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Status Replies posted by Dethman

  1. @[51377:@Marceline] @[51642:@Hachi] You guys need to do a cover of Pretty Girls. You could sing way better than them :] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uV2uebhnqOw&ab_channel=BritneySpearsVEVO
  2. Thanks for taking my migraines guys, I appreciate it <3
  3. Marry m3 :]
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qmkn7flvnMY
  5. Found a Pro KS Minigun Fabricator in mvm ^^
  6. I am slowly losing my regular sleep schedule and am beginning to adapt to American Time Zones
  7. http://www.cringechannel.com/2015/05/19/video-kids-sing-to-unofficial-fnaf-theme-song/ Oh my fucking god
  8. I cant change my name back to fink :(
  9. Tell em' how I get to tend the rabbits George!
  10. Stubbing your toe is the worse feeling of pain. I don't care if you arm is severed and bleeding, my stubbed toe injury is far worse.
  11. I will find you cheeky cunt
  12. Is it hot in here or is it just @[51467:@Waimalu]
  13. Looking at some collages,why does it have to be so expensive :(
  14. I can't tell if that's weed or vomit on your picture.
  15. I'm ALLIIIIVEEEE. ...And hopefully going to be more active. :V
  16. 4 more weeks
  17. The Hidden is coming http://i.gyazo.com/be65b4ef09cac523e5bc4589438ece4b.png @[106745:@Blizzard]
  18. Happy Birthday :D
  19. @[106466:@Dethman] I'm testing the new plugins tomorrow at 5 PM. You in? @[51467:@Waimalu] I'll help you test your map at 6 PM. Sound good?
  20. @[106466:@Dethman] I'm testing the new plugins tomorrow at 5 PM. You in? @[51467:@Waimalu] I'll help you test your map at 6 PM. Sound good?