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Honestly mods/admins shouldnt let it get to 700+ entries in one day

They gag him then when i gets ungagged he keeps doing it and when there is not admins on he also spams it

Refer to trees post for what to do if he does it again after being ungagged. Also its not too hard to report him for spamming it when admins arent here.

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Also its not too hard to report him for spamming it when admins arent here.




I get he's annoying, but hell, who isn't annoying at one point or another? I'll admit I get annoying a shit ton of times, but I'm not going to go around bitching about other people who are annoying, because they can come right back at me and say I do the same shit. Just the same as a bunch of you people who posted in this thread. I understand he is on a much higher level of annoyance than the majority of people, but we all get on each others nerves.


Although, his spamming and annoyance in-game, teamspeak, and forums have been excessive and intolerable (and should/has been punished accordingly), I do not think kicking him out of xG will solve much. So what, he won't have tags on, he'll still be a nuisance without the tags on. Just like if there's a murderer, and you take his gun away, he is still capable of murdering.


I, however, do not believe he deserves as many chances that he has had. If his behavior continues to be at this level, removal of membership would be a very much acceptable answer.


+/- 0

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Just do it, make your possible last moments funny

One, at the most he would lose his xG membership.

Two, who are you to even say that?



Although business went over board with his disrespect+spam, he's still a good guy. After this experience he will MOST LIKELY change his attitude and stop his previous actions. Really, with the exception of a few people it seems like the furries got pissed off by business and are ganging up on him. Someone should simply have a talk to him about his attitude instead of just out right throwing a member protest up. Once you get to know him, he's not that bad of a guy. Trust me (which you most likely won't).

I very much doubt he will change his attitude. He still has his friend Jacob or whatever the fuck his name is, coming on the server using the name PlebWolf6052 #FreeMyNiggaBusiness.


Wow you really want me out to where your going to make lies are you? I didn't fucking ask or command him to change his name. He asks "How long are you banned for" Me: 1 "PlebWolf banned me for 1 week"

He changed his name on his own accord.

Also like tree said. We have set rules. You don't do what you want on your own accord.

I didn't say anything about it because knowing you, You might let it go through your skull as disrespect.

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-snipped trees post

Did you not look at the chat spam. We're not going to tolerate that bullshit. 700+ entries of the lenny face for that one day? Hell no, there is going to be punishment.

Honestly mods/admins shouldnt let it get to 700+ entries in one day


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One, at the most he would lose his xG membership.

Two, who are you to even say that?



Although business went over board with his disrespect+spam, he's still a good guy. After this experience he will MOST LIKELY change his attitude and stop his previous actions. Really, with the exception of a few people it seems like the furries got pissed off by business and are ganging up on him. Someone should simply have a talk to him about his attitude instead of just out right throwing a member protest up. Once you get to know him, he's not that bad of a guy. Trust me (which you most likely won't).

I very much doubt he will change his attitude. He still has his friend Jacob or whatever the fuck his name is, coming on the server using the name PlebWolf6052 #FreeMyNiggaBusiness.


Wow you really want me out to where your going to make lies are you? I didn't fucking ask or command him to change his name. He asks "How long are you banned for" Me: 1 "PlebWolf banned me for 1 week"

He changed his name on his own accord.

Also like tree said. We have set rules. You don't do what you want on your own accord.

I didn't say anything about it because knowing you, You might let it go through your skull as disrespect.


Jul 4, 2013 12:32:11 pm185


PlebWolf #FreeMyNiggaBusinesslol me and business troled the fuck out of darkwolf the other day


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@@ABusinessMan defend yourself when you get the chance

>Implying he gives a fuck

The moment he gets the chance, he'll +1 this thread cause BusinessMandon'tgiveashit. Anyways, I honestly have to agree that the amount of trolling needs to be reduced. There's a certain limit where it's bearable, but he has surpassed it. Personally, I have nothing against him, I enjoy his company (when he's not being a total ass hat), but I have to agree that he isn't exactly xG material. The proof is all there. Quite a few players as well as members have been taking great offence to his actions (I for one have not), but as such he should be dealt with in a matter that everyone will agree on; this being a demotion to non-member status. +1.

TL;DR - Nigguh be disrespectin', people be butthurt and taking offense, he be not representing xG well, +1. 'Nuff said.

- Dat guy, Forest



yea he will go to some other clan and troll them

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Do not understand how that instigates me telling to change his name


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Do not understand how that instigates me telling to change his name



IDK where anyone said you "told him to change his name" to that... but it's pretty clear you are both causing unneeded problems and you seem to be "working together" in your efforts to troll...

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Do not understand how that instigates me telling to change his name



IDK where anyone said you "told him to change his name" to that... but it's pretty clear you are both causing unneeded problems and you seem to be "working together" in your efforts to troll...


lel to the maximum degree!

Yeah we are working together its a conspiracy get trolled by the tr011 squ4d hueehueheue

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It was made apparent that they were both in on it together a while ago. This isn't news so much as it is old news. However it's about time a verdict was reached for this Protest as it has been dragging on for quite a while.


I hate to put so much pressure on our one Co, but @@serbiansnaga as this really is a decision for the Co-Lead to make.

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