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Chuck Norris's Application

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I've been playing on XG for about 2 months now, I know the people pretty well and they know me. The community seems great, everyone is friendly, the Admins know what they are doing and they still like to have fun while enforcing rules. I would love to be a part of you guys.

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-1. Although you are very active, you are very disrespectful. You have called me a number of names, and today when you freekilled me and there were no mods/admins on I asked you to slay yourself. You responded with "Make me". We don't need a member like this. And did you actually register on TS? Your star was blue witch means you didn't register

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a 7/10

m 9/10


I've only really seen you in the past week or, so it's very possible I simply haven't noticed you (which could be a good thing to be off the radar).


Anyway, you're a great player and fun to play with, but I have noticed is that while you warden there are a number of rules you are fuzzy on - wait times, freeze definitions, lr activities, etc.


I'm giving you a +1 because I you deserve a to be in, you're active and respectful - I just think you need to brush up on the rules but I don't think that should hinder you from membership as long as it doesn't cause an issue.

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+1 knows the rules, been very active he is although quiet he is a good member in my mind. Could be that uncover cop bassically. I seen him around jailbreak for so long god knows i didnt notice he didnt make this! ~Swag

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Mature on the mic, is active and friendly.


All you need is a quick update on some of the rules and I think you would make a very good member. Good luck!

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A: 8

M: 7

Very active on Jailbreak

Funny guy

Can warden when not "Frozen" (or said something weird like that)

Seems to know rules

Don't see him break em

D: +1

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