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aite im done of your fucking lying sack of shit now that people can't see chat log you change the story , keep it at this don't disrespect me for no fucking reason when you join the server and i might be in there. And you won't be banned i know you know that you like to be a fucking dickhead, this is where imma warn you last time , if you disrespect me or have one of your stupid binds being spammed and my name is in them, i will take that as disrespect. Don't call me no faggot , bitch , asshole , ni^^er or any other disrespectful words. And maybe just maybe you won't have a problem, i told u in admin chat to stop , you did not , my judgement was to give you a 5 min ban the staff that was on seen it @Bleed and they thought it was appropriate for what was happening.

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What is considered disrespect:


If a player makes serious threats relating to the opposing users life, internet, or status in Xeno Gamers.

Ignoring higher-uppers in Xeno Gamers when it relates to the rules that correspond to the server that user is on.


What is not considered disrespect


The frustrated occasional cuss words. Everyone gets annoyed when playing video games.

Arguing over map choice.

Attempting to state your opinion in a non-malicious way. Swearing is not malicious in anyway.

Just going to leave this here.

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One of my biggest questions is, was the "freeslay" on hexx a friendly slay? (meaning they were playing around) Or was it a legit slay that he just wanted to do to piss Hexx off? And as Forest posted above, there is clearly a thread that was made by our Ex one of the best Division leaders Papichulo which explains exactly how disrespect works on our servers (atleast the basics). Personally I think you two need to either work things out to avoid future situations with each-other, or you can simply ignore each-other. If i were a DM+ i would talk to both of you personally, and would tell you to fix the issue you guys got going on asap, and if it were to happen again, punishments would be handed out to both of you. Over all though, just leave each-other alone, I'ts not hard to ignore each-other, or at-least try to talk it out in a mature way without igniting a small war between the two of you. I see no reason for a demotion, unless there is more to it which would lead to a punishment.

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Ganja you been doing this shit even before you got your admin rank. You once banned me as well for joking around with you and calling you gayjin. You have shown to be an immature douche who somehow got admin rank when you don't deserve it. In fact, you seem to lie about warning people "many times" for example when I called you gayjin you only said you didn't want to be called that and then banned me for saying it so lee had to unban me for something as simple as joking. You don't see cristo bitching whenever shadowspy or hexx make racist mexican jokes so why cant you take a joke? If you're going to ban people left and right then maybe you shouldn't be an admin if you're going to abuse.

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Ganja that was more disrespect on me iv ever seen, are you serious. You can even see in the screenshots i took that i didn't disrspect you once, maybe with me saying "it sounds like u raging" but wtf are your seriously that butt hurt you're gonna ban me over that. U never warned me and you just banned me just like saturday said u make of shit so u can get away with it.

How about this u leave me the hell alone and ill leave u alone. And just remember dont be calling me any bullshit things either otherwise like u said its disrespect, so no playing around either.

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Ganja, unless you have a serious reading comprehension issue. I clearly stated which event i was talking about.



Need more convincing?


You always give out 5 min bans whenever someone upsets you. A kick is fine with a warning, plus if every admin did this including me then xg would be severely unpopular and we would be the Something Awful of gaming clans (and im sure SA does have a gaming clan but that's besides the point)


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Ganja you're lieing outta your ass. We stopped arguing and after 20minutes u said i was bad as some guy and i said i was gonna make u do a duckii jr, after that u banned me from the servers for 5m. So stop you'r bullshit because most of the active xG members (that play jb everyday) knows how much u abuse when u get pissed off over something little.

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the forestfire and saturday team have came together, ok well lets just leave it at this cuz looking at these posts there not really going anywhere with an aboose thread. like i said 5 min ban is fair for what u did, i told you before to stop in many many previous maps days on the server, that day you got on my last nerve with the pointless shit talk that you always bring to the server. EVEN THO ADMIN CAN make the punishment as fits you're man over 5 min, i would understand if you got ban for 1-6 hours or a day then everyone would be mad, Saturday i love how you come in here and start saying this and that when its not even relevant to what is going on in this thread, Both of you should really think of what you're trying to do, both of you are saying same shit over and over, and both of you are rating or commenting on the posts i made with the same reaction , im sure that both of you didn't talk to each other on steam or something else and decided to both come and put in your 2 sense. We still haven't got anywhere with this abuse thread all i see is bitching at this or that. Here let me tag some people who might be interested too @Cristo @DeathGod @Forest @DrLee @Hidingmaster @Bleed @Miya @speedlimit56kb

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Alright, I do disagree with Saturday five minute ban. I would have preferred if you just have kicked him, and if he continued, then the five minute ban. But, that's up to the admin at hand. I'm unaware if you kicked ForestFire first then banned him. I'd like to know that first of all. But, even if he did not. There's no room for a demotion here, just getting Ganja to change his method of admining and adding a kick in there instead of a ban. ;) We're pretty much in agreement - Hiding and I - but I'll leave this thread open for a bit longer. If they have any more substantial evidence, then that'd be great. If not, I'll close this early tomorrow.

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