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R.i.p. Cristo Xg:a - Counter-strike: Source

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It's in the original post. [media=vimeo]78132778[/media] Here is the video again, for people who can't see it.

I see a big ass white space where it should be lol and I see


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You have to give them a time to do the orders, it can't be "immediately". That isn't a time. The orders need to be done by a time. You need to give 5 seconds for them to do the orders.

Aside from that, you MUST repeat your orders.

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You have to give them a time to do the orders, it can't be "immediately". That isn't a time. The orders need to be done by a time. You need to give 5 seconds for them to do the orders.

Aside from that, you MUST repeat your orders.

Where in the rules does it say it must be done by a certain time? Where in the MOTD? I don't see it at all, so I'm wondering where you guys are getting this from. And as I stated in the thread, which you should read by the way, I gave them more than five seconds to comply. Here, I will repost it for you.

If you look at the video, I opened the doors at 00:41. I shot some people who were directly disobeying orders in the first few seconds, as in were cell hopping and not just delaying inside the cell. At 00:49 is when I start killing people who are still inside their cells and not obeying. That is more than five seconds. I did not freekill a single person, even with this five second "unwritten rule". He admin abused me by slaying me, and ridiculed me for following the rules, which is extremely unadmin-like behavior.

I gave them more than five seconds, it's in the video.

I may have missed repeating the orders, you're right, but that wasn't why I was slain and mocked by one of your admins. For the sake of this thread, that is inconsequential. Until some concrete evidence that I have to give a time limit on every single order is posted in this thread, as in somebody linking where in the MOTD it says that, I will have to completely disagree with Cristo's decision to slay me, and it will continue to be admin abuse.

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You have to give them a time to do the orders, it can't be "immediately". That isn't a time. The orders need to be done by a time. You need to give 5 seconds for them to do the orders.

Aside from that, you MUST repeat your orders.

Noone asked for a repeat...

In the video the cells opened at 7:17, he kills people rushing the vent and then at 7:09 (8 seconds after opening) he kills the Ts not complying...


I have to say I think all his kills were legit and he didn't deserve to be slain.

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Is being a fat Mexican reason to +1?



Anyways, I was in game during that, so I'll state what I think. It's common knowledge that you give time on our servers- But this guy is new. The rules generally suggest a time, but I think our rules are a bit too general on that. We should edit for such.



But on the abuse, -1, it was blown out of proportion. Edit the rules to include such and I think it'll help everyone.

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@@Gkoo @@Rhododendron @@Cristo


I believe it was blown out of proportion as well. I'm going to -1 on this but Cristo should be talked to about this and given some advisement from higher ups on this.

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Okay, here we go again...


The rules probably don't state this problem, but it would be very nice to have it edited in. Anyway, this 'rule' has been enforced for who knows how long, and cristo was only doing what any other admin would have done, honestly we should all be demoted if this is enough. Saying "Do this by x" or "Do this by ..now." after 5 seconds of cells opening is fine, honestly.

"Immediately" is a different time for every CT. (Some kill within 2, 3, 5, 7 secs, and so on).. So it may have caused confusion.


As for abuse: -1.

Once again, Cristo was only doing what any kind of admin would have done, because once again.. AGAIN, this 'rule' has been enforced for a very long time


Even after watching that video, i think Cristo is the biggest derp for how he was explaining things.

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Saying "Do this by x" or "Do this by ..now." after 5 seconds of cells opening is fine, honestly.

"Immediately" is a different time for every CT. (Some kill within 2, 3, 5, 7 secs, and so on).. So it may have caused confusion.


As for abuse: -1.

Once again, Cristo was only doing what any kind of admin would have done, because once again.. AGAIN, this 'rule' has been enforced for a very long time


Even after watching that video, i think Cristo is the biggest derp for how he was explaining things.

So to clarify, me saying "do this as soon as cell doors are open", giving them five seconds to comply with the instructions after cells are opened, and then getting harassed by a mod and slain for following the rules, is not abuse on his part? And the fact that this "rule" isn't written down makes me think that somebody slaying for it and harassing somebody over it makes it a little bit worse than if it was written in the MOTD? At least then it would be legal beagle, set in stone. I don't understand how you can say say "Yeah, Ampersand, you were completely in the right and didn't do anything wrong, but Cristo slaying you for nothing is not admin abuse, and the fact that he was a complete dick to you is completely fine."

