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xG|ÇooÐie for Mod!

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I think it's high time that you get another Moderator. And who better than Coodie? I say no one! I know the rules very well, have read and am very familiar with the Admin Handbook and the MOTD. I'm usually running the Jailbreak CSGO server with my mad wardening skills. I have moderated many servers in the past, from Unreal Tournament (UT99), all the way through Counter Strike Source. I can be fair, and cool headed.


What more would you like to know?

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i was actually waiting for you to apply for mod!, you're a good person, you know the rules, and you stick by them, and would be a great addition to the mod squad! +1!

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There are a lot of people currently applying or trying to get mod for CS:GO but one of the people that I think really deserves moderator is Coodie. He is a great guy and is fun to play with on xG jailbreak. Coodie knows the rules really well and tries to help people whenever he can. I know he would be a good addition to the moderator team. +1

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+1 just because him being 31 means im not the old man on the block. :D


Now for real:

I haven't been here near as long as many of the other CSGO members. Coodie has always set the example of what I feel a model member of xG should be. He's polite and most definitely knows the rules. the more eyes we have the more enforcement we have. The more enforcement we have the easier it will be for all of us to enjoy the game.

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thinks he's the best moderator and warden, doesn't know rules at all. I'm surprised he's even in xG! -1


But thne again, I love him, he does know the rules and adheres to them. Great warden and a fair player. + 1

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great guy, he is our savior from terrible wardens. he knows all the rules and is a funny cool guy, he deserves a moderator position!

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My decision is neutral until I see you? (I'm barely on now. go on teamspeak) idk man. every fucking post I put here gets a harsh comment so I'll just leave it at neutral. I've seen you play a couple of times. I know I'm rarely on, but I'm not sure if you're worthy of being mod yet. Not only should you be active on the jb server, but you should also be active on the forums and especially on teamspeak. @@Stephano and @@Coodie if you're going to try to defend yourselves, be prepared to argue your points for why @@Coodie should be a mod via TEAMSPEAK. Do not try to argue with me or any other xG member/mod/admin on the jailbreak server. PM me when you want to talk on teamspeak.


*Update 1/13/13:

You're okay at being a warden an everything on jailbreak but I just don't think you're an exciting person in general. Work on being fun, keep on making friends, and stay active on TS. +1


-Bark bark. Meow.

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Absolutely awesome guy. Great warden, knows all the rules, helps keep new guys in line. Great candidate, and few guys would be a better mod. Definitely+1

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