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Everything posted by Floppy

  1. Welcome baaack :D
  2. I shot the sheriff, and I'm freeee
  3. Hello, The father of the kid dropped all charges, the kid is fine and I covered all the medical expenses. The second part seems like an episode of House Of Cards, but isn't actually, I bought the prosecutor, there will be no jail time, no fine, no records, I got my driving license back and the car papers, tomorrow I'll get the car. So yeah, promote me to Overlord, Lawyer and bearded godfather of xG Thanks to everyone who asked, thanks for your support guys, there's nothing to worry about anymore. Close ples @Bello @Goblins
  4. This guy is fun to play with, and a three years old ban? Damn
  5. UPDATE ; I spent the whole day in the police station yesterday and they let me out in the end because the case has been transferred to the prosecutor, I hope the father of the kid doesn't press more charges and drops what is already there, because ; --- Article 90. - The punishment is imprisonment of one year and up to one month and a fine of 1100 dinars to the maximum or one of these penalties, the one who commits manslaughter consecutive accident circulation when it has not taken the necessary precautions while driving. The penalty is a maximum of three years imprisonment and a fine of 3,000 dinars maximum or one of these penalties if the accident was the consequence of the commission of the offenses referred to in Articles 83, 84, 85, 86, 87 and 88 of this Code. The imprisonment is increased to five years and a fine of 5,000 dinars, if the failure of the civil liability insurance is established or if the driver at the time of the accident: Is under the influence of alcohol; Do not hold a driving license or the required category for driving the vehicle; Led contrary to an order of withdrawal of the driving license.
  6. Actually the kid came out of nowhere between two parked cars, running and looking at the sky behind him, I noticed him at the very last second so I braked and steered away, the kid is fine though, but that's not the problem, my car insurance got expired a month ago and I didnt notice the letter from the company since I was travelling, and driving a car without or with an expired insurance is already a big deal in my country, the car got already seized, my driving lisence too, and tomorrow morning I'm gonna see what happens next, so yeah, Thanks Janal and Gob
  7. Also, this is a code I found for the motd, it force opens the motd even if the player has html motd disabled, and got a timer, if someone can tweak it would be great ; >#include <sourcemod> #define FORCED_MOTD_URL "http://www.sourcemod.net/" new bool:g_bFirstMOTDShown[MAXPLAYERS+1] = { false, ... }; new g_fLastTime[MAXPLAYERS+1] = { 0, ... }; enum { Cmd_None = 0, Cmd_JoinGame, Cmd_ChangeTeam, Cmd_Impulse101, Cmd_MapInfo, Cmd_ClosedHTMLPage, Cmd_ChooseTeam }; public OnPluginStart() { HookUserMessage(GetUserMessageId("VGUIMenu"), OnVGUIMenu, true); AddCommandListener(OnMOTDClose, "closed_htmlpage"); } public Action:OnVGUIMenu(UserMsg:msg_id, Handle:bf, const players[], playersNum, bool:reliable, bool:init) { if (!g_bFirstMOTDShown[players[0]]) { decl String:szBuffer[64]; BfReadString(bf, szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer)); if (strcmp(szBuffer, "info") == 0) { BfReadByte(bf); BfReadString(bf, szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer)); BfReadString(bf, szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer)); //Detect TF2 Welcome screen. if (strcmp(szBuffer, "#TF_Welcome") == 0) { g_bFirstMOTDShown[players[0]] = true; g_fLastTime[players[0]] = GetTime(); CreateTimer(0.1, OnVGUIMenuTimer, players[0], TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE); return Plugin_Handled; } } } return Plugin_Continue; } public Action:OnVGUIMenuTimer(Handle:timer, any:client) { OpenForcedMOTD(client); } stock OpenForcedMOTD(const client) { new Handle:hKv = CreateKeyValues("motd"); KvSetString(hKv, "title", "ForcedMOTD"); KvSetNum(hKv, "type", MOTDPANEL_TYPE_URL); KvSetString(hKv, "msg", FORCED_MOTD_URL); KvSetNum(hKv, "cmd", Cmd_ClosedHTMLPage); //Uncomment the line below if TF2 and you want fullscreen. //KvSetNum(hKv, "customsvr", 1); ShowVGUIPanel(client, "info", hKv); CloseHandle(hKv); } public Action:OnMOTDClose(client, const String:command[], argc) { if (GetTime() - g_fLastTime[client] < 15) { OpenForcedMOTD(client); } return Plugin_Continue; } public OnClientDisconnect_Post(client) { g_bFirstMOTDShown[client] = false; g_fLastTime[client] = 0; }
