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He's been trolling and just a general nuisance on servers.


He constantly channel hops and tries to start fights.


He spammed channels. like this

<02:48:21> "Epix" switched from channel "Daisy's Counseling Center" to "Warrior's VIP Room"

<02:48:24> "Epix" switched from channel "Warrior's VIP Room" to "Daisy's Counseling Center"

<02:48:27> "Epix" switched from channel "Daisy's Counseling Center" to "Mystical Van of Magical Wonders"

<02:48:29> "Epix" switched from channel "Daisy's Counseling Center" to "Warrior's VIP Room"

<02:48:31> "Epix" switched from channel "Warrior's VIP Room" to "Daisy's Counseling Center"

<02:48:34> "Epix" switched from channel "Daisy's Counseling Center" to "Mystical Van of Magical Wonders"


Here is one of the fights he started for no reason

<02:23:38> "temperancia": why would you not ward

<02:23:40> "Epix": iron

<02:23:41> "temperancia": as any support :0

<02:23:44> "Epix": you do

<02:23:54> "temperancia": then why would you not buy wards???

<02:24:20> "Epix": you dont need it

<02:24:25> "Epix": you just fucking ball hard

<02:24:34> "temperancia": you dont need wards

<02:24:35> "Aerosilia": epix you're my kinda support

<02:24:38> "Aerosilia": ;)

<02:24:40> "Epix": ;)

<02:24:43> "temperancia": wow

<02:24:48> "Dirty Dan": Eww^

<02:24:48> "Aerosilia": wards are for the weak

<02:24:49> "PiNoYPsYcHo": not sure if trolling or doesn't play league.

<02:24:50> "temperancia": can i not q with you guys ever again :[

<02:24:51> "Aerosilia": predict all of their movement

<02:25:03> "Warriorsfury": Learn to kill

<02:25:05> "Epix": or you play a 100% offensive champion

<02:25:07> "temperancia": ok amy

<02:25:10> "temperancia": mid is going down to bot

<02:25:13> "temperancia": is he/she going through river

<02:25:14> "temperancia": or tribush

<02:25:15> "Epix": and learn to expect movements based off of lane partners movements

<02:25:17> "temperancia": ????

<02:25:18> "Warriorsfury": both

<02:25:26> "Aerosilia": it depends

<02:25:30> "temperancia": steal baron

<02:25:35> "temperancia": how do you steal baron from purple side

<02:25:36> "Aerosilia": if you're low mid can easily dive

<02:25:38> "Aerosilia": and escape

<02:25:41> "Aerosilia": river if pushed

<02:25:53> "Aerosilia": anyway invite plise

<02:26:02> "Epix": if you're a no cc like soraka fucking 100% defense support then yes you need 91019240 wards

<02:26:08> "Epix": if you're an all in fucking ball hard like leona

<02:26:11> "Aerosilia": leona don't need no wards

<02:26:12> "Aerosilia": yes

<02:26:13> "Aerosilia": yess

<02:26:13> "Epix": you learn to predict movements

<02:26:18> "Aerosilia": ^^^^^!^!^^!

<02:26:18> "Aerosilia": !^!^!^

<02:26:29> "Epix": and engage when there is opportunity

<02:26:31> "Epix": this way

<02:26:34> "Aerosilia": but i can't be all am

<02:26:35> "Aerosilia": because

<02:26:36> "Epix": you can maintain lane stasis

<02:26:38> "Aerosilia": leeza and poinoy force me to ward

<02:26:44> "Aerosilia": even though i prefer learning to predict movement

<02:26:46> "Epix": WOW POINOY

<02:26:53> "Epix": its good with some people

<02:26:59> "Aerosilia": yes

<02:27:07> "Warriorsfury": You can't predict movement>_>

<02:27:15> "Epix": yes you can

<02:27:19> "Epix": if you're good like me

<02:27:20> "Warriorsfury": EPIX

<02:27:22> "Warriorsfury": fucking die

<02:27:31> "temperancia": no im literally not going to play if you refuse to ward


<02:27:44> "temperancia": ...yes

<02:27:50> "Epix": I play league by the motto of "everything is situational"

<02:27:55> "Epix": never stick to a set build

<02:28:01> "Epix": im bronze?

<02:28:03> "Epix": since when?

