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I honestly wouldn't doubt it. This is like, the fourth thread to be made protesting against llline. However; because of how things work, solid evidence/proof is needed.


0 for now, until I see legitimate evidence though. If evidence is given, automatic +1

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This is a member protest. no proof is necessary it is just recommended. member protests are up to the community as said before many times. evidence is only used to help back your statements.

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Line is strict, but he knows the rules, and is active more than any other player really. Personally I'm less strict because I feel like sometimes that takes away some fun of it for newer people. But, for the most part, I think Line tries to be fair and knows what he's doing. -1



Edit: I'm less strict as a warden that is.. I'm just a member, but I'm very active on the server.

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-1 doesn't disrespect people unless provoked a crap ton, and everyone that causes problems and yell aboose are the people that get butt hurt because he plays by the rules/strict.

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Line does not abuse he listens to the warden and picks up on the tarps/orders and acts on it in turn he slays cts that do not listen and free kill because they are not paying attention to the warden. Don't get me wrong if the order is freeze and you move 1 second after the order you may already be dead. he has slayed me 3-4 times for not progressing though the vents. Does line abuse no does line follow your rules to a T yes. I honestly wish XG had more admin that where strict like line a lot of slack gets by on the server because admin are busy playing instead of watching the cts and ts. Just my opinion means nothing i am not a member take this for what you wish.


PS If you haven played in the server or played with line and your plus1 this thread seems like pack mentality and you smell blood!! not cool once more my opinion not a member

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I was a strict mod when i first got it a year ago, the only time i had abuse threads on me was from MajorB


They were honestly him getting mad because me and another admin "weren't doing our job" But he was disrespecting quiet a few players and would get angry about being muted. Now i wasnt like but honestly i never got the same shit line is for it. So theres probly something wrong and it should be looked into.

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Would thoroughly appreciate it if people who have never met me before or played on the server in the last month would refrain from voting or adding comments.

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Eh.... Okay, being strict, paying attention, and following rules/orders to the letter, is NOT freekilling/being disrespectful. I've seen people of people pissed at him and disrespecting him because they got slaughtered for missing orders, but I've never seen him openly, actively disrespecting others without provocation. -1

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Just because someone is very strict and moderates with extreme detail doesn't mean they are disrespecting or abusing. The fact that this thread is here is depressing. Line tarps hard, but he has hardly ever freekilled or done anything worth even a slay. Even when he does make that rare mistake, he fixes it himself. He absolutely never disrespects, talks basically only to warden, give opinion, and explain things to people. He is actually very helpful. The worst part is there are people who don't know Line just putting their votes in because they feel like he's as bad as a few people are saying. If people actually acquainted themselves with the rules well and knew to listen to line's orders carefully, there would be no problem. The only reason people think he disrespects is because he is very strict with the rules. So stop getting mad just because Line stands out because of his strictness, its a good thing and teachers players how to play the game better. If I were in xG, then I would -1 the hell out of this, because it just highlights what exaggerations people make up when they get mad.

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