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Taking a break.

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I'm practically done with this;



I'm taking a break from counter-strike:source.


It's the same shit every day on source, and I'm getting tired of it.

I'm going to be taking a leave of absence from counter-strike. It may be a week, or it might be forever but here is why with a little spiel on the side:


(I didn't know where to fit this, but wth.

I am also going through a lot of stress in my life, my grand father is in the hospital with the possibility of death, I'm struggling to keep social status, relation ships good, as-well as my grades at the same time.)


I'm tired of the constant trolling, I'm tired of the 'just kill your self', 'you fucking suck' and bickering over nothing. I must admit, I have grown accustom to the attitude which I was presented with and in some ways, I adapted it. I probably wont be on teamspeak, unless it's to see someone who I am close friends with.


I'm tired of the concealed hackers on Counter-Strike:Source, who can turn around and one deag an entire team after going 0 - 12 the round before.


I'm tired of listening and being bossed around by pre-pubesant teen's, with a pre-pubesant attitude.


As I said before, I may come back or I may not.


I'm going to be looking for a mature community, to lay low and relax in. Which currently, isn't something that I can do here.



I know some of you are probably happy that I am leaving, and I know who most of you are. But a few people that made my experiences in xG good ones:


@@HaaDron :

My bby, I don't think I could make a better friend in xG than you. The countless hours we spent trolling with each other in Scrims, and the secret abuse on ********* are my incentives to stay.



Man I miss late night gaming with you, I don't know where you have been lately but I have really great memories playing 1v1 sniper br's on Halo 2 Vista. I'll miss you FIREBOLTOPS.


@@Cristo :

I'll miss the jokes we made with, and about you. Not to mention the numerous times I've gotten the lead from your AWP.


@@easy :

All the times you picked me last, free-killed me, and kicked me. I don't really need to say anything more, do I YoUMaDYeT25?


@@TurdWig :

How many times I asked you for games? I lost count. But I do rember you being one of the most genuine, and nice people I had the privilege of meeting in xG.


@@serbiansnaga :

Go, Go, Garren.


@@Charrax :

All of the abuse, and RDM's on Dark RP, not to mention. Dragon Dido's, Nuf said.



Good thing, I have my LEAVE MOVES!


@@Neo :

All of the debate, over what god can only know. All of the times I rage-quitted on Leauge. also, got 40$?


@Link_ :

All of the times I bored you to death with my personal shit, and you helped me through alot. I can't really say anything else, less I sound like we are breaking up or some shit.


@@Deodate :

My name ain't AJ, and i'm not in your biology class!


@nano :

I'll miss you, and your frequent name changes.


@@Mark :

Late Night Scrims? I think so.


@@tree :

BangBang, I love you like a deformed lizard man.


@@BillyMays :

It's been akward.


I probably left out SO MANY of you, and i'm sorry. If I could, I would love you all. But it isn't possible for myself to maintain relationships with more than 250 people. Lest my brain would explode.


The people who made my expirences in xG bad:


@@bees :

All of the accusations, trolling, hateful comments, and negative attitude towards me. Not to mention the abuse over something that was out of my control (Tonight) This thread is dedicated almost entirely to you. You know what you did, said and have said behind my back, as do I.


@@Segway :

I don't really have to say anything, you know what when down, and how UN-justified you were.



Anyway, if there is any shit-talking going down on this thread, that I will either have your posts removed, or the thread closed.


I am requesting the removal of my powers until I decide weather or not I wish to come back or not.

I haven't done much with-in this community as of late, except activity on it's 'lesser' fronts. But one way or another I still have feelings, so keep it real.



-Thank You

Slipery Fingers




I Leave you with this. Charlie Chaplin's speech from 'The Great Dictator'


Listen, is all I can say:


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=( Nooooo! You're not allowed to leave! </3 Well best of luck wherever you go, and I completely understand your thread. I'll just have to make sure to rape you on the Planetside 2 battlefield now instead of scrimming. Sorry for giving ya so much shit on league though, twas a lil overboard even if you did deserve some of it. Also no, you're not getting $40 <3

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=( Nooooo! You're not allowed to leave! </3 Well best of luck wherever you go, and I completely understand your thread. I'll just have to make sure to rape you on the Planetside 2 battlefield now instead of scrimming. Sorry for giving ya so much shit on league though, twas a lil overboard even if you did deserve some of it. Also no, you're not getting $40 <3


Get off me you damn dirty NC!


Also, Thebes (west) if you want to murder me. I'll probably be playin' a lot of PS2 since it releases so soon.

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You can't be a friend with everyone, not everyone is going to like you. I never said a bad word about you to anyone despite what happened between us both a long time ago (I forgave those actions), after those occurrences I didn't like your attitude towards others and decided to just stay neutral in relations. If you have a problem with that well I'm sorry but you need to grow a thicker skin.


I wish you best of luck in whatever your going through and/or doing.

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No clue what happened because I've been busy lately, but I hate to see you go. We did have fun times, and I hope you'll still stick around. I'm sure whoevers giving you shit isn't worth leaving, but I wish you luck either way.

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WAAAAT ! Couple things


1; tl;dr jk i read it.




3; Sucks to see you go, I'll miss you. Talk to me some time

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WAAAAT ! Couple things


1; tl;dr jk i read it.




3; Sucks to see you go, I'll miss you. Talk to me some time


Lol we used to play/be in party's together all the time.

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