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Posts posted by Caleb956

  1. a large part of the active regulars consisted of people who almost exclusively rebelled and jb is undoubtedly less popular now.

    idk how long i've said this lol



    Also yeah, if you really wanted to revive jb, then maybe all those changes that were made should just be reverted, since like hush said almost all of the rebellion left because the server was made way too ct sided. Before anyone starts throwing hate at me, im just saying MY OWN OPINION on the matter, don't get butthurt, k? kthx.

    I feel like banning the skullcutter, vaccinator, even getting to the point about talking about demoknight took this whole vendetta it seems most of you had against the rebellion way too far, and its pretty bad how the only way we got this to stop was just leave.. People complained about how "op" the skullcutter and vac combo was, well really it wasn't, unless no one ever noticed, most of the rebellion never went for ammo, learn how to use your eyes like a guard should be able to and the rebellion wouldn't have been much of a problem, lol. I don't think people realized that rebelling is PART OF JAILBREAK, and yet people complained that it killed the server, ever notice how when halfway competent guards got in the game the rebellion never really harmed anything? And yet, no one could drop it. If rebelling was that much of a problem, instead of threatening to ban us for "purposely killing the server", then actually do it and have fun defending yourself when you don't have any proof against us doing so. So really, im just gonna say learn how to play the game and kill a bunch of people with melees or stop complaining.

  2. Hey toast, if you are using a quadro card, its definitely time for an upgrade, since those cards aren't really meant for gaming, although when you upgrade you will want to make sure your cpu doesn't bottleneck the card you get. Do you know what kind of cpu you have, and also how much cooling does your case have?

  3. That's why I often argue about a huge portion of our rules and how it really just turns our severs into a safe space for the people that are very often internally opressed. I would also argue that we as staff members should be allowed to bend some of the rules, mainly game mode rules (as long as within reason) in order to make the server a tad bit more fun, i get extremely irritated when someone goes "Oh but egossi in the rules it says you cant do that :emoji_fearful::emoji_scream: you are a terrible admin even though nobody has a problem with what you're doing im still gonna complain so maybe i can increase my chances of getting staff myself LOL :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:!"


    I'm not disagreeing with you on that, but if people on the server start complaining about it, its probably a sign you should stop, although it is fun sometimes bending some rules or whatnot.

  4. Kinda funny how I joined surf a while back for the memes and i was like "les go meme on jb" and then killed surf because everyone left to go to jb. xdddd




    Anyways, even though I never play I wanna give my two cents on this. Some people keep defending the more dead servers by saying "Well in the summer.." well heres the thing, is summer anywhere near being here? No. I feel like the best thing to be done is just to get rid of the dead servers if so wished and then put a select few back up over the summer to see how they do, no reason to keep them up the entire time when apparently it will get better in the summer.



    I know that VSH is pretty to easy to populate, see the friday last week. But unlike JB, not much people actually do it. If we can do it more often, we might be able to to keep VSH, but Deathrun... Completely Dead as its name suggests.

    VSH has its possibilties, but as stated before, when the old plugin was removed a good portion of its playerbase left and either went to different servers or games.




    Also, all the servers could use some new fresh maps to it.

    I'm sure if you find some that you think people would like you can just make a post requesting to get them added :)



    Deathrun and VSH can be easily populated

    I would like to point out how we popped deathrun with some regulars for a few weeks a while back. kek





    On the subject of "populating the servers", even if you do hold events to populate some servers, it really doesn't matter unless the people that join it enjoy the gamemode, since from what I've seen, you start an event to do so, some people join, and then the next day the server's dead again. So again, unless you can get people to stay there, population events are useless and people are just gonna want to be there to try and make it better, even though it won't.



    Tf2 Ware - what ? This server is empty almost at all times.

    I believe this is due to the reason people don't really know we have a tf2ware server, I played a bit of this mode with Bello a while back, it was pretty fun, just that people don't know we have it is more than likely the cause.



    I didn't realize our servers were turning into a massive safe space


    Well isn't that kinda the reason staff members are a thing, there's an motd for a reason, as long as the staff member who is on a server isn't just destroying everyones fun I don't see a problem with them trying to uphold what is stated in the motd.



    K well that's all I got.


    TL;DR: Remove dead servers until the summer since people say they will be more active at that time. When brought back in summer make an announcement stating they are back, if they don't do good during the summer either, consider permanently removing them.

  5. Quite active on teamspeak and a friendly person overall.

    A:2 on the servers and 8 on teamspeak (@Caleb956 what happened, why aren't you using discord anymore? Did you finally realize that it's bullfudge?)



    Side note: please vouch properly, "A:??? XDD M:???" doesn't count.






    "Did you finally realize that it's bullshit"



    Yes pretty much.

  6. In-Game Name:


    Active Division:

    Team Fortress 2

    Previously a Member in xG:


    Steam ID:




    Active on Teamspeak:


    Time Active on Servers:

    A few years.



