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  1. Ding!
    Kypari reacted to Barmithian in Unusual server rules   
    Apparently vector is the only admin
  2. Informative
    Kypari reacted to Scootaloo in Unusual server rules   
    So, with the completion of xG's new Unusual map, our Unusual server is now live. It's my hope that we get a lot of attention to our servers because of this, as the map in itself is, in my opinion, one of the best Unusual server maps I have ever been on.
    That being said, I think we need to discuss the rules for this particular server. OFC, being an xG server, all of the basic xG rules will be applied, however it being an Unusual server, I feel that there should be some additional rules put into place in order to cover some other basics that aren't really covered in xG's core ruleset.
    1. "Cancer"
    This term is seen by many players as very disrespectful, even if it is true. For those of you who aren't familiar with the term, "Cancer" is used to describe Unusual hats with low-tier effects, (And sometimes low-tier hats themselves.) I've been in Unusual servers where they have barred the use of such disrespectful terminology, and I wouldn't be opposed to enforcing the same rule on our Unusual server as well. I feel that if the environment allows for disrespect that some players will not want to attend our map. This should be a discussion point: Do you think we should ban the use of the word "Cancer"?
    2. Quicksells
    Another thing that is barred from a LOT of Unusual servers is the advertisement that one is buying Quicksells. Lots of Unusual servers believe that people who focus solely on Quicksells is detrimental to the Unusual market and prices of specific hats. I tend to agree. I don't necessarily want to ban users from SELLING at Quicksell prices, but advertising that you are only buying Quicksells presses a stress on the players in the room to sell for lower than they are comfortable with. Once again, this should probably be another discussion point: Should we allow players to advertise that they are buying Quicksells?
    3. RTD
    It's no secret that Unusual servers aren't exactly combat-centric. RTD is an excellent plugin for use in servers that focus mainly on combat, so my question is this: Should we even have RTD on the Unusual server at all? There are some servers who do have large combat rooms that have the plugin enabled, but for the most part, as it stands now, our Unusual Map is not the most combat-focused map. So, should we allow the RTD plugin to remain on the server, where players can potentially roll into a No-Clip and kill/spawn sentries in important rooms, such as the opposing spawn or in the Spycrab rooms? As a moderator, I feel this would be problematic, especially when dealing with high-stakes gambles. If a high-stakes Crab was taking place, and somebody No-Clipped into the room and killed one of the participating crabbers, a shitstorm would ensue. I personally feel that it should be removed, or at the very least, certain rolls disabled.
    4. Mod/Admin involvement.
    Most Unusual servers allow their Admins to act as middle-men for high-stakes Crabs. This lowers the risk of someone skating off without paying for a lost Spycrab. The level of involvement is very specific however. Most servers require an ADMIN to take in large-stake crabs, so do we want to keep it that way as well? That would mean Vector will have his hands full if our server takes root and generates a lot of traffic. Or, do we want the Moderators to also be allowed to act as middle-men for this server? Another discussion point.
    5. Donator perks.
    I am uncomfortable with this one. Monoculus, HHH, and Merasmus will be VERY disruptive. I motion to bar all bosses from being spawned in this server. I'm sure you can understand why.
    These are my main areas of focus that I want to clarify. @Nomulous , What are your thoughts on the matters at hand, and how would you like us to enforce these points? =)
  3. Winner
    Kypari reacted to Kittylicious in Unusual server rules   
    I have been a middle man for unusual spy crabs and other high stakes before.
    Too bad I don't have my mod powers to host these tho huh?
  4. Sad
    Kypari reacted to Nomulous in The real name thread!   
    Whoever adds me on facebook won't get accepted
  5. Agree
    Kypari reacted to Slubberdegulleo in New maps?   
    Some of the maps on the Jailbreak server are meant for mainly playing on CS:S which does not really transition well to TF2. There are not a lot of mini games on them meaning that usually it just ends up being trivia or just mass rebelling until the map switches. So being able to add new maps and remove those particular CS:S maps would be a good thing for the server in my opinion.
  6. Agree
    Kypari reacted to Insane in New maps?   
    Some maps are okay and its fine the way it is
  7. Informative
    Kypari reacted to Kittylicious in The real name thread!   
    yeah and my current ingame name (mimi) is what my friends call me lol
  8. Informative
    Kypari got a reaction from Kittylicious in The real name thread!   
    @BonfireCentipede - Callum
    @Kittylicious - Amy (who would've guessed?!)
    And at @Hachi , yeah I'm Sam
  9. Winner
    Kypari reacted to SiliconDragon in The real name thread!   
    Adam West
  10. Ding!
    Kypari reacted to Haruka in The real name thread!   
    Alex @Moosty
    Kyle @Kart
    Cristina @me
    Jack @Tekage
    Sam (?) @Kypari
  11. Informative
    Kypari reacted to SiliconDragon in Manlyduck   
    +1 Active
  12. Sad
    Kypari reacted to ManlyDuck in Manlyduck   
    It's Iloominarty!don't devour my soul ;-;
  13. Informative
    Kypari reacted to ManlyDuck in Manlyduck   
    Quack, I have spoken the words of the forbidden.
  14. Sad
    Kypari reacted to jpgar in Highlander Thread V2   
    I was interested, but then , holiday punch was banned. Who would be so evil! :(
  15. Sad
    Kypari reacted to Dethman in Burrito_von_bat   
  16. Like
    Kypari reacted to kbraszzz in Christian   
    You have been accepted to join Xeno Gamers!
    To begin your membership, familiarize yourself with our rules listed here. This is highly important and knowing these rules will keep you safe from bans!
    Want to get Moderator?
    There are a few ways to earn admin!
    1. Be active on TeamSpeak! To download TeamSpeak click here and then click 'Download Here' and download the appropriate client for your OS. Then just install, follow the 'Easy Setup' guide, and finally, click 'Connections' and 'Connect' and enter 'voice.xenogamers.com' in the 'Server Address' field.
    2. Be active on the forums! This is one of the best ways to get your voice heard in Xeno Gamers!
    3. Be active on the servers! This shows that you are committed to the clan!
    For a server list, click here.
    Come check out our staff list to see who is who on the servers, click Updated Staff Roster | Xeno Gamers

  17. Agree
    Kypari reacted to Scootaloo in Regarding the "3 legible characters" rule   
    If I can type it on my keyboard without having to resort to alt codes, I'd consider it typable.
  18. Useful
    Kypari reacted to DrLee in Regarding the "3 legible characters" rule   
    There must be at least three characters because (most of) our mods type on a standard English keyboard. This is to make it easier on our moderators/administrators to do in-game moderating. You may have è on your keyboard, but many do not.
  19. Ding!
    Kypari reacted to Forge in Regarding the "3 legible characters" rule   
    Can confirm that Tekage has a room full of alt codes written on the wall just so he can make his name look different everytime he logs onto steam.
  20. Informative
    Kypari got a reaction from Dethman in Remove the sticky jumper from jailbreak   
    Yes please, people avoid getting killed during last ct by completely avoiding the last ct, which can be classed as camping.
  21. Not Funny
    Kypari reacted to Kittylicious in Why i don't like texting people i meet in college.   
  22. Agree
    Kypari got a reaction from Tekk in Regarding the "3 legible characters" rule   
    I believe it should be allowed as it is type-able.
    However, the other characters, such as ♫ are type-able, but they are still not allowed.
  23. Like
    Kypari got a reaction from SiliconDragon in Regarding the "3 legible characters" rule   
    I believe it should be allowed as it is type-able.
    However, the other characters, such as ♫ are type-able, but they are still not allowed.
  24. Agree
    Kypari reacted to jpgar in Bug Reports/Suggestion Thread   
    Server: jailbreak
    Suggestion or bug: bug
    No one ever votes for the xtreme map qq
    Maybe it has been said before, but the players who get lr being slayed is pretty annoying. Maybe, remove that, and instead reduce time from stalemate clock thing to 00:45? That way the player won't be slayed next round. (If thats even possible)
  25. Not Funny
    Kypari reacted to BonfireCentipede in The salamander thread.   
    -1 frogs way better