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  1. Agree
    SupremeWolf got a reaction from StarmiX in Last Ct Music!   
    Just a few songs. Like em or not they're pretty catchy. And since we're not gettin Cybercunt back anytime soon I'd like to add a song from it atleast. :D
  2. Agree
    SupremeWolf reacted to StarmiX in Skillaura   
    Damn, you left an admin position to become a member of xG? Wow...
    A: 8/10
    M: 9/10
    Well...welcome to cancerland
  3. Agree
    SupremeWolf got a reaction from Shadower in Last Ct Music!   
    Almost forgot these. mostly just for fun, but hey why not?
    Need a bad 80's song? I got what you need.
    Anime Remixes? I got them too.
  4. Agree
    SupremeWolf reacted to StarmiX in New plugin?   
    I'm fine with this, +1
  5. Agree
    SupremeWolf got a reaction from StarmiX in New tf2 virus?   
    Thanks for the warning. Guess I won't be getting new sprays anytime soon then. (y)
  6. Agree
    SupremeWolf got a reaction from StarmiX in Regarding the "3 legible characters" rule   
    Can't you just copy/paste the names?
  7. Agree
    SupremeWolf got a reaction from StarmiX in Not_a_cyber_bully   
    +1 Sorry for being late to the +1. Busy eating ramen.
    A: 7/10
    M: 9.5/10
  8. Agree
    SupremeWolf got a reaction from StarmiX in Football season is in!   
  9. Agree
    SupremeWolf got a reaction from StarmiX in New plugin?   
    Too much work for me. Too lazy to learn new !commands. Besides, It's not NEEDED.
  10. Agree
    SupremeWolf got a reaction from StarmiX in Adventure gamemode   
    Yes. Lets make Cold and Nom work their asses off for this new idea. +1
  11. Not Funny
    SupremeWolf got a reaction from Vaporeon in Kypari's Magnificent Shop   
    Don't buy his stuff, he's British. Buy my stuff, I have a bunch of cosmetics on page 4 of my backpack. I sell for pure only and depending on the item i might sell it for cheap.
    And no Kypari I won't stop c: being the salesman is my domain.
  12. Boring
    SupremeWolf reacted to Kypari in Kypari's Magnificent Shop   
    Yeah, so it kinda got tedious after me spamming loads of trades into the trading section
    Welcome to my mini-shop!
  13. Agree
    SupremeWolf reacted to Muzzle in New plugin?   
    I feel indifferent about this. Staff should be able to go undercover and I guess it would help to see if anyone is help during a mass freekilling or what not. I feel like this is pointless
  14. Agree
    SupremeWolf got a reaction from Muzzle in New plugin?   
    Too much work for me. Too lazy to learn new !commands. Besides, It's not NEEDED.
  15. Agree
    SupremeWolf reacted to realBelloWaldi in New plugin?   
    Then staff can't be undercover anymore :(.
  16. F!$k Off
    SupremeWolf reacted to Kypari in Last Ct Music!   
  17. Agree
    SupremeWolf got a reaction from Dethman in Why xg is not the same as it was, and ways to bring back oldxg. (serious)   
    Thank you. Someone who knows what xG needs and what's happening to xG. Although I may be a newer member in your terms I've seen it go downhill so fast. Not to mention you might get the attention of the higer ups.
  18. Agree
    SupremeWolf reacted to DCook in Why xg is not the same as it was, and ways to bring back oldxg. (serious)   
    That's why mod applications were great before you had to donate to use one. It made your interest known without shoving it down people's throat. Also, EVERYONE was able to have a say. It would, for the most part, be decided by the community. Both times, my mod came from an application. Stating my interest, having people vote, and then getting it and doing my absolute best with it. And, yes I am still bitter about being demo'd for inactivity as I don't find that a good enough reason to be demo'd, especially when you are hurting for, in my opinion, good mods/admins.
  19. Like
    SupremeWolf reacted to AegeanOld in Why xg is not the same as it was, and ways to bring back oldxg. (serious)   
    @metalslug53 Although I generally agree with the "if you have to ask for a promotion, you don't deserve one" but lately I feel like many people are not getting promoted because they aren't heard, seen or friends with the right people. This is wrong but unfortunately this is how it is. I'm not saying the system was perfect when I was co-leader, but sometimes you do have to mention what you've done to imply that a promotion should be coming your way. Thanks for all your hard work (:
  20. Winner
    SupremeWolf reacted to Scootaloo in Why xg is not the same as it was, and ways to bring back oldxg. (serious)   
    The amount of unnecessary drama on these forums is cancerous. What makes it worse is when the higher ups are pressured to make decisions based on the given scenarios with little-to-no context, proof, or adequate communication with the parties involved. That's how people get demoted and that's what causes members to leave.
    I can't begin to tell you how close I have come to leaving this clan myself over the past week. The paramount levels of discontempt among our members physically makes me sick to my stomach. But, even though there are people I cannot stand in this community, even though there seems to be some big production every single week, even though something nearly drives me to leaving this group once and for all, I always remain resolute and stay. Why? Because I want to see this community grow.
