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Posts posted by realBelloWaldi

  1. (..)

    2)Meeting BelloWaldi. He showed me this clan and those servers.


    4)Making retarded lr's with BelloWaldi.

    Oh yeah, fun times.

    We did jeopardy with the blues as LR and asked questions like: "ARE BANANAS YELLOW?", and no matter what they answered, we killed them..

    (i wasnt part of the clan yet)

  2. Welp I tried to mention as many people as I could, I was faced with the news that my great grandma died tonight and I forgot a few people, srry if I forgot u.

    Now I feel even more sorry for you.

  3. Me tell someone to kill them selves never..... come on bello.

    Kill your self you worthless waste of space spic loving african. Down syndrome having homosexual.


    Also who ever blacklisted me on the ts channel of losers of xG your If i had the money i'd fly to wherever you lived dig your grandmothers grave and butt fudge in her skull. frick face homosexual.