<02:28:12> "Epix": diamond silver golld what

<02:28:15> "PiNoYPsYcHo": i'm diamond

<02:28:16> "PiNoYPsYcHo": in normals

<02:28:20> "PiNoYPsYcHo": gold in ranked

<02:28:23> "Epix": well do you play alot of ranked?

<02:28:30> "PiNoYPsYcHo": ionno ask me

<02:28:36> "temperancia": you're dumb

<02:28:37> "Epix": i quit for like 7 months and started playing again like 5 months ago

<02:28:40> "temperancia": please shut up

<02:28:43> "Aerosilia": invite leeza

<02:28:57> "Epix": ive been playing for quite some time now

<02:29:04> "Epix": i started playing just before ahri came out

<02:29:14> "temperancia": so you're a better support

<02:29:21> "temperancia": and you have a better word

<02:29:26> "temperancia": because youve been playing since ahri came out

<02:29:27> "Epix": what no

<02:29:27> "temperancia": gggggg

<02:29:28> "Epix": probably

<02:29:29> "Epix": no

<02:29:30> "Epix": not

<02:29:30> "temperancia": dayum

<02:29:31> "temperancia": you so good

<02:29:35> "Epix": pinoy is probably better

<02:29:37> "temperancia": i bow down to you forever

<02:29:43> "Epix": but i just put in my input

<02:29:43> "tem

<02:29:55> "Epix": and you're being a sarcastic idiot

<02:29:57> "temperancia": even if their jungler's an evelynn

<02:30:00> "temperancia": or they have a twitch

<02:30:01> "PiNoYPsYcHo": They should remove

<02:30:03> "PiNoYPsYcHo": wards in game

<02:30:04> "temperancia": or a zac for that matter

<02:30:06> "PiNoYPsYcHo": if they dnt need it

<02:30:07> "Epix": well of fucking course if it's an eve

<02:30:10> "temperancia": who needs a fucking ward to steal minions

<02:30:11> "Epix": sigh...

<02:30:21> "temperancia": just pick lux and ult in the dark

<02:30:22> "Epix": i said the game is situational

<02:30:25> "temperancia": that will win us games

<02:30:26> "Aerosilia": no matter the situation, you need to ward, because even if you believe like that, epix, the other support will be warding

<02:30:28> "Warriorsfury": LISTEN

<02:30:29> "Aerosilia": they will have an advanatge

<02:30:29> "Aerosilia": and

<02:30:30> "Epix": not fucking no wards ever

<02:30:31> "Aerosilia": you won't.

<02:30:32> "Warriorsfury": The only REASON

<02:30:33> "Warriorsfury": Why

<02:30:36> "Warriorsfury": Wards need to be removed

<02:30:41> "Warriorsfury": Is because they dont get kills

<02:30:46> "Epix": wards get kills all the time

<02:30:46> "Warriorsfury": All they do is sit there and afk

<02:30:46> "temperancia": obviously

<02:30:51> "temperancia": wards dont help the game

<02:30:52> "Epix": you dont watch korean LoL do you

<02:30:54> "PiNoYPsYcHo": No wards on bottom? Might as well camp and give the adc 5+ kills.

<02:31:06> "PiNoYPsYcHo": Epix ur white

<02:31:07> "BasedGod": best adc = master yi

<02:31:08> "BasedGod": ^

<02:31:08> "Epix": there was this level 15 ward in Korean challenger

<02:31:09> "BasedGod": ^

<02:31:10> "Epix": and like

<02:31:12> "Epix": it had 1777 ad

<02:31:15> "Epix": and killed the shaco

<02:31:16> "Epix": 1 hit

<02:31:17> "Epix": gg

<02:31:17> "PiNoYPsYcHo": u dnt know shit about LoL.

<02:31:18> "PiNoYPsYcHo": ur not him

<02:31:19> "PiNoYPsYcHo": LOL

<02:34:06> "Warriorsfury": can we start pls

<02:34:14> "Epix": just play your game

<02:34:15> "M-Twon81": hey warrior

<02:34:16> "Epix": you're right

<02:34:21> "Epix": theres one way to play league of legends

<02:34:28> "M-Twon81": can u unsilence me in the channel above, ive been silenced for months

<02:34:32> "Epix": the game that is notorious for its changing meta

<02:34:33> "PiNoYPsYcHo": Names Jungler/Adc pro players > Doesn't mention a support pro player > assumes wards are useless.