    Reasons for Joining:

    After long conversations with bello (aka like 3 minutes)



    I've decided I will come back and make xG great again. (Valid now through November 21 lul)



    I will probably play a LIL bit, but aside from that, just saying sorry to everyone I was a dickwad to, and I jumped to irrational decisions that probably weren't needed. So, pls no hold grudgerino c:


  7. @Floppy



    Well I've read through this and from what I can tell is that either you left something out, or like you said this is flat out abuse, while minor.


    I was a guard and I killed him for taking the wrong path that the warden has instructed all reds to do. Not long after I killed him he slayed me and even said "If you think I abuse, make a abuse report on the forums." So, here I am.

    Well, unless it was clearly a detour/delay, there is no reason you should've killed him, although if any action was going to be taken against Floppy, I feel like more evidence would be needed to do so, since all these screenshots show is Floppy slaying people, and you saying don't abuse.



    Tryler was on red team and had received LR for surviving past the points where his whole team had died, obviously, and his LR was to kill someone on blu team five times, Floppy immediately slayed him and his reason was "I did not come on the server to respawn someone multiple times." Which, he could have just said "No. I'm not okay with that LR." or something along those lines

    Well, I agree with that part, if he didn't ask Tryler for another LR if he disagreed with the first LR he chose, then yes he would be in the wrong in a way. However, that being said, if he DID ask Tryler for a different LR, and he didn't respond, then he had every right to slay him and end the round.



    Again though, I think he should receive a warning, but really nothing beyond that since it isn't really a big deal. So +1 for a warning


    I'm not taking any sides here since idk what even happens on the servers anymore, but just my 2 cents.



    pls no haterino <3

  8. -Implement a plugin that forces everybody into friendly mode for that certain map (if that's possible)

    While not exactly that, there is already a plugin of that sort that exists I believe. If a staff member was on, they could force friendly fire on everyone for that maps duration, but I'm not sure if they could make it so it does that on a specific map.


    -Force everyone on the same team for the map

    Well since auto balance is a thing (I think?), that wouldn't really work, since even if a staff member would force them on a team, the autobalancer would just move people over to the other team, (unless its possible to make a map specific plugin like said above) so I'm not sure if that would work.



    While I can't offer any other solutions to the whole spawncamping problem, when I still played I played my fair share of mesa, and even though its a very short and easy map, it is good practice for beginners to surf. So, Ima give this a +1, good luck in getting it re added :D




    just my 2 cents, pls no haterino

  9. yeah sure keep jb2 and plugins and scripts testing and replace slender cause people do play that gamemode on special occasions unlike the other options

    even deathrun gets the same amount of population as our slender cause our deathrun plugin sucks balls



    Well, if we are talking about "special occasions" of getting a server populated, then why are we just up and forgetting about jb2? We had a full server just 2-3 days ago for a good hour or two until we got bored. I know I'm defending jb2, but what can you really expect from me ;). If a server is getting replaced, then ya know what I say? Call a community vote and see what server they want to be changed and what to change it into, I feel that would be the best way to populate the server and keep it populated.


    That's all I have to say here so have this:llama:

  10. I feel like you are getting the wrong impression from the servers, while there are rude people on the server (obviously) you can't let them get to your head. I saw you on the servers a few times before I left, and you seemed like a good person. If there was specifically one person (which it seems like?) that was REALLY getting on your nerves, thats why we have the forums, and why the !calladmin command exists, you can use both to try and get help to stop the person. Some people never cheer up, but thats just how the internet and things work I guess. Also if there are staff there that aren't doing anything to assist you, then perhaps they didn't notice it was even happening due to whatever reason, just try to get their attention without being obnoxious about it, you don't have to jump the gun and say fuck you to everyone and leave without doing anything about it.

  11. Ay, so I've made like 3 of these in the past few weeks, saying im taking a break, then that im stepping down, and now that I'm leaving altogether. So eh, this is gonna be super edgy and stuff, you see? :DDD But rly, I've made some good friends here, and I've made some enemies here, and it's time for me to leave that all behind me. I will keep talking to some people through steam, but you won't be seeing me at all in tf2. I just want to apologize to all the people I may have been rude to throughout my time here, and hope that someday you may forgive me. Good luck to everyone with any future goals/plans that you may conceive.


    I'm sure most of you know this already, but Ima post this anyways. :-) I will come back some day, but not for a good long time.


    @Egossi I know we never got along well, and I'm sure you are a great person, and my attitude never helped me see that side of you clearly, and I'm sorry, if that means anything to you. Good luck with admin! :)


    @FenrirTheWolf *cue only time soundboard*


    @mrnutty12 Mr bust a nutty 12 -Bello. kthxbai :cool:




    @Anyone I didn't mention. Good to meet you all and play with you all in game, see you around.


    I will be seeing myself out now :waving: