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Reputation Activity

  1. Bad Spelling
    Kypari reacted to Haruka in Roast   
    Ahhh Roasty <3 active, funny, a really cool guy c:
    M: 8/10
    Buy me a cheap unusual..
  2. Agree
    Kypari got a reaction from Ribbit in Hi   
  3. Sad
    Kypari reacted to MineCrack in Hi   
    You didn't even say hi to me.
  4. Agree
    Kypari reacted to Barmithian in More Time Idleing Before Being Kicked On Trade Servers.   
    I mean it's not really a big deal but if we all really want it then sure. On another note though I have no clue why it should be a staff priveledge to not be kicked for afk. If we are going to have it it should be for everyone
  5. Agree
    Kypari reacted to Vector in More Time Idleing Before Being Kicked On Trade Servers.   
    +1, why is everyone so harsh? on gaming history it's different, the timer is much shorter and we just get kicked when i go to the bathroom or take my dogs out. it's not that big of a problem, but i mean people go AFK for a moment and get kicked. the lower time would be better in Pokemon because that server is more full then gaming history.
  6. Ding!
    Kypari reacted to realBelloWaldi in More Time Idleing Before Being Kicked On Trade Servers.   
    I'm stupid
  7. Disagree
  8. Agree
    Kypari reacted to Kittylicious in More Time Idleing Before Being Kicked On Trade Servers.   
    School is starting and that means less time playing and more time doing work and other things. Before we had the servers remade to fix the demo grenades problem we had a decent and long timer for being idle before being kicked. Right now the timer is so short I have to keep moving every 30 seconds or so and it's really annoying when I'm multitasking, I leave my computer to get a drink or use the bathroom and I get kicked. With the older timer I could sit watching the server while doing other things if I am too busy to play. So I would like for a longer timer before the game puts you in to spectate and kicks you like we had before.
    two ways to do this.
    1. Make it so staff members are immune to being kicked for being afk. (my preferred choice, it would keep afk people from taking server space while letting me do what I would like to do, Useful when the server is full and because staff don't get server slot privileges to kick none staff so a staff member can join it would allow a staff member to always be present on a server.)
    2. Use the old settings so I can idle for a long period without being kicked.
    Please consider this, I could really use it. @Nomulous @kbraszzz
  9. Friendly
    Kypari reacted to Legend in Hi   
    hi scrub
  10. Useful
    Kypari reacted to Forge in Roast   
    Warrior Fun Roasty My Toasty ☢ : LOOK AT WHAT MADDEN POSTED ON MY xG POST
    Baron Gub the Goblin : taunt = ass
    Snyoper xG:M| Bello Waldi : hi rapido g
    Warrior Fun Roasty My Toasty ☢ : I AM GOING TO KILL THAT FUCKER
  11. Friendly
    Kypari reacted to Roast in Roast   
    Look, Madden, I apologize for what happened when you came on the server, and I just get angry every now and then, wether it be from Egossi spamming the jumprope song on the sand map, or having a long day at school and work. I just have a very busy life, and I like to relieve my stres by playing games. I can have a mature attitude, I do at school as well as in the workplace. I have learned a lot, and still am as I prepare for college, and I did not mean any offense towards you, or anyone else. I just want to play TF2 to have fun, and have fun with the community. I apologize if I hurt your feelings, as I acted irresponsibly and a lot more immature then my norm. I keep my cool 99% of the time, and I just want everyone to know that I'm sorry. Hope you guys have a good day. I'm off to work, and will be back later. Aidos
  12. Sad
    Kypari reacted to SoloMofo in Fucking Hackers   
    man some fags hacked me and my friends computers and they stole my money and bought csgo itmes so now im all the way fucking poor and their in a clan called right sector clan look it up and DONT ADD ANY OF THEM i locked my accont and imma be shutting off my computer for like a week so they cant hack me any more and then get banned and i tried contacting steam but they gave me some bull shit i would like every one to help me and report them so that some light can be put on this plz plz plz i want my fucking 50 dollors back
  13. Friendly
    Kypari reacted to Muzzle in Hi   
  14. Informative
    Kypari reacted to Ribbit in Hi   
  15. Sad
    Kypari reacted to Egossi in Egossi   
    -request to close thread
    I've seen what I wanted to see, I don't really want to be in xG anymore.
  16. Bad Spelling
    Kypari reacted to Bach in Jailbreak: Shorten Medic And Armoury Camping Time   
    You have GOT to be kidding me right?

    How does shortening the timer do ANYTHING about them not paying attention to it? As an Admin, I already have complaints from people that 15 seconds is too short. As a blue you jsut need to use more than 1 braincell and idunno, watch medic maybe? Rather than cry about something to make it easier for you. Just a thought.
    -1 Due to the fact that I've barely seen you on until recently, and now you're trying to change it? Nope.avi
    Also, @Kittylicious when have you EVER been on Jailbreak?
  17. Ding!
    Kypari reacted to Fink in Jailbreak: Shorten Medic And Armoury Camping Time   
    And Jesus Christ guys, this is just a poll. Don't be so hostile.
  18. Optimistic
    Kypari reacted to Vector in Egossi   
    look i know. bare with me, but we must try at least!
  19. Informative
    Kypari reacted to Kittylicious in Vector's Brokering Service!   
    I can vouch Vector is an excellent broker.
  20. Winner
    Kypari reacted to Egossi in Egossi   
    I change that sentence to "I hope you realize that I really am trying to change, and not acting stupid like that again"
  21. Not Funny
    Kypari reacted to LeApplePie5 in Egossi   
    Rammus says OK +1
    A - 11/9
    M - 9/11
    (get it? 9/11? hue)
  22. Boring
    Kypari got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Official Als Bucket Challenge Thread   
    @darkdragon487 Told me to upload it
  23. Winner
    Kypari reacted to Chrono in Egossi   
    @Egossi just because it happened previously, and you said sorry does not mean it cannot, and will not affect anything. it's called a record, it works in life for anything. you have a criminal record for any crimes you commit, and in the work place you have a "record card" where they can keep track of all things you do, good or bad.
    In this case, your "record card" has a lot of negative in it, just because you said sorry does not mean it didn't happen, and just like with criminals, if they are willing to do it 1 time, they may be likely to do it again.
    for example, if someone is caught stealing, they have theft on their criminal record, while they may get off with a light sentence since they are a first timer, their name is still put in the system and marked for theft, their punishment as well.
    now at this point there are 2 ways you can go, option 1: the person with theft on their record applies for a job in retail, the employer does a background check as they have a right to, and see that they have a criminal record for theft... from a retail store, they probably aren't gonna hire that guy.
    option 2: the person steals again, and is caught again. he is given a harsher sentence (potentially up to the limit based on the severity of his theft) since he is not a first timer, it says on his record card he did it before.
    you're option 1, you trolled before, and in fact you trolled here, if we don't see a substantial change (negative rating anyone who gives an opinion on why they don't think you would do well AT THE MOMENT does not help in any way, sets you back further.) then why should we let you back, when your "criminal record card" says you commited trolling here?
  24. Sad
    Kypari reacted to Egossi in Egossi   
    @John_Madden @Barmithian Stop it with the

    I did not (and will not) rate any posts without a reason, here is the reason I rated origins' first -1 "downs" because imo his reason was not a good enough for a -1 especially after I apologized about it. So please stop metioning it. And as I've mentioned before, I also apologized for "trolling the forums" and stoped doing it, so its not a valid reason either imo.
    And yes, like i said in the submission, I'm ok with your current -1.
  25. Boring
    Kypari reacted to realBelloWaldi in Official Als Bucket Challenge Thread   