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Status Replies posted by Dethman

  1. "HE'S A FEMALE!?!?!?!" - @[106554:@CoolyCooly] referring to @[51642:@Hachi]
  2. What is one thousand minus seven?
  3. I'm high.... ON ALTITUDE!!!
  4. Fixed an exploit related to the Gunslinger and hitting teammates to generate a guaranteed third hit that is critical. >insertengineerscrying
  5. Fixed an exploit related to the Gunslinger and hitting teammates to generate a guaranteed third hit that is critical. >insertengineerscrying
  6. Doyoulikehurtingpeople?
  7. I'm the one true grill gamer...
  8. Birds are diks...
  9. Can you retards who've been here for a month stop saying xG is dead? People will come and go, that's how this shit works.
  10. It's happening #dominoeffect
  11. It's happening #dominoeffect
  12. do fleshlights glow like flashlights?
  13. Well, look at the shit storms people have been getting me into.
  14. Anyone wanna play H1Z1 PVE with me?
  15. Umbreon...
  17. Dan pls Show mercy
  18. @[106466:@Dethman] You WILL taste the rainbow.
  19. Can you help me not be bad at running this mc server? I could really use the help due to Haxx and Super not being here to do much
  20. Asked a girl if she would be interested going out with me some time, got her number.