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Xenorabbit - Counter-strike: Source

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So am I gonna be unbanned???

Wait on the decision of the CS:S Higher-Ups. Impatient behaviour won't get you unbanned any sooner, they need to weigh the pros/cons.

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What Forest said, try not to spam the thread, be impatient, or anything that is not really needed.


I'm stuck at a 50/50. I don't want to be constantly accused of favoritism (It's annoying,) Nor do i want to constantly un-ban those who mass freekilled.

Seeing the reason, i'd say you probably did this intentionally, and i'm waiting for @Darkwolf's opinion on this. (I don't want to decide myself, for reasons)

I'll say 0 for now. If i see you on commonly, being nice and all, then it will probably show you are a good person and should probably deserve (Or have a chance) to be un-banned (Unless it was actually an intentional)

As for now, you should probably be patient. If this protest gets denied, you will probably have a better chance in the future. (If above is followed)


If you want to talk/ask questions about this commonly (Like you are doing in the thread,) it's best to just talk to somebody through steam chat.

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After looking into it, you have had 2 other names on xG servers, one I remember, the other I don't.

The one I remember is "[þĉ]þářŧş", which I can recall broke rules a lot, now I don't know whether you were banned under that name or not, but it wouldn't surprise me. Your last use with barts was Sep 9, 2012 7:42:46 pm.

The other which I don't know, is "Counter$triker070$`-:}" Your last connect as that name was Nov 9, 2012 6:11:49 pm.

So from November 2012, you haven't played for a year (most people stop playing when perm CT banned.)

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Hey Guys, This is Green and black Rabbits dad. BTW, He is 11 years old. I have had this account since half life first came out. I used to run [Pc]Parts in various forms back in the day. When I first introduced GBR to CS he was 9. I think he has it figured out by now so if you could give him a break that would be great so I can stop hearing about it. Thanks for your patience with him.

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Hey Guys, This is Green and black Rabbits dad. BTW, He is 11 years old. I have had this account since half life first came out. I used to run [Pc]Parts in various forms back in the day. When I first introduced GBR to CS he was 9. I think he has it figured out by now so if you could give him a break that would be great so I can stop hearing about it. Thanks for your patience with him.

Proof (pics, hue.)

Also, hearing about it? Why would he-.. Wh- What?

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I'm really hoping that wasn't his dad. There are so many inconsistencies in the post itself that even I would be ashamed if my father posted it looking like that.


Alright "XenoRabbit", let's say you have it figured out. That's all fine and dandy, but the fact of the matter is that you were banned for Mass Freekilling, one of the more severe cases of CT bans. Whether or not this was intentional (I strongly urge Staff Members to mark a CT ban with an (I) when someone mass freekills intentionally to prevent these sort of situations; IE: !ctban Forest 0 (I) Mass Freekilling) is unclear, and because of that sole factor, it would be unfair to deem this act as intentional. However, given your past history of breaking rules, I would suggest to the CS:S Division to keep an eye on this particular player and take notes of his behaviour and knowledge of the MoTD Rules before unbanning them.


I myself -1 for an immediate unban, because even though the player has been banned for a while, a certain trust level needs to be established before an unban may/should be considered. I'd recommend at least 2 weeks of surveillance (depending on the activity of the player). Just my opinion on the whole matter.


- Dat guy, Forest

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Dad again, What kind of proof do you need? ashamed of what? Give the kid a break, I have been playing CS longer than you have been alive most likely, and I have never read the motd Rules. I'm sure al 11 year old hasn't either. All he has been talking about is this server drama and trying to get unbanned.

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This is his father, I understand your position. I am just trying to help you understand. When he started playing CS he was 9, I'm sure he went around shooting everything. He has been playing for a while now and understands the rules. He really likes the server, and has friends that play there, or I wouldn't even mess with it. Thanks for your consideration.

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This is his father, I understand your position. I am just trying to help you understand. When he started playing CS he was 9, I'm sure he went around shooting everything. He has been playing for a while now and understands the rules. He really likes the server, and has friends that play there, or I wouldn't even mess with it. Thanks for your consideration.

He did go around shooting everything, which got him banned. He was punished for what he did, and probably deserved it. Seeing everything, he played CS for a year, did something wrong, so what makes us think he won't do it again?

Being on CT isn't very recommended for an 11 year old until we can trust them with it, because they will likely screw up. A lot. Give him a few weeks of playing, or at least not complaining, and he may be un-banned in the future.

We have no problem with him playing the server, Just give him time to become more trusted overall.

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If this is his dad, he's a cool dad. And I want pics of his PC nailed to a tree. Any who this kid was on here today and all I can really remember is killing him a lot so there's that. And I probably shouldn't -1 or +1 cause you all know I'm down for second chances but he also seems a little young.


So my only advice is hang around the server as T and try to keep your ear to the ground about rules and try again later. Cheers.

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