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Everything posted by Tekk

  1. Maybe. Probably. Yes. +1 A: 8 M: 8
  2. Tekk


    Really good guy and is very active. I'm surprised that you have only just applied +1 M: 10 A: 10
  3. Tekk


    -1 Hachi has explained this to me before. This is just a big misunderstanding. Though I do feel like maybe she should remove the tags until/unless she leaves xG due to people being confused.
  4. Friendly and mature +1 A: 7.5 M: 9
  5. Bullying and discrimination sucks. A lot of people who are squeakers are actually really nice. And if they were actually the right age, they'd have no problem joining xG and probably have 10 vouches within minutes. We need to get rid of this discrimination. Because a lot of squeakers are really nice people. +1
  6. My other names include: - Fallen_Angel- No particular reason - Kuzuryuu- Means 9-headed dragon in Japanese. Not to mention that was the name of someone off my favourite video game. - Datenshi- Means Fallen Angel in Japanese - Leon Kuwata- Name of my favourite anime character ever. - Diabel- No reason really Tekage- Stated Before Tekky- Some people shorten my name to Tekky Tekky Sinon- Sinon is my favourite character from my favourite anime
  7. Well, my name is Jack Hands. Jack means God's Grace God's Grace in Japanese is Shinkei Hands in Japanese is Te Shadow in Japanese is Kage Tekage Shinkei .3.
  8. I got every achievement for Pyro!
  9. I just need 1 more achievement for Pyro, then I'll have all of the achievements for Pyro ^^
  10. No tag :c Good luck with your exams or whatever!
  11. I sold it... :c I'm gonna try and save up to get a Searing Plasma Head Warmer instead
  12. I sold my dream unusual for unusual overpay :c
    1. Nomulous


      gimme some:3
    2. Ohstopyou
    3. Tekk


      It's disgusting but Kypari forced me :c
  13. I was forced by Kypari so I could get more stuff ;-; Pink As Hell Stormy Storm Brigade Helm for 1.4 buds pure or unusual overpay
  14. Selfie Sunday every Sunday?
  15. Tekk


    Pretty good guy +1 A: 9 M: 8
  16. @[106384:@Kypari] is forcing me into selling my unusual so I can "work up to be rich" and get more stuff
  17. You know you're cheap when you download a TF2 mod to make your non-australiums looks australium
    1. Tekk


      I did it for my old Vintage Pro Killstreak Axtinguisher XD
    2. Forge
    3. BonfireCentipede


      Ouch, right in the austrailiums.
    4. Show next comments  105 more
  18. *cough* @Kypari *cough* @BonfireCentipede *cough*
  19. Nope. There isn't. Just double checked on TGH with !votekick, votekick and /votekick.
  20. Several times, I have encountered bannable situations or serious disrespect (Racism, Homophobia, etc.) on Trade Servers such as TGH and Pokémon. Usually, they're dealt with by the admins. They do a great job of it. However, when they're not there, they continue to just break rules due to there being nothing we can do about it. For example: 1) I was on TGH and Frantic Factory with @gold and someone kept exploiting by healing people in the ring and using primary and secondary weapons in the ring. We had to deal with this with our donator powers. 2) I was on Pokémon Trade and someone kept insulting people using racial comments and other disrespectful words. We couldn't do anything and just had to put up with it. I understand that people may abuse this, but like on Jailbreak, you would need more than the majority of the players to vote on that person. So it wouldn't be easy to abuse.