<02:34:35> "PiNoYPsYcHo": point proven

<02:34:44> "Epix": i just said yellowpete and xspecial?

<02:34:44> "Epix": what

<02:34:49> "Epix": thats a support pro player

<02:35:00> "Epix": i said wards CAN be useless when you are in a certain situation

<02:35:04> "PiNoYPsYcHo": yeh the fact that u point out the first 4 pro players = top/jungler

<02:35:11> "Epix": is there something wrong with that?

<02:35:14> "temperancia": groan

<02:35:18> "Epix": their the first ones that came to mind

<02:35:23> "Epix": *they're

<02:35:34> "Epix": lolk

<02:35:49> "Epix": pinoys fucking drunk

<02:35:53> "DaisyGeeBro": aww damn pinoys rant is over?

<02:35:56> "Epix": cant really argue with him\

<02:36:04> "Epix": i let it go

<02:36:06> "M-Twon81": who wants to play fifa

<02:36:10> "Warriorsfury": You can't argue because your annoying

<02:36:11> "BasedGod": me

<02:36:12> "Warriorsfury": How old are you?

<02:36:12> "Epix": he was the one insulting me and shiet yo

<02:36:18> "Epix": 15

<02:36:20> "Warriorsfury": He wasn't insulting you

<02:36:22> "Warriorsfury": You're wrong

<02:36:26> "M-Twon81": ^+1

<02:36:28> "Warriorsfury": And you are trying to justify it

<02:36:29> "Epix": saying i was stupid and white and shit lol

<02:36:32> "Warriorsfury": Idc

<02:36:35> "Epix": im not trying to argue with you warriors

<02:36:35> "Warriorsfury": You

<02:36:37> "Epix": jesus christ

<02:36:38> "Warriorsfury": Are pretty much

<02:36:39> "Warriorsfury": Saying

<02:36:46> "Warriorsfury": If I murder you

<02:36:50> "Warriorsfury": Because no one saw it

<02:36:56> "Epix": what are you talking about?

<02:37:04> "Warriorsfury": World of Warcraft

<02:37:08> "Epix": i literally have no idea what you just said

<02:37:09> "Warriorsfury": Are you having trouble stay on topic?

<02:37:25> "Epix": *staying

<02:37:31> "Epix": and no

<02:37:38> "Epix": you just made some abstract analogy

<02:37:44> "Warriorsfury": If you are going to correct me atleast type full sentences.

<02:37:45> "Epix": then said a random MMORPG

<02:37:55> "Epix": I apologize for my mistakes dear lord

<02:38:00> "Warriorsfury": Good

<02:38:14> "Epix": Forgive me and bathe me in the holy water to cleanse me of my sins.


He is just constantly causing trouble in ts, following people around on ts,

and making people uncomfortable, and being very aggravating to clan members and he shouldn't be around.







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uhhhhh +1


Seriously, channel spams constantly, follows people around, tries to troll channels.


In CSGO he has been perma ct banned for mass freekill in which he then got un ctbanned so +1

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Copy paste is not proof, provide a screenshot or i will be closing this thread in about 1 hour (when finish my league game.)


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Copy paste is not proof, provide a screenshot or i will be closing this thread in about 1 hour (when finish my league game.)




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Here's the screenshotsss. uwu I wasn't able to get all of the evidence since I left the room a little bit earlier, and the history didn't reach to the beginning of the conversation.











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Okay, I'm on my phone, but ill do the best I can. This is ridiculous. My so called "trolling" is me having a disagreement about league of legends and then me "constantly channel hop" into other channels. First off, channel hopping isn't an offense. Second, my trolling isn't trolling, it's my opinion that was really controversial and made some people upset. This is the only proof you have of an isolated incident. You have 1 (fake) reason, and a bunch of people who are still mad over the whole thing. But I'll let the community decide if this is really something to kick me out of xG for.

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My opinion is this is a little much...

This is the one time I have seen him troll so far. The problem could have been solved in a very simple and easy manner via silencing/blacklist. This is honestly nothing to be kicked out of the clan for.


Unless I see something els, then I don't see this as a problem.


EDIT: Change my vote

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+1 there is no reason for you wanting to cause fights with knowledge you'll piss someone off, and to ruin everyone's mood.

I was the cause of disagreement that made people angry because of my opinion. I'll take the blame for starting the disagreement but how in the world does that translate to trolling and then to an xG kick?

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