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low population

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It really does come down to staff getting on. CSS hasn't had hub either, yet there are still times we get 35-40 people and the game is ancient. All it takes is 1 staff member to get on, then it just slowly picks up. I've seen it go from 1 (after midnight, 3am est) to 20 in a matter of minutes because a staff member showed up.

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It really does come down to staff getting on. CSS hasn't had hub either, yet there are still times we get 35-40 people and the game is ancient. All it takes is 1 staff member to get on, then it just slowly picks up. I've seen it go from 1 (after midnight, 3am est) to 20 in a matter of minutes because a staff member showed up.

I've done this myself with CSGO... :|

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join them in populating

i cant. I physically cant

you're a maid. steal a better laptop.

Buy me a better laptop? Even if you don't i'll try again to run cs go maybe optimize a bit more.

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Im camping i cant populate. and my forum name is not Purple -.- It was taken =/

Dafuq are you talking about? Anyway won't be able populate as I'm taking a 6 month break from gaming.

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Well it was populated like an hour ago :). we dont need a hub, just for staff to stay in the server. also some new maps would help, but a hub would be nice

I don't want to hear this Hub excuse. TF2 is well populated without it and CS:S is starting to rise a bit.


That's because I told the tf2 staff to join and invite people, or they'd get demoted. It's fun to watch twelve year olds shit their pants, scrambling to find friends they can invite.

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I agree. Staff needs to start playing more constantly because the server will populate when like 3 or 4 staff are on, then it dies because staff leaves and everyone gives up.

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I think we need new Division Leaders

I vote for Kenji and Mtown

All hell will be loose, Mtown will go full Mtown more often and kenji will be worse at cs go than he normally is.

For that idea I think we should ban you for posting things on xenogamers ;)

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I think we need new Division Leaders

I vote for Kenji and Mtown

Kenji has tf2 as his baby. We need mtwon as the division manager and there after division leader.

@@Necromancer Mtwon is amazing and you should be banned for a being a bully. This is a christian server.

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