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Posts posted by realBelloWaldi

  1. If you weren't hacking, I am sorry. As I said, I was being really tired and there were several people that complained about you, so i might have punished you a way too fast.

    However, since you said you werent able to watch, ill record it and post it on youtube.


    Just kidding! It's Bach! He's probably the coolest person in xG. He's very active and mature.






    +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1

  3. -1 immature














    Just kidding! It's Bach! He's probably the coolest person in xG. He's very active and mature.






  4. Alright. So here is what happened:

    It was 3 am for me, @kbraszzz told me that people were complaining about a hacker on Trade Gaming History. I joined and watched you for like 30 minutes.

    Firstly someone was playing hide n seek. (Basically he was hiding and the first one to find him got a free item). You found him immediately twice. I don't have evidence about that so.. Who cares.

    After the guy was done, you were sniping. I think you gave headshots although you were aiming at people's bodys. I took a demo, I'll upload the video in like 20 minutes.

  5. xG:A| Bello: >nice meme

    *DEAD* testicularMeltdown : cancer

    *DEAD* xG:A| Bello : why did you just say cancer?

    *DEAD* testicularMeltdown : nice meme is still a meme

    *DEAD* testicularMeltdown : you aren't being ironic by saying it

    *DEAD* testicularMeltdown : or funny

    *DEAD* xG:A| Bello : i didnt mean to be funny

    *DEAD* xG:A| Bello : but you're funny

    *DEAD* testicularMeltdown : then what was the point of saying it?

    *DEAD* xG:A| Bello : what's your problem

    *DEAD* xG:A| Bello : lol

    *DEAD* xG:A| Bello : there, i say it again

    *DEAD* xG:A| Bello : nice meme

    *DEAD* testicularMeltdown : "the more i say it the funnier it gets"

    *DEAD* xG:A| Bello : ?

    *DEAD* testicularMeltdown : that is your mentality

    *DEAD* xG:A| Bello : not really

    *DEAD* xG:A| Bello : Why do you get so butthurt when i say "nice meme "

    *DEAD* testicularMeltdown : "HAHA LE BUTTHURT SALTY XDDDD" seriously, its old

    *DEAD* testicularMeltdown : hop off the fucking bandwagon

    *DEAD* xG:A| Bello : Can't you just answer?

    *DEAD* xG:A| Bello : Why did you get so butthurt?

    *DEAD* testicularMeltdown : I don't need to explain something so simple

    Nice meme.

  6. I dont think the staff member -1 closing should happen since if one higher up does not like him but the rest do he can -1 and that application is rip. And also the 15 +1's, are should just be under 16 in general not 15 years of age. If anything it should be like this


    If you're 16+

    • You need at least 10 vouches

    If you're 14 or 15 years of age

    • You need a division leader or a division manager to vouch for you.
    • You need 15 +1s

    If you're under 14:

    • You need a division leader to vouch for you.
    • You need a division manager to vouch for you.
    • You need an admin and a mod to vouch for you
    • You need at least 20 +1s.


    Also can we add a what server do you go on section in the application so people know what server he goes on without having to ask?

    Where is the point of forcing staff members to vote then?

  7. I have an idea. Let's say:

    If you're 16+

    • You need at least 10 vouches

    If you're under 16 (but over 14)

    • You need a division leader or a division manager to vouch for you.
    • You need 15 +1s

    If you're under 14:

    • You need a division leader to vouch for you.
    • You need a division manager to vouch for you.
    • You need an admin to vouch for you
    • You need at least 20 +1s.
    • If one of the said staff members -1 you, your member application gets closed immediately.

    What do you think about this system?