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Posts posted by Caleb956

  1. have a nice one dude, I've got nothing else to do with you

    First things first, this just proves you were putting words in my mouth to try and get me demoted.


    you can keep bullshitting as much as you want

    I didn't think I was the one bullshitting here but ok :)


    Also I get that you're trying to make me look like an butthole with all the stuff you're saying

    All the things I'm saying? What about all the things you've said to me, is that completely irrelevant now? You even were shittalking me in a goodbye thread that had nothing to do with me, and I'm sure if people looked in chat logs people would find more rude comments from you aimed towards me, or you mocking me, I'm not trying to make you look like an asshole, I'm just stating the facts here.


    "I let the server get a bit of population so that I could ruin it afterwards cause that's what I love to do and just because I'm an admin doesn't mean It's my responsibility to try and get the server population higher but ok XD" because that is literally what you did afterwards.

    You guys were telling me that rebelling is killing the server and literally telling me to stop because im an admin. Which is why I said "What so just because I'm an admin I can't do this?" I could say stop going blue, because it ruins the rebellion, but that wouldn't make any sense would it? No. So why do you have such a big problem with rebellers? Rebelling is PART OF JAILBREAK, and the people that rebel with us WANT TO REBEL, so get over it.


    I mean that's just one of the many reasons to why I found you annoying and incredibly unfit for staff, the list goes on
    Mind elaborating on the "list goes on" part? If thats the main reason, then I could say you aren't any better, but I don't come on the forums and shittalk you at every chance I get, do I? No.



    Like I said before, you are putting words in my mouth to try and get me in trouble. Get over yourself.

  2. Damn egossi. I never said I don't care about the server pop but ok, nice job putting words in my mouth. This thread has nothing to do with me, if you really have that much of a problem with me, then fine I will do as you asked, but when you start bringing other people into a goodbye thread and start shit talking them, you are the immature one here. Have some common decency and grow the fuck up.

  3. Hey, I posted one of these already and decided against it because I thought things were getting better. Apparently not. It's clear a lot of people here have problems with me, and I quite frankly I'm tired with it, every time I try to actually have fun on Jailbreak for example, SOMEONE tries to get me in trouble by putting words in my mouth, and them being the favourite, people believe them. And truly, if thats how it's gonna be, I don't want to be an admin anymore, I will keep playing on the servers, but I'm doing this to get out of all the shit being said against me.




    There happy now @Egossi ? Good.

  4. I said something around the lines of if you go past this gate you will be kos. Apperently someone missunderstood me when i killed them and thought it was freekill.


    That's the thing..if as many people rebelled as we are led to believe, you probably weren't using your microphone to give the orders, resulting in it being a freeday, so the whole "Misunderstanding" wasn't on their part, it was on yours. Just keep in mind, if you go warden, you HAVE to use a mic to give orders, otherwise something like this could happen. (Also I've never seen you use your mic, and I've played with you quite a bit over the past few days..)



    -1 for unban, you can wait a bit longer to be unbanned.

  5. You have to be able to link your STEAM ID. And the fact that you put “Poop” there obviously shows that you are immature. And you are definitely not 20.


    This. Doubt you are 20, seem very immature just from this thread, and I've never seen you on our servers, and I play surf a lot. >:c -1




  6. === Map Requests ===


    surf_the_flow (Team Fortress 2 > Maps > Surf Style) - GAMEBANANA


    Surf_Overlook_v2 (Team Fortress 2 > Maps > Surf Style) - GAMEBANANA

    Yes, I am requesting Overlook, this is V2 and it looks like a major upgrade from what it was before, so I don’t see what would be wrong with giving it a shot :)


    surf_japan_reloaded (Team Fortress 2 > Maps > Surf Style) - GAMEBANANA


    surf_sunnyhappylove (Team Fortress 2 > Maps > Surf Style) - GAMEBANANA


    surf_toast_llf (Team Fortress 2 > Maps > Surf Style) - GAMEBANANA







    Tags: @Vacindak @NitNat @Caleb956 @mrnutty12 @Goblins @Bello @Rejects #surf_map_request


