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The photo's are edited due to me having two monitors and print screen takes a picture of both. I cut out the other monitor. Charrax that chat is 100% legitimate, and you know it is. I do not see why you are using the fact that i cut out my other screen as evidence against me. If i was trying to create forged evidence why would i purposely make it easy to tell that some parts are cut out?


You took out the part where I justified what I said about Athrunn. Please put that back. :)

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You took out the part where I justified what I said about Athrunn. Please put that back. :)



Second picture near the top. I ended with gamecube on the first one and started with him on the second.

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-1 After reading through everything, it seems more like people are just complaining about things in general, and when people complain, they like to point fingers and blame others, now some of the issues are more case by case than anything and really aren't of importance to the well being of the server, for example. What people do in TS really isnt relevant to this topic and also, if you can't handle jokes and jests, you really shouldn't be playing on the internet. Lastly, a plan has been set in place to resolve some of the issues people are bringing up, so overall, this entire thread is kinda pointless.

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I'm gonna start by saying I haven't been on in over a month and a half, started playing again for a couple days now. My beef is not with charrax personally, its with all the bad admins decisions and massive bans. The reason I stopped playing was because several admins were simply abusing of their power. Now I don't believe getting rid of charrax would solve anything. Running a server is alot of work and I know its not easy. We need to focus on solving the problem, some admins don't belong and need to be removed. Also a clear guide line to what is a slay, 1 day ban, 1 week ban and perm ban. Way too much banning that are unnecessary. Now yes charrax has his part of blame on this over ban but XG garry's mod wouldn't be the same without him.


Here what i would like to see happening:

- reset all ban list

- clear guide line to admins on what are bans and slays

- review of all admins


I am willing to help find a solution to make XG server populated again. Let's not play the blame game and figure a way to fix things

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I can see where you're coming from, but it's not enough to ban him. He codes Lua for the server, granted it's not hard, but he does it for free. I'm also getting report that the evidence is misguided as well, not only from Charrax, but from his mods as well. Gotta get some video proof if you really want him demoted.


-closed until further investigation/more evidence.



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Don't be suprised. +1. Did you see that coming? neither did I!


Charrax hasn't changed since the last protest. And all admin buddies are sticking up for him.

It really showed during my ban protest. No one paid much attention to it but when Charrax responded

all the other admins jumped on the ban-wagon even though i hadn't played with any of them in a looong time (like Scooter for example).


We are also seeing it right now. All the admins are -1ing. They don't want their glorious master to fall.


Also most of the mods are hand-picked by him.


His personality hinders his judgement.

If he doesn't like someone he will either talk shit about them or try to get them to leave.


He isn't admin material.


Edit: Fuzz, I love you. Just want you to know that.

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Charrax runs the server well, even though he may be a bit of a dick sometimes. People begin extremely ban-happy on Gmod is a big problem, not Charrax's fault though.

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Tarik, most of the staff -1 because we don't think he should be removed, do you really think I would want to be a mod under the leadership of someone I didn't like? Of course not. But on the topic of picking staff, i can't speak for the others, but there's usually discussion and general agreement before bringing on new staff. Also, you try to depict him as some tolatarian leader, and that's simply not the case, for starters him and aeon are considered equals, and also, everyone in team speak at the time usually has input on any ideas and such before they're implemented. You're making assumptions about things you don't fully see and understand and to be honest, I've never seen you in team speak with us and I think I've seen you on server all of 2 or 3 times.

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Most of charraxs decisions are consulted with his staff and his higher ups. He is not a dictator. Strict yes, but what is necessary in order to keep the server from becoming a shit fest filled with people who shouldn't be on.

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Well on the break of Css, I've been playing on the Gmod server like DarkRP and TTT. The TTT server seems fine tho the bans i've seen around wasn't needed, Which if that was fix would be much better. Seeing how all bans will be reset on Thursday, I hope they do tune down on the bans. Charrax in my opinion is doing a fine job, Since he was quite helpful for when i play when there are no admin and would respond quickly with a ban for those who broken the rule purposely while admins were off. If he's a dick to your and show you disrespect and such, just ignore him.. block him on teamspeak.. Ect. Also, DarkRp should have the rules enforced and i recommend a look over and change some ridiculous ones, like the NLR should be shorten or when someone is raiding your base and you die.. you can't return until raid is over.

If possible, it would be nice to have Gmod bans/admins listed on sourcebans and all problems that will have affect on the population to be known either to us Co-leader or everyone. Charrax overall is doing a fine job as a DL and should continue to do so. So as for i will vote a -1 sorry xemnas even tho you're someone i've played with and had some funz! this isn't enough to demote him.

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