    We have a LOT of potential to be a GREAT TF2 community. We really do. We have a LOT of resources available to us that are being squandered or misused, and I want to see the potential fully bloom. Our Unusual TF2 server is one of the best I have ever been in. All it needs is people to populate it and I can almost GUARANTEE that it will become a well-known place. Our Trade servers are fun, engaging, and exciting. All it needs are people to trade in them. Our Forums are an excellent tool for communication and discussion. All it needs is a bit of tidying up and for its members to work on their maturity levels a bit.
    xG has become my unofficial TF2 home. I couldn't leave this place if I wanted to. I've made some excellent friends, made excellent memories, and helped to make excellent servers. The only thing holding us back is our inherent inability to communicate and work with one another.
  21. Like
    SupremeWolf got a reaction from AegeanOld in Why xg is not the same as it was, and ways to bring back oldxg. (serious)   
    Thank you. Someone who knows what xG needs and what's happening to xG. Although I may be a newer member in your terms I've seen it go downhill so fast. Not to mention you might get the attention of the higer ups.
  22. Like
    SupremeWolf reacted to AegeanOld in Why xg is not the same as it was, and ways to bring back oldxg. (serious)   
    So just a quick introduction. I joined the xG community december 2010/jan 2011, was co-leader for about 2-3 years and then left due to disagreements towards my fellow higherups. You might know me by Link if not by Aegean. I had a very good history with this clan with exception to duplolas having powers, and then darkwolf having powers, cuz they were retards. Anyways.
    Why is xG not the same as it once was? It's easy to blame rhododendron/silence for alot of it, but that's not it. He might have caused some shit, but it's not him that's preventing xG to get back to its former glory.
    1. It's the staff themselves. If you go back to 2011-2013, it wasn't silence alone that was keeping the servers populated and fun, it was the members. The biggest thing was the members who were keen on being staff, and once being promoted, having a positive influence. I remember when jailbreak and other servers had 5-6 + staff on all the time (except for the late night, where myself, cristo and other night owls would populate and play if we were bored) The biggest thing is the staff don't care anymore about bettering the server. You know what I don't see? Mods and Admins constantly asking higher up what they have to do to be promoted. It's true I'm not staff anymore so it might be behind the scenes now, but I remember how active staff were on forums, always asking members what they want from the server, and even people pming me and other higherups for an "operation populate (deathrun)" or w.e . The biggest thing is from talking to many members, and even staff themselves, promotions are much more skewed then they used to be. It's not so much how active you are or how good you are in server, it's more who your friends with, and who you talk to in teamspeak.
    2. People don't care. Look at the forums. There are so many posts that are stickied but not updated, or stickied that should be removed. I made a post about what the different levels of staff do for this community, and what you can ask them for help with. As higherups, you need to be constantly looking to see what you can do to make this community better. If this isn't your goal while being a higher up, then you should step down or re-evaluate your position. You aren't higher-ups so you can abuse on TS or forums, and just be the shield for your friends when something gets called out against them. You are there to set an example, and make sure EVERYONE (this is key) has a great experience in the servers and community, and that they would want to join and even invite their friends into the clan. This also means that you can't bend rules to appeal to one group of people (example the furries or bronies who don't like being insulted) but then allow NSFW avatars that are actually against the rules because (that's just my opinion). You guys need to understand that you represent the community, as soon as people go "ouu i'm gonna go check out another community" you fucked up possibly many new recruits, ad sense, and donation money.
    3. Everyone is segregated. Look at teamspeak and look at the ridiculous amount of black lists and passwords in the channels. A select few staff almost never go into a public channel, and that is also very upsetting to newer members who want to meet staff and others and want to play other games with other fellow clan members. I mentioned this a few times, but this is a ridiculous thing that I should be bringing up time and time again. Staff need to acknowledge the newer members, and play games with them or even create events. Before the Cozy boys (Billy, Trif, Rpgs, etc) and I quit, Rpgs had the idea of making a community night. Once a week, we choose a few servers, set up an event to all of xG (through the forums and steam group) and just spend a few hours with the community. Anyone is welcome to join, and just play some games that aren't populated as much. (xG Minigames for example)
    What does this do?
    1. You introduce members to a new game mode that they potentially might like and come back often too, and
    2. The members get to meet others (staff, members or just randoms) and get to have fun and feel like they really are in a community.
    You have nothing to lose from this, you lose 0 resources and you get the community involved; something this community hasn't really done in a long time. You can provide incentives to coming if you can, if not just have fun and play games. This can also prove valuable to members and staff who are looking to be promoted but are often unseen to the people that they need to be seen by.
    This will not return xG to it's former glory, but it's a start. Once the staff start acting like staff, and stop being spoiled brats who are power-happy at any slight discomfort, this community can lead to the right path back to competing to be one of the top gaming communities on steam. If you disagree or would like to add any points, please I urge you to start a conversation. This is how change starts, from people talking. Thanks for the long read, there is no tl;dr because if you don't wanna read it, you don't care.
  23. Agree
    SupremeWolf reacted to Scootaloo in I'm done.   
    Now I have a sad. I'm sorry to see you go, Kitty. =(
  24. Like
    SupremeWolf reacted to Tekk in I'm done.   
    Noooooo :c
    Just take care of yourself, a'ight? Maybe we can play a game of rotation or something later? That'd be great c:
  25. Like
    SupremeWolf reacted to Forge in Last Ct Music!   