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Admin "Rule changing"

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I remember when we could just go searching for Rebels with out permission. The only reason IMO it got out of hand was that Ts would camp inside there cell or waited in an area for a specific amount of time and a roaming CT or "rebel-hunting" CT would kill them the instant they came out. Then they complain and moan about it, asking why wasn't he with Ts and all that jazz.


Pertaining to other things.


1."If a T enters a 'cheap spot' instead of a vent, are you allowed to kill them?"

Yes, they are delaying/detouring trying to either make an easier escape to the vent, or to "Hide" so the cts walk by.


2."During a Joke Day, if 2/3 or 3/3 of the judges say "Die" before the T even says his joke, are you allowed to kill him?"

This is debatable. Having a day like this would be unacceptable but if it was actually a enjoyable day. Take an example. We all obviously Forest could be warden and the judges are xG members or regulars on the server. Chrono is up with his joke and we all know Chrono is a baddie and has no sense of humor. So we all vote die before he says anything. We have a laugh. Move on. I see it as a once in a while thing but not something to determine the whole day.


3. During any opinionated games (FR LR, Trivia (or something)), And the warden says "warden kills only" and the T who is suppost to get shot runs away/stacks with another T intentionally, are you allowed to kill them?"

Kill Them...With Fire.Why? Since they are are baddie rebels for moving and failing to rebel.


4."During LR, if a CT intentionally freeshoots a T or freetazes, is he allowed to be slain?"


but in other news, if its use to harass the T or Delay the round then Slay. but i agree with most of what Forest says.


5."During LR, if the T does russian roulette, and places the CT in an area with guaranteed death (pit of doom, door, etc), is that allowed?"

Russian Roulette is luck so you don't know whose going to die. but if the T is delaying the shot for the door kill then repeats in the same fashion a 2nd time, they should be slayed. Take example when i do Russian Roulette, Map would be Canyon in where

i go to climb jump off and activate RR. So that we both would die one by the bullet and the other by height.


6."During LR, if the T plays Deagle on Air, is the rule "Must be in the air at all times" implied?"

For any LR, I believe Server Rules should be Implied, and have people start saying the custom rules they want BEFORE they start the LR. This would stop people for example starting Deagle on Air , Try to type out the rules

only to be shot point blank with the Deag as he is typing and then having him complain that the guy wasn't in the air. So basically Custom Rules before the LR. if not then Insta-implied Server Rules so if they start Deagle on Air they know to be instantly to start shooting each other in the air No rules needed to be Typed.


7"During LR, if a T "Orders" you to do something, (i.e. all CTs stack up on my spray), are you suppost to do it?"

Nope. Ts may only give Custom rules for the Lr they wish. If the T does give orders. it is up to Any of the CTs Discretion on whether they choose to follow it or not.


8."Are CTs allowed to go rebel hunting without SEEING a rebel or getting permission from the warden?"

Please refer to my first paragraph.

CTs Should always be with Ts at all times. Unless they know there is a rebeller such as headcount is short 1 or 2.

At Least have some common sense when you be a CT maybe just a smudge bit.

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1."If a T enters a 'cheap spot' instead of a vent, are you allowed to kill them?"

Yes, they are delaying/detouring trying to either make an easier escape to the vent, or to "Hide" so the cts walk by.


2."During a Joke Day, if 2/3 or 3/3 of the judges say "Die" before the T even says his joke, are you allowed to kill him?"

This is debatable. Having a day like this would be unacceptable but if it was actually a enjoyable day. Take an example. We all obviously Forest could be warden and the judges are xG members or regulars on the server. Chrono is up with his joke and we all know Chrono is a baddie and has no sense of humor. So we all vote die before he says anything. We have a laugh. Move on. I see it as a once in a while thing but not something to determine the whole day.

(Don't fully know how to quote shit but hopefully this works.. Anywayyyyyy.....)

This is exactly what i mean, I'm not the kind of guy who'd just vote die on everything, just doing it on people who i dislike and get a good laugh out of it, along with other CTs

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Rebel Hunting: Well as far as I know,it was never in the MOTD unless it was during the few months I was gone, but also, CTs can count Ts as chrono said to easily know there is a rebel, somewhere. And as much as this IS a game, if it were a real prison and a prisoner went missing, whether they saw it or not they would go searching. I say if a CT goes Rebel Hunting that they should have a limited amount of time of being away from Ts (I.e if a CT can't find a T in a certain amount of time either time depending on the admin, or at least 2 and a half minutes if they are looking for a rebel and aren't goofing around in disco or so), that they have to get back with the Ts or risk slay or teamban. @@Forest

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Alright, time to put an end to this debate. I want all opinions from current CS:S Division Managers regarding rebel hunting. @@DarkWolf6052 @@Gkoo @@PiNoYPsYcHo


If 3+ are in agreeance, then we are standing by the rule that CTs must have physically seen the rebel (Or have been ordered by Warden) in order to pursue. I'll be the first to say that I agree with this stated rule. After the 3+ opinions have been given, there will be No Further Discussion.

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This rule should stay in effect. If you see an open vent, you can not enter it without the wardens permission to go search for rebels unless you physically saw the rebel go into the vent. +1

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I'm sorry to disagree. But if this rule is put into place. Then basically the only time a guard could search on his own is if he saw a prisoner and lost an opportunity to kill him. So saying that guards are no longer able to search in the beginning of the round, for example; the climb teleport in avalanche, or the dodgeball area with a pistol in vip of vipinthemix. Or if the warden is playing a game with 5 prisoners and there are 6 alive, they know for sure someone will come in and kill them if they wait for the warden to say yes.

All I am saying is that this will significantly change the game as where it is very easy to rebel and get away with it.




edit: Haha. Bad grammer. I'm sorry, deal with it.

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All I am saying is that this will significantly change the game as where it is very easy to rebel and get away with it.


CT: "Warden, do I have permission to go rebel hunting?"

Warden: "Permission granted"

CT: "Thanks!"




Warden: "Out of cells, rebel. I would like some CTs to check out (area) for rebels."


Also, mind you, there's a lovely feature ingame that's called "Team Chat", just in case you don't want the Ts to know you're coming :bored:

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And with that, there are 3+ opinions all in favor of the rule meaning the following;


Rebel Hunting:

CTs may go in search of Rebels only under the following conditions:


- They have physically seen a Rebel

- They have been ordered to by the Warden

- It is a Hide and Seek day

- They have asked for permission from the Warden to do so


Discussion/debate ended, these will be the norm from here on out on CS:S (not closing thread in case there are any further questions, however there will be no more discussion involving rebel hunting).

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So is this rule now in play? Earlier today there was confusion as to if it was or not. Just want to make sure I enforce the rules correctly.

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So is this rule now in play?


Yes, this is how it will be treated from this point on. I wanted to get this out of the way because of earlier actually, lol

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