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Status Updates posted by TippedOver

  1. AKA: TippedOver-----------------Used to be: Just_That_Guy The_Anal_Destroyer
  2. AKA: TippedOver-----------------Used to be: Just_That_Guy The_Anal_Destroyer http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198126375764/
  3. AKA: TippedOver-----------------Used to be: Just_That_Guy The_Anal_Destroyer http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198126375764/
  4. Guys, i think iv been hacked
  5. Hey Rhododendron, i got a HUGE problem. So i donated 20 dollars in XenoGamers and I haven't gotten the perks yet, I don't even have any proof of me donating 20, because i didnt screenshot me purchesing it, and it didn't send me an email of it, the only proof i do have is that over my name, it says donater.
    1. Rhododendron


      Perks of what? Do you have a receipt? I don't see your donation in xenogamers.com/donate at all.
    2. TippedOver


      Really? I donated 20 dollars, did I do it wrong? i donated at XenoGamers with a credit cars. Ps, I donated in december
  6. Hey TheSupremePatriot, i would like some help with the page, thanks.
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mNFx28NGLfI
  8. I dominated a guy on surf and called him bad, he called admin...
  9. I got my profile back, YEET.
    1. james8470


      Nice! Steam support get back to you, then?
  10. I'm going without sleep today, god help me...
    1. SnowyMinion


      I'm going without food today
  11. I'v been hacked and i'm no longer in control of my steam profile, RIP me i guess...
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. YeEternalTuna


      That profile picture is from some underfag shit lmao. Yeah this guy is pretty edgy but you need to find a solution to this quickly. How did this happen in the first place?
    3. TippedOver


      thats the weird part, i have NO clue, i was playing tf2 and BOOM, tf2 crashed and it said i had to re enter my username and password, i tried and to go back in and it turned out that he changed the password and username already, evene changed the email
    4. Egossi


      How did he access your steam account without your mobile auth code?
  12. ItS mY bIrThDaY!
    1. Elcark


      HaPpY MemEDaY
  13. My current goal: To get a music player on my profile. So i can play my fire mixtape...
  14. Steam Profile (TippedOver) http://steamcommunity.com/id/MyNameIsJeffXDDD/
    1. virr


      10/10 url @[107591:@ThunderLimes]
    2. Bone


      Jerry Seinfeld, Jerry Seinfeld. Jerry Seinfeld, Jerry Seinfeld, Jerry Seinfeld.
  15. What is that on the music player?
    1. james8470


      Kinky fun But to be honest this fetish just makes me cringe. Not into pain. >_<
    2. james8470
  16. When i got my account back, almost all my tf2 items were gone, no more u n u s u a l s
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TippedOver


      There was nothing in the trade history tbh, s p o o k y
    3. Egossi


      The guy must have deleted them then just to fuck with you
    4. TippedOver


      ikr, what a fricken frick
  17. ZIP ZAP ZIPPIDY ZOOP!!! -Bill Cosby