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Atariman1000 - Team Fortress 2

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WHY IS IT YOU ALL INSIST ON ONLY TAGGING ME @diabeetus @Gawd @Hidingmaster

That aside, you threatened a member(?) and unless you can remember which individual you threatened as to hear his side of this, I don't see a reason to +1 at all, especially since you are getting angry over the responses provided instead of looking at them calmly and seeing what you did wrong in this situation. +/-0 for now

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unless you can remember which individual you threatened as to hear his side of this, I don't see a reason to +1 at all, especially since you are getting angry over the responses provided instead of looking at them calmly and seeing what you did wrong in this situation. +/-0 for now

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Im angry with the situation not any of you I've been banned for sometime now because a situation was handled wrongly and how am I to remember who it is? You should take a look at your own staff instead of them getting lazy and banning people without looking into anything what so ever and I don't know what your +1 -1 stuff is

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Im angry with the situation not any of you I've been banned for sometime now because a situation was handled wrongly and how am I to remember who it is? You should take a look at your own staff instead of them getting lazy and banning people without looking into anything what so ever and I don't know what your +1 -1 stuff is

I doubt @African banned you without screenshots or something of the sort. But we'll need to hear from him, again

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nothing happened on the server at all of this happened out side of game in steam chat this kid didnt like my prices and started hinting at DDoS'ing me so I said if he DDoS'd me I would hit up his computer hard thats it and then he cried about it in game and I got banned shouldnt that have been put up somewhere if there was any screenshots or does your 420noscopeblazeit clan not have that?

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Im done here I don't see why the hell I would need proof of anything if I was banned wrongfully and there was no proof presented at the time of the ban it is completely bias and this is bullshit its been far too long

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Im done here I don't see why the hell I would need proof of anything if I was banned wrongfully and there was no proof presented at the time of the ban it is completely bias and this is bullshit its been far too long

I apologize, we take the word of a staff member's word - who was once a higher up- more than a random's. If you weren't constantly disrespecting, you'd probably have better luck swaying our views. Especially since I don't even play TF2. ;)

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Im done here I don't see why the hell I would need proof of anything if I was banned wrongfully and there was no proof presented at the time of the ban it is completely bias and this is bullshit its been far too long


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I trust @African even though he made me mad and knows what he did. Though I know him well enough he does not ban without a reason. If he banned you it had to be for a legitimate reason, whether it was for breaking a rule on the server or threatening to break a rule, or posing a risk to the clan, my Mods and Admins are chosen to provide a safe environment to the clan, for every member, including members who are not in the clan. If what you say is true. and the person you directed a threat to was on XenoGamers soil (member or server), we have the right to ban you to protect our servers and members. If you believe this was an invalid ban, which is why you made the thread, please provide sufficient proof of the invalidity of the ban, otherwise, you cannot and will not be unbanned.

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I thought this was over but how am I to be banned when all you guys do is contradict yourselves where is the proof for which made my ban valid and what exact reason was I banned I wasn't warned just because some squeaker comes in the server crying about how I threatened him after he was talking about DDoS'ing me this happened forever ago and I was told to speak to the admin who banned me but african hasnt said a damn thing since whenever all I have is you all making excuses for an unjust ban make up your minds what the hell do I need to do there was no proof on the server it all happened over steam direct chat with me and that individual. You are all so sensitive about something that didn't happen on the server

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where the hell is the proof do you not keep track of this? shouldn't there have been a report stating those involved and what happened like wtf is this do you even have sourcebans

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