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Hub Updates & We need Suggestions!

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Hola Compadres,


If you don't know me already, I am Prius (Pry-us). I am a New Member / Developer here at Xeno Gamers! I'm here to try and assist Silence (or whatever Jewish name he goes with, I think it's like Rhododendrondoren or some shit) when it comes to Servers, as I see there aren't many people who are too tech savvy. I've gone ahead and offered my Services to yet another project (while still working on Garry's Mod), which is the Hub / Store.


I've been given access to both the Hub Test Server aswell as the all the Source Files to it - so that I can easily add in my 2 cents whenever a great idea comes to me. As I see you guys have been left in the dark when it comes to your precious Hub, so I decided to shed some light onto the situation - hopefully any questions can also be asked in this thread so that myself or Silence can answer, however BEFORE YOU POST read the FAQ. After the FAQ - you will find our progress & more bullet point updates.


[ Frequently Asked Questions ]


Q: When will the hub be released?

A: We do not know, it still needs major work D;


Q: Will it have all of our old items?

A: Not likely, We've imported the old unused credits. To receive them, you must donate upon hub relaunch and all your credits will magically appear! Hue.


Q: Will you be accepting suggestions? We want new things!

A: Yes YES YES! We want new things too, check below on how to submit your suggestions for all to see!


Q: Will you release more updates on progress of the almighty hub?

A: Yes, we will. Just wait.


[ Suggestions ]


We'll be accepting suggestions as long as they are valid. Meaning if you're wanting a system that will explode everyone every time you say "Mom, Can I have a condom (@@Rhododendron)" not only will your suggestion be ignored, simple as that. However the way we will accept Suggestions in this thread - you can leave them at the bottom of your question or however - remember what I said about valid suggestions pls.


[ We need trails, doe ]


Title says it all, I won't even make this a bullet point doe. We need people who are wanting to make trails, which you can leave on this thread. But that's not all! Make a dope ass trail, and you will get a few thousand credits!! You'll definently be the coolest with a few thousand credits in the bank. You can also buy me a drink.


Thanks Guys!

~ Prius

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1. Theres a thread with trails somewhere floating around

2. Please don't use so many annoying colors when you write in big blocks like this.

3. ????

4. Profit

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1. Theres a thread with trails somewhere floating around

2. Please don't use so many annoying colors when you write in big blocks like this.

3. ????

4. Profit


I like colors.


We will have a set system for donations if that is what you meant by Profit.

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>People complain about me spending 15 minutes changing the website to ponies instead of coding hub.

>Won't contribute any suggestions whatsoever.

I was thinking a lottery system. 3 main lotteries

Daily, Weekly, and Monthly, with each having a higher entry fee then the last.

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A while ago @@Flatline told me he could help out with making trails, not too sure if hes still up for it


Bleed, please tell me...where is @@Flatline ?

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When will the hub be released?

Will it have all of our old items?

Will you be accepting suggestions? We want new things!

Will you release more updates on progress of the almighty hub?

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I could take any image and make it into the correct size for a trail, aswell as doing small edits. Also I can put it in the correct format to be used.



Some type of system that randomly selects a ct that is worth credits (100 or so credits) and any t who kills that ct gets credits (as long as there is 10+ ct's on the team though. This could add more reasons to rebel and make it WAY more fun! But make sure NO ONE knows who is the random person though so it cannot be abused.



Thank you for helping silence and gmod!


Here are all the current trails (Yes there a duplicates that were FROM the trails file. Not me putting them in there)



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@@Warriorsfury Great. You can go ahead and toss out a few trail ideas, we can get those in there hopefully this weekend. I am going to be fixing a lot of code for Hub.


And no problem.

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We are still in need of suggestions all! You have no room to complain if you aren't willing to contribute towards the hub being developed.


@@HanYolo ; I want your suggestions, if you have any.

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You can never have enough bombs. Thats the only thing in Hub that i would even consider donating for. bombs.


Also, im not aware of any guidelines for trails, like sizes and such, but i will gladly work on some if im given specs. I have photo manipulating skills but have never used them for CSS.

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