspeak:


    Time Active:

    2 years+



    Further Information:

    I miss u guys alot I hate alot of you but your my family, and i miss you :c Sometimes i miss being verbally abused by people like you guys, cuz that whats family is for. Verbally assaulting and making sure they have no self esteem


    I was only banned once, and it was for using the conga when the console was glitching (Technicalities)


    Jokes aside though i miss you guys, and i just want to be part of the gang again. <3


    ~Male Siri

  3. Division:

    Team Fortress 2

    In-Game Name:


    Steam ID:



    Previously in xG:


    Active on Teamspeak:


    Time Active:

    600+ (Jailbreak)



    Further Information:

    I was in xG awile back, then i went insane. True story. Anyways im really active on the server, basically if im playing tf2 im playing xG. Most people know me for Jailbreak. I said i would return, so here i am. I enforce the rules always. I dont break rules unless im pan slapping Speedy G (hes fine with it. :p) Anyways i just like most of xG community, and wanna come back

  4. Before i go into a cryptic bullshit rampage, id like to set some things clear. I am leaving, temporarily, but for an unknown amount of time. Im going to tag people i knew and know and will tell you each something i need to say. These people.... when I come back to xG and these people are gone..... god. I will probably cry. Anyways, i need to point out, I AM STILL GOING TO KEEP YOU ALL AS FRIENDS. I will probably come on teamspeak occasionally, and play on the xG servers periodically. Though my contact will be limited. Feel free to skip to your tag, or read em all.... But please READ THE LAST PART. I am going to tell what REALLY happend to my best friend of all xG, Buttstalion (AKA Niko) and where he has gone to. Sorry about all this dramatic stuff, cuz you'll probably all think im insane. Which is true, to a point. If you really want to know why im leaving..... read most of this. When i come back everything will be explained... I see them staring back at me, they know my name.............


    @kbraszzz This guy, this guy is the best. And no, your not getting my australium wrench :3 When i first came to tf2 i joined a server that was really fucked up and wierd. I saw this guy talkin shit to people, actin like he da bawss. It was kbraszz. I played on the server for a year before finally wanting to join xG. I didnt know many people, but kbraszz was the only one i actually knew. Please kbrazz if i come back and you arent here i will find you, buttsecks you, make you come back, then bring you back to Division Leader. Their eyes are everywhere, see everything what do they need me?


    @Bach So deres this gui, ill be playin on teh server havin a good time trickstabbin teh noobies and sheet, then some guy hes like TACTICAL NUKE IMBOUND MOTHERFUCKERS. Surpise, its bach. Some call it abuse. I call it "Drunk and havin fun". I will never forget the recent "Tall bach" thanks to the monstrocities made by bach and kbraszz. Bach, dont leave.... please..... xG needs more like you. Gets shit done when its needed but always is havin fun. And drinks. But mostly drinks. And i need them... see me.... and i see them...


    @BelloWaldi Basically my first xG buddy and Niko left. Bello i wont ever forget all the things we did. i dont have a good story about you, but thats because i know you dont need one. (And cuz i dont know one off the top of my head :3) I will bring them down on my own...


    @Egossi (yea im doin it #DealWithIt) 42069YoloSwag360Noscopes. Nuff said


    @The Fax Machine You know who you are. Fix your fuckin mic


    @Insane I will miss you bruh. The best spah ive eva known. Cept your heavy is still f2p


    @RinAoi One of the few people i know who can actually spy good on jb. Along with Roasty (dunno his tag if he has one) Gonna miss spiein wit chu. Please, while im gone in my name, Let the Infamous "Anal Day" live on. Looks so beautiful to me.....


    @CoolyCooly Comawn cooly when i come back and your there (you better, or else >;3) yo better have developed a higher educational capacity level in your brain. BTW i think your dumbass act is bullshit. Just callin it. At least i hope it is. Grace so beautiful


    @Snipes Stay out of the canadian sex dungeon. Theres bad things in there.


    @Thunder Honestly thunder, i never really hated you............................. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA No. Im good at lies but das just 2much4me. Plz. Dont try any of that bullshit middle school popularity squad crap anymore and maybie people will like you. Puttin that out there Ive found out, wheres shes been. Broken the silence and began again


    Now for niko..... Niko left xG shortly after the "incident". He was asian, or at least claimed to be, and thus i didnt believe, so i followed him on instagram. Still not believing i made him swap pictures of us with headsets on to prove it. Hes the only person (Maybie cept bach) Who knows who i look like. Ill take my time to make her fall. Niko afterwards is completly done with video games, taking pictures of his travels all over the place, of him and his life. I am the only person who knows who he is. We still share photos on instagram, we still talk, you know all that selfie shit. Ill take my time to make her fall, Pass through her head at just the right angle.


    Anybody who has instagram and wants to stalk my life go ahead and follow @Jerico_The_One the pictures gonna be my profile pic for this. For securities sake, any (overly obvious) internet talk will be deleted. Sayin stuff like come bak and all that is fine. The loneliness is only missed when i am alone....


    Goodbye for now......

  5. I would like to donate my Gibus to the cause. Surely it will bring dignity back to the melee warriors of Hat Fortress 2.


    But my gibus is legendary. Gibus can and never will die as it is neccisary for mind manipulation to trick the enemy into thinking your a bad spy, thus leaving them vulnerable