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Posts posted by Aczel

  1. In-Game Name:


    Active Division:

    Team Fortress 2

    Previously a Member in xG:


    Steam ID:




    Active on Teamspeak:


    Time Active on Servers:

    2 and a half months



    Reasons for Joining:

    XenoGamers has a great community filled with great people, I enjoy very much playing on the servers and enjoy helping as much as possibly as some of you may have seen.

    I want to join this community not only because I enjoy it but because I want more 'credit' in my name, and being accepted into the group would give me that, to both help people on the server and tbh feel more comfortable amongst fellow members and staff.

  2. I'm gonna say what everyone is thinking. What the frick is wrong with you

    I would like to think I am not normal, Normal is boring is it not? I'm going to take your comment as a indirect compliment :kawaii: kawaii

    But to answer your question, no body was taking blue but me with a server of 13 reds I believe was the number, and most were for some reason complying to boring orders, so I decided to mess around and turns out they liked role play :llama:


    Again.... I realize now how cancer it was


  3. Just telling people that they aren't allowed to do something is enough for most people, even if it's not really actually enforced.



    I completely agree with this. The biggest reason for people to do this is because there is nothing saying its not allowed. therefore nothing can happen to someone that does it. If we add something to the rules that goes along the lines of don't cheat to finish the map, Most will stop doing it, the small portion that continues to do it will simple be punished and it would quickly be eradicated as a whole. In my opinion this is a win-win situation, people would stop doing this with minimum effort and no weapons would have to be banned therefore no one is butthurt. Even if it is not entirely enforced just the fact that people could 'now' be punished for it would be enough for most. It would be enforced as much as spawn killing is or even less it wouldn't totally 'matter'.

  4. Honestly you guys, I understand that you cannot properly enforce this being a rule. But also understand that currently there is no rule that says anything like this is not allowed. I have seen many times this has happened and staff could not do anything about the situation. I made this thread with the hope of possibly making a change so that something could be done if necessary.

  5. I'm confused.


    Was the complaint not that people were cheating in surf to reach the end, using weapons that gave an advantage? Yet if we remove those weapons, we'd be upsetting regulars who come to our surf server...to do combat?


    I don't understand. Do you want this to be a surf server or a combat server? You can't exactly do both and complain that there's imbalances when specific classes can reach the end with their weapons.


    IMHO, this server should have ALWAYS had a focus on the surf and not on combat, but any time I try and suggest changes to make it such, they automatically get shot down.


    I'm not quite sure what exactly you guys want. >.>

    Not really, not as i have seen anyway.

    It is usually really combat based or in between, I have yet to see the server be more surf based.

  6. Could we not just pick around the seed and instead of making a specific rule for that, add a rule that states not to exploit.

    In my opinion Surf rules are unclear and we have a lack of rules there, adding no exploiting would let this Issue fall into that category?

  7. Would be a good idea ; Not sure how to apply it.


    If we simply put it as a rule (like for example, no spawnkilling), there would need to be an admin/mod online on the server 24/7. I don't think it would be possible to do it that way, without applying a permanent ban on these weapons. On the other hand, on arena maps, people love to rocket jump and sticky jump to do deaths from above.


    Plus, to reach the end of the maps, surfing is waaayyy faster than sticky-jumping/rocket jumping. So personally, I feel like it would be a bit useless.

    One of the biggest reasons I made this thread is because, since there is nothing in the rules that even dabbles into the idea that this is not to be done, Moderators and Admins can't exactly do anything about the situation.

  8. As of lately there have been problems on the surf server lately, there are people abusing the sticky jumper/rocket jumper to complete the map and reach the end of the map without actually surfing, this is a problem because at end of these maps there are usually power-ups in which give you an advantage for your work in completing the map.

    When you are not completing it legitimately and use sticky jumper they are getting to these power-ups easier than intended to. This results in people getting frustrated with this abuse of special abilities in combat and leaving the server.

    I have noticed that there is nothing in the rules against this action, with this thread I propose that we add something to the rules to help prevent this from happening. This I believe would be the most simple and passive way to put an end to this, should the community agree on it.

    [spoiler=Current Rules]TF2 Surf Rules


  9. So, I kind of turned Jailbreak into a Roleplay server for a solid hour if not a little more...

    We were In search for Bread's long lost family in Diner. This led to me finding out they had been 'borrowing' items from people of the human realm. These Items included:

    Vega's soul

    MerrySmissmas's Tree

    Bread's money

    Rice's authentic Teriyaki

    This led to a whole chain of events that led to objectives being completed and getting imaginary keys and golden pineapples.

    If anyone that was online wants to contribute in explain what exactly happened on this cancerous day I would be grateful but I simply will not force my brain to remember such cancerous events.

    GG to DeathMan and Egossi for shutting us down. :llama::hail:


    I Need Help...


  10. Honestly seems to me, a good idea. TF2 is as of now dying to be honest and I have not heard of anyone using the slender servers. A change would be nice in my opinion.

    Although yes in the long run it's likely it will get deserted as well it would bring new people to the community and in turn they would join other servers. Either way slender isnt used and Bhop would atleast be popular for a week or something, which brings more players.

  11. Although I have to admit that I am sometimes "one of them" I do agree that it makes a bunch of people leave for this reason, and although it can be an enjoyable map at times, it is more common for it to "kill" the server for a while. I remain Neutral but I see where this can be an issue.