  8. So, I remember suggesting something like this last year for the same reason, and let's be honest, 99% of the people dont read the motd, I've seen people that are regulars for months and fun to play with, and yet break several (minor) rules over and over, why? because the motd window itself takes time to load, and it usually get mistaken to be just an ad or "message of the day" but not the rules, just you press space twice and that's it, and even if you go through it, it's tl:dr for someone being on the server and wanting to play.. So, what I suggest, and think it would be a good idea, is to fix the queue for joining guard, yesterday, I was on jb1 late night with @Thunder , and we came to a point where that are 5 guards and 6 reds, we kept asking people to read the rules and switch back to red team, but we couldnt do much and the server died quickly after that. We should make it clear that glitching to ct is breaking a MAJOR rule, I remember that in vsh, we had that Box with 5 or 6 lines, that shows up on the left at the start of each round, reminding people of the major rules, we should do the same for Jb1,it sticks there and it's more efficient that "!motd to read the rules" message on screen, it should be something likes this : Major rules of the server,!motd to read more : As Blu 1- Type !guard to join Blu, glitching will be punished 2- Make sure you know all the rules and have a good mic 3- Do not re-enter armory 4- Do not run away during a warday, during a normal day, stay with the reds unless you're pursuing a rebel 5- Freehitting and freekilling is not acceptable, team killing will get you slain 6- Make sure you take warden and give orders before the cells are open As Red Delaying, detouring, camping etc ...
  9. Xeno : a combining form meaning “alien,”“strange,” “guest,” used in the formation of compound words: xenogamy, xenogamers Kthxbai
  10. Thank you guys, you rock ! @Vexx , Haï, my activity these past two weeks isn't something to take into account, I'm actually traveling everyday for work, so 2-3 hours a day on tf2, considering that I only jb1 or vsh, and that I'm using my phone as an Internet hotspot, is pretty fair, last night for example, I played jb1 in the car while waiting for a client.. Next week I'll be home and active again!
  11. I was about 6-7 years old, I got excluded from primary school, why? Because the teacher said that if we sin, God will hang us from our eyebrows and burn us, so I responded that I'll shave my eyebrows and oil my skin and run, so God can't catch me, and even if he does, it won't be easy to hang me..
  12. Division: Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name: xG | 5¼ Floppy Steam ID: 76561198056791454 Position: Moderator Time Active: Three months since I came back Age: 24 Experience: I know stuff :D Donated: No Information: Well this me making a mod application, It's been a while since I came back, and I think it's time for me to start helping in a concrete way, I had chat privileges on the tf2 servers and I always used them to enforce the rules when needed, so I would like to have a chance to join staff, maybe even for a trial mod? PS: I would have donated if I could, but that's impossible to do in my country. I don't know what else needs to be said, so that's it for now, tagging friends and staff I regularly play with ; @Bello @Diamonde @Fiery8022 @Caleb956 @lik202 @Egossi @BlankThePervert @Dethman @ArminArmout @Goblins @Rejects Please don't hate me for not tagging you, please don't hate me for tagging you. Thanks
  13. I was using the light theme, user-friendly, modern style, and I wanted to try the dark theme; "omg my eyes hurts"
  14. Rip @Nomulous , the first friend I had in xG, hope you get back soon to us!
  15. This is all beautiful, thanks @Aegean #makexggreatagainpls
  16. +1 active and friendly, would be a great add! A 9 M 9
  17. Take care habibi and have fun <3
  18. +1 Have seen him around, knows the rules and fun to play with A:7 M: 8
  19. Caleb stepping down thread reminded me of my thread leaving a year ago, fuel to fire, some things never change #friendly #community #fun
    1. DemonicDisaster


      yeeeep. I'm with ya there buddy ;-;
    2. Floppy


      @[106841:@Diamonde], miss you queenie..
  20. Well, I've seen people joining the server, going guard, taking warden, saying the first order correctly like "When the cell doors open, crouch walk immediately to the yellow line" then starts shooting everyone and laughing and leaves, those people are fun killers and should be banned, IMO, even a week ban will be enough, because I don't think someone who mass-freekilled on purpose will save the server address and check if he's unbanned or not, for accidental mass, I suggest that the rules breaker gets just banned from CT, as you all said, accidents are different, misclicks, crits, or just not knowing the rules, Joe should get CT banned for an hour and asked to read the rules attentively in all chat, if the accident happens again, well it's not an accident anymore