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Posts posted by realBelloWaldi

  1. Alright guys, this is honestly a hard decision.

    Why I would -1 Vector:

    ~ Vector can be very disrespectful (for example telling people to kill themselfs etc)

    Why I would +1 Vector:

    ~ He is very active

    ~ furthermore he knows the rules (regarding admin/mod stuff)

    ~ additionally he is experienced (regarding admin/mod stuff)

    ~ he's also more mature than the majority of our current staff members..

    So that's why I came to the decision to +1 him! good luck

  2. It's saying it's permanent on my end, besides, being banned for something you have no control over is pretty bull in itself. If someone performs the glitch on you, you can't get rid of it, switching classes, teams, dying, ect. doesn't work. It's still an unjust ban.

    Yeah, that's kinda true..

    Instead of banning the person who specifically used it on me, they banned me instead with absolutely no warning.

    The person who übered you as banned as well. (For 2 days).


    Tagging people: @Rejects

  3. @Rejects come on before bello does the job for you





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  4. Plus, building stuff is a slay then kick, you are completely skipping that and saying ban him for something he would only be slayed for. And from the looks of it, it was 1 round, calm down. 1 round won't kill anyone

    Yea, but hatricmaster is a regular and clearly knows that it's not allowed, I already gave him several warnings..

    This is what I meant to do, lol.