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Posts posted by Caleb956

  1. Well. I don't really mind dispensers, but I'm all for no sentries and teleporters. Sentry for obvious reasons, and teleporter for a few different reasons.


    1. I've seen people build teles from spawn straight to the end of the surf map, now if you think about it, there is likely some sort of orb at the end of the map, which gives you buffs, anything from a moving dispenser to invincibility. Now that being said, I feel like teles make that extremely unfair considering they didn't do anything to even get there and then they are just getting a buff that they can walk into arena with and kill everyone in there.


    2. What supreme said, if you REALLY want to teleport somewhere, use !cpsave and !cptele.




    On the side of dispensers, like I said, I don't have a problem with them as long as people aren't blocking areas with them.

  2. Well to those people complaining that if we make a sniper limit that it will "ruin" the server, we used to have a sniper limit at one point in time and from what I saw there were more people playing WITH the limit. I say homing arrows ruins the point of actually being hale, which is why its usually the same people over and over playing hale, because they don't mind it. But what about the new players, eh? They join the server, get hale, and they have no clue what they are doing, and they die in about 2 seconds to homing arrows, possibly resulting in them leaving since it was absolutely no fun to them. I say make a 3 sniper limit like it used to and people can just deal with it and stop complaining that they won't be able to get 300000000000000000 damage on a hale during a round.:afro:

  3. Ok well. This is the last thing I'm gonna say here, going off of what Spook said, no matter what Xranth could say for himself, or what I could say on behalf of Xranth, how would anyone really know if hes improved or not? Meaning exactly what Spook said, bring him back, keep him banned from ct or something, and have him on thin ice, he screws up then he's done. How else can we ACTUALLY know if hes improved or not? In this case that would seem like the best decision since hes been out of contact for so long, right? Not trying to sound snarky, just my two cents.

  4. Well. After the ban you definitely have matured and you seem like a much better person now (even though I never really had anything against you to begin with), I'm all for the unban. +1


    People that might want to see dis. @BelloWaldi @Ohstopyou @Rejects

  5. Oh dear lord, not to be rude by any means but if you needed more help beyond where to go on the forums to make one of these you could've just asked. One you didn't put your steam ID, and two I doubt you are 16. I have nothing else to say except


  6. How would it make any difference for the zombies to have a different melee? The only way it would make a difference is if it had the possibility to get them some sort of custom melee, since the damage for each separate zombie classes melee is pretty much the same. *cringes at though of a scout running at me with an ullapool caber..*