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Fucking annoying

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There is this really fucking annoying kid who is too fucking poor/gangster to get headphones so he INSISTS on playing his music out loud. Its really fucking annoying because were in the library too.


How should I kill him?

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There is this really fucking annoying kid who is too fucking poor/gangster to get headphones so he INSISTS on playing his music out loud. Its really fucking annoying because were in the library too.

Justin Bieber

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Quietly stand up, careful not to disturb anyone else in the library, then proceed to find the heaviest/thickest book available to you (typically an encyclopedia of some sort). Make your way behind the mentioned annoyance and with an enraged blood thirsty battlecry, begin to rapidly pound on the back of their head with the book until left with a bloody pulp on the desk. This may take a while, and I can't stress enough on how important it is to yell and scream in a manic manner so that everyone takes notice.

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What you do is you follow him home and when hes not looking take a stick and knock him and drag him to the middle of the forest. Take his ipod or whatever and when he wakes up smash it and eat the pieces infront of him he will be so scared. After that beat the crap out of him (but good luck with you because your warrior) and then leave him in the woods to die. gg no re

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