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Summer Plans!~

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How is everyone?~

I thought it would be nice if we could have a friendship circle of feelings and tell everyone our summer plans :3

and I swear to fucking Raptor Jesus if Voly says something stupid I'll end someone.




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lots of TF2.

lots of time outside with friends

lots of time at the beach playing beach vollyball and stuff.

lots of time at water parks.

modelling Autumn fashion.


stuff like that.

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im gonna work my ass off till i have some were close 2 2k then spend the fuc out that money and also get a sic pac like 2 pac(uhhh gg)






fuc bitches

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Average summer day:

1: Wake up

2: TF2

3. Eat


5. Eat more



8.Repeat steps 1-7

Is it a bad thing that I'm not even making a joke? This has seriously been my entire summer so far. Should I get help?

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1. Wake Up

2. Masturbate

3. Masturbate

4. Eat

5. Masturbate

6. Masturbate

7. Play vidya

8. Masturabe

9. Play with myself

10. Masturbate while playing vidya

11. Choke the chicken

12. Sleep

13. Wake up in the middle of the night

14. Ponder life, question my existence.







be a fat shit and play games

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