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[xG:DJ]Towlie The Wizard

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Hello this is [xG:DJ]Towlie The Wizard and I am applying for mod. I have had Paid Mod in the past but it was taken away. I am here to reapply for mod and hope that I may have it if the community wants me to have it. I have changed my attitude and I have been showing it by doing giveaways and been helping out with the community. I would love to be mod and show that we can have a good time in xg.


+1 Are -1 Are

Yu_Narukami ----------- TurdWig



Black Rock--------------Koenza





11/30/2012 4:30 P.M. these are still the results. For the people that I didnt add was because either you have a grudge and those dont count or you have no reasonable evidence of me doing that.

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Not active at all

Only scrims

Spams me to scrim


You lost the lowest rank in the clan what makes you think you will get a higher?

Just my opinion.

-1 but try to change my opinion.

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+1 for mod.

Has had problems in the past dealing with trolling and generally being annoying, but seems to have moved past that.

Was a Paid Mod, so has some experience already with being an admin.

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my opinion is as follows:

towlie is a very friendly player. He loves jailbreak, and is one of the superior wardens; however, I do not think he is quite ready for

mod. my reasoning is as follows: he reacts angrily quickly to "douche bag" players. which is ok if you're a normal human being, but a mod isn't human. moderators are to deal with individuals no matter how irritating, obnoxious, or ignorant as they are. to make a friendly happy server we cannot have the "no shit mod" that I think many already are.


we need friendly people like towlie that know the rules, and are able to keep their shit when someone calls them a stupid head.

unfortunately for towlie I do not think now is the time.


my vote is a 0

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Not active at all

Only scrims

Spams me to scrim


You lost the lowest rank in the clan what makes you think you will get a higher?

Just my opinion.

-1 but try to change my opinion.


I havent seen him disrespect very much.


He's incredibly active.


Plays jailbreak all the time.


Plays jailbreak all the time.




He lost it, but he's allowed to reapply. He has every right to, no need to bash him...calm down warrior.


I'm gonna be at a 0 for right now. Try to keep your temper/how you react to trolls under control, and I will +1 soon enough.

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Space reserved for my response to this thread when i am sober.


-1. haven't seen you on CSS much since you lost paid mod. and the occassions i did you would still rageface at people who made mistakes because they were new to CT. #RealTalk

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I'm a bit wary of this. Since the days of the Ganja/Towlie Wars (GTW), Towlie has done a 180 in terms of his attitude for the most part (except for a few days ago when you didn't want to scrim anymore because someone kicked you as a joke).


We have a lot of mods already - this may not be worth the risk. If this post should be considered, I think it should be considered as a paid moderator application due to the GTW incident.

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-1, even if he has shown improvement on server, i have yet to see it on forums he + 1 every abuse thread with out actually knowing what happened, he's not ready for this and i don't think we will be ready for him to be mod

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-1. I gotta say while towlie has improved a lot, I don't think he's ready for mod powers again. Look at what happened with his paid mod, all he did was constantly mute or gag people for doing practically nothing, and almost never took up any real responsibility when necessary. Plus, I have to agree with what Shaggy said. He + 1's practically every abuse thread even if there is no evidence or real support for the "abuse" whatsoever.

EDIT: Changing back to a - 1 cuz I'm bipolar.

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Hm. It took me a while to make a decision, but I will -1


You showed you were not ready for this position already by losing your paid moderator.

I have seen your attitude be both amazingly friendly but many times completely obnoxious. You spam people on teamspeak to scrim, and you act out in CSS.


Look at what happened with his paid mod, all he did was constantly mute or gag people for doing practically nothing, and almost never took up any real responsibility when necessary.


This basically sums up the rest.


If you wanted this position, you should have manned up and shown us you could keep it the first time.

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