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John - Counter-Strike: Source

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Counter-Strike: Source

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This is a ban protest for former admin, Echo. He mass free smited resulting in a permanent ban.

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-1. While I like Echo it's too soon. Unbanning him now would essentially be allowing someone to free-smite @all with only receiving around a week ban (I think it isn't quite a week yet though). I'm pretty sure that even with Mythic he wasn't unbanned for a while after he smited @all, and he only was unbanned because he used the autistic "get-out-of-jail-free-card", which in my opinion shouldn't be given as a choice to people who hack or do something like this. People have been unbanned for worse, but not this soon from what I've seen personally. Maybe in a few weeks I'd +1, but it's simply too early.

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Alright here's my real input. Echo was a good admin, except sometimes when he was COMPLETELY STONED. I would support reducing the ban to a month or two. It isn't really up to us, it's mainly up to serbian and silence.

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+1 great guy to play with i know what he did was wrong but we unbanned people for worse.... JUST SAYIN

bleh retarded me cudnt figur out how to edit my post..... i also support a shorting to a month or 2

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Regardless if it was funny or that others have done it, it's still abuse as a Staff Member. The most you'll be able to get out of this would be a shortened ban length, but that's completely up to @@serbiansnaga or @autumn. Other ex-members have done this (IE. Sinly, Mythic) and both were treated differently, one was given a ban length of a couple of months, while the other used the "get-out-of-ban-free card". Again, completely up to the Higher-Ups to decide. -1 for an immediate unban

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+1 Mythic brainwashed him against his will.


Retared me also couldnt find out how to edit. But in all seriousness I believe his ban length should be shortened not immediate. His judgement was clouded and lets be honest a lot worse could have been done.

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Ok if it was him, if hes going through all this trouble to get unbanned, and if he does it again, WE BAN HIM AGAIN, and make it with no appeal, honestly if he massed again he'd ruin one round of someone playing jailbreak.


Mind as well do it myself!

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Mind as well do it myself!

MIGHT AS WELL! IT'S FUCKING 'MIGHT AS WELL'!!!!!!!1111oneoneone Jessus crust you people drive me crazy when I see 'mind as well'. 'mind as well' is not a saying, because IT'S FUCKING 'MIGHT AS WELL' SDAFKLSJADFJLKSDJFJAFJLSDFLA ALL-CAPS RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGEEEEE!


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@@Warriorsfury That was from a mass freekill post, when a staff member mass smites people go on and on about it Those are two different things that should have two different punishments. On another note, I +1 for the same ban length as sinly

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