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I don't know how to edit posts on this forum so if a mod wants to merge this post with my last one, please do!

I see absolutely no difference between "now" and "immediately". They are literally the exact same thing. I don't see how that makes for any confusion, since by your account, the rule is to give five seconds to follow orders. Not 2. Not 7. Me saying immediately should not bring up any confusion.

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I don't understand how you can say say "Yeah, Ampersand, you were completely in the right and didn't do anything wrong, but Cristo slaying you for nothing is not admin abuse, and the fact that he was a complete dick to you is completely fine."

I don't remember seeing him do anything other than "Heeeey why'd you kill those guys? You gotta give a time (x200) *slay*"

Calling this admin abuse is pretty derpy too, like i said we should all be demoted if this is actually serious, considering we all have been slain and slayed for this same reason multiple times.

I would not say you are completely in the right, either. More of it's just confusing when you do it this way and it may lead to freekills and/or slays, And i wasn't talking about only you when i was talking about the "Immediately" time, i'm talking about other CTs who may take it that way and you can get blamed for it if they are freekills.

However, i'm not saying you are completely wrong/right, and Cristo is completely right.. Only saying that you made a confusing situation and were the first to complain about such a thing. (For some reason when a rule is flawed or missing, it still goes on until somebody complains about it because it's become a "normal thing" in the server.. we need to change that, lol)


As for the future, in the rules or not.. Try to avoid this kind of situation again by just saying a few extra words. (do this by NOW [to let the admins/players know, 5 seconds after doors open,] or do this by x) to avoid this type of confusion.

And can we have this rule edited in already? Jeebus Cristo...


Also you'll see an "edit" button at the bottom of your post. Gyazo - 5efd36a4d2beb97d83c9abdf7de9a462.png

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But I did give a time, according to you. Immediately is now. Now is immediately. They are literally the same thing. It is not confusing in any way shape or form. immediately | with no person or thing in between Does this help? Does seeing "now" in the synonyms help? If I say "Do this immediately" it is literally, in no way to confuse anybody, the exact same thing as saying "Do this by now". In fact, saying "Do this by now" is actually more wordy and confusing. Saying I made a confusing situation is an absolute garbage argument. I said things very clearly, and I gave them the extra five seconds. I killed the vent hoppers and then after 8 seconds killed the people still in their cells. I did NOTHING wrong. Please stop trying to place the blame to me.

If a CT kills somebody when I say "Do x Immediately", and didn't wait the five seconds, then that is not my fault. They chose to ignore waiting for the five second rule, not me. You cannot place the rule breaking of others on me, when I am following the rules to a T. I seriously did nothing wrong in this situation.

And I am not asking for a demotion. I am asking for a consequence sure, but I'll leave that up to you guys. What I am more interested in is an apology from Cristo for freeslaying me and being an enormous dick to me, and the acknowledgement that I was slain for something that isn't in the rules. I was freeslayed by an admin. Not a moderator. An admin. To me, that is a huge mark against your server, if not even your admins know the rules, and harass people over it.

Also I don't see an edit button at all. [MEDIA=imgur]xs2jlzT[/MEDIA]

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"Do this by now" = They should already be done with the orders.

"Do this immediately" = They should get to trying to do it .. Like right when you say it.

I'm not using a dictionary for this one..

I agree with most things, but this is confusing for some people, and i'm not trying to place all blame on you for CT actions (Except when you give a 'tarp' order, which most people consider everything, but it really isn't.)

The most that will come out of this is a rule change and notifying all staff members about it. Cristo's choice to apologize since we really can't force him, i don't think. But he is highly inactive on forums, and barely focuses in-game on stuff like this. So good luck, and have a good day sir.

Also there should be an edit button, i don't know why there isn't, i think it has something to do with 5 minutes after posting you can't edit anymore??

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