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Nomulous - Team Fortress 2

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Team Fortress 2

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Pay attention to the chatbox/Mic. For those not in the know, Nomulous spammed Halloween events sounds while on JB1. Additionally, he spawned bosses on a non-freeday (
), although he had a vote, it can only be done for LR or on a
freeday with a vote.
It was a normal day, and the warden even begged Nomulous to not do it. He also toggled /noclip @all, although the only proof I have are screenshots of people having it. (Another member took these, so they will be added when he is back online.)

(Occurred on Sunday, May 25th, 2014)

Enabling Noclip (Albeit with a vote) on an objective based server, telling mods/admins that they can abuse freely, and asking for advice on what/how to abuse across the server and in Teamspeak. Additionally, he teleported earlier to get to Gun Shop (Worse alternative to armory on that map). Although that bit is without proof aside from the word of several people on at that time, like @FoRgE or @Insane. He also unmuted several people without good reason to do so.

Further Information:

@Insane @Muzzle @diabeetus @Hidingmaster @ThePenguin @Gawd @snakeboyeric @Rhododendron


Although he said it was his birthday, abusing powers on a very populated server (with several regulars on) and actually endorsing abuse is a concern to many in the xG TF2 Division.

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Forgot to mention this, but some sound is from Teamspeak as well. It's fraps, not me. Also, apologies for the second long video, but the abuse stops around 15 mins., I think. I suck at editing.

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I agree this was very shocking. I don't really know what to say. There is a lot of evidence here. Also when he mass slapped I was taking a piss so I didn't know or change my player perspective

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+1 defiantly agree, I've seen him abuse multiple times before D:

It almost seems that Nomulous wants to be demoted with all tha abuse.

and since he hasn't been very active and has really dont much :/


Go back to the regular nom, the one i knew ;~;

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