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Random Crits And Why They Shouldn't Be Here

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they keep saying the same stuff because we genuinely enjoy random crits, and that "same stuff" is just another way of saying our reasoning for keeping random crits. we like them and want them to remain a part of the game. an opinion that goes against yours is equally as valid as yours. there are some people who just don't want crits to be removed. I am one of those people. you can't claim we are wrong just because you chose to articulate an argument and we didn't. we don't want crits too be removed, we have given our reasons why here and in the previous thread. we disagree with you, we think crits should stay in the game, and you don't have a very good chance. the tf2 division writ large has spoken, and we overwhelmingly support random crits and want them to remain active in game on all xG tf2 servers..

Alright let's see here. Reasons to keep random crits:

We like it (We being very arbitrary so far.)

It makes the game interesting. (Completely subjective and flat out untrue in a lot of ways.)

My personal favorite, it makes TF2 what it is. (Ha, no.)


Reasons to remove/change them:

We don't like it. (We still arbitrary.)

They are unfair. (Depends on the engagement but generally true.)

They do nothing to add to the game. (Also true as someone who actually knows what a no random crit server is)


Wow besides the fact that you like them those reasons are absolute shite. People like smoking too doesn't mean they can/should do it whenever they want in random situations. People don't like smoking that doesn't generally mean they get to boss smokers around but that doesn't mean they don't deserve to be heard when they say they don't want someone smoking in their face.


We don't fudgeing care what you think, and fix your grammar.

"I could just as easily call all of you selfish"



Ahh it's the time of the debate where the person who is realizing their argument is shite so they focus on spelling and grammar. Even though I go through my shit and any grammatical errors are there on purpose xD.

Also I already explained that if you would care to read the post.



"It's making it fair and it's making it better."

Aha no. It's making a hell of a lot worse because random crits aren't that 5% that ruin the game, it's that 5% that makes TF2 what it is.

You don't see fu cking random crits on COD, Garry's Mod, L4D2, CS:GO. NO. YOU DON'T.

This is what makes TF2 so fun.

Just because you have a couple of people agreeing with you doesn't mean that everyone else agrees with you. You're just someone who thinks that their opinion matters most and that it's everyone else's opinion.


Umm no. Are you stupid? Probably. Let me explain to you the fine differences between those games and TF2.

PERSONALITY: TF2 has a completely different feel and play style than all of those games. The random crits have nothing to do with the fact that TF2. The differences are the writing, the weapons, maps, graphics, style and overall characterization. Speaking of which...

CHARACTERS: TF2 has a variety of characters in case you didn't notice. Nine in total, all of which are completely unique and fun to play in their own way. Which is a vast difference in itself than the majority of triple A copy and paste shooters. Another big difference.

GAMEPLAY: I really hope I don't have to explain this to you but I've said it a few times already TF2 plays completely different thanks to the class system and weapons. Not to mention the item-drop system, trading, and TF2 economy which adds a completely new area of depth and community among the players of the game something no other game really has besides DOTA 2 and MMO's which is actually a huge accomplishment on TF2's part to break another mold of what FPS game are generally considered to be.

CRITS: ARE FUCKING STUPID. They do not do anything to benefit TF2 and if you think so YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT TF2 IS.


"Yet you all act like the squeakers you complain about."

fudgeing hell, you are such a dumbass. I can't believe that you think that squeakers are people who are expressing theirs and some others' (in this case, a lot) opinions. That means that you're saying that you're acting like a squeaker. Also, how does one act like a squeaker?


This is really a digression but my definition of squeaker is generally someone with the attitude, maturity, and overall voice of a 12 year old who has yet to understand the fact that they are stupid when compared with the majority of the world. This is a broad generalization of course but whatever. I guess you just had to know that because you have nothing else to pick at.


"That is such a broadly wrong statement it literally made me laugh out loud. How would you know? Clearly you've never played without the crits and yeah I dislike them and yeah emphasis on the I because I'm not the only one. Kitty and Kendrick both have openly stated they don't like crits either. It wouldn't kill us to try to take off crits for like a week maybe two and look at the difference."


Yeah, I'd like to look at the difference. Wait, let me rephrase that: "I'd like to look at the new and 'improved' TF2 - wait, fudge that, I'd rather become a COD homo then play TF2 without crits.

"That is such a broadly wrong statement"

How can that be wrong? Go on, explain.

How would I know? Because I played on a no crit server and I left straight after realizing how steaming pantload the server was.

Not only do I doubt that I flat out think you are either lying or completely stupid. I already told you why it's wrong. People who think it would ruin the game DON'T EVEN UNDERSTAND THE GAME. Play on a no crit server and there is literally no difference besides the random bullshit kills guys. Same thing on JB.

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I clearly said "Not just here on all servers I play." I go on the trade servers to trade and literally not care about anything in the game itself. I wouldn't call my time on the trade server "playing" and I certainly don't care about crits on a trade server. I used to frequent an all crits trade server. Which hey it least it was fair in the fact that everyone had crits all the time. It wasn't a random bullshit sprung on you like opening a gift at Christmas that your mom has lovingly wrapped and placed only to find that it was in-fact a jack-in-the-box with a boxing glove that comes out and punches you in the face saying, "Ha ha you're a fucking dumbass for expecting something suitable from this."

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Kid. I've played fucking highlander/competitive tf2. I know what it's like to play without crits and I feel it is inferior. I'm not on xG servers to play actual tf2 I'm on xG servers to fuck around, even on jb. I think crits need to stay because the random luck aspect is fun. And because competitive tf2 is great and I love it, and screw around tf2 is also great and I love it. We don't need to combine the two, which is what it sounds like you are trying to do. xG servers are for fun above all else. We frankly do not need Competitive settings. Crits should stay. Keep competition and fun separate.

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"Ahh it's the time of the debate where the person who is realizing their argument is shite so they focus on spelling and grammar. Even though I go through my shit and any grammatical errors are there on purpose xD."

I said that because I couldn't understand any of your first sentence.

"My personal favorite, it makes TF2 what it is. (Ha, no.)"

Ha, yes.

"CRITS: ARE FUCKING STUPID. They do not do anything to benefit TF2 and if you think so YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT TF2 IS."

Opinion, not necessarily true.


"This is really a digression but my definition of squeaker is generally someone with the attitude, maturity, and overall voice of a 12 year old who has yet to understand the fact that they are stupid when compared with the majority of the world. This is a broad generalization of course but whatever. I guess you just had to know that because you have nothing else to pick at."

Ha, no.

I said that because your words don't make sense. Why are you picking at them then? Hmm?

"Not only do I doubt that I flat out think you are either lying or completely stupid. I already told you why it's wrong. People who think it would ruin the game DON'T EVEN UNDERSTAND THE GAME. Play on a no crit server and there is literally no difference besides the random bullshit kills guys."

How don't we fuc king understand the game? You're just saying random things because now you're just picking at things because you can't find anything wrong.


"Bullshit" is not a good word. Why? Because it's not bullshit. Many people find random crits fun, and then you just have people like you who are making the servers worse.


"It makes the game interesting. (Completely subjective and flat out untrue in a lot of ways.)"

No, just no. It does make the game more interesting otherwise why would I be up at 11pm (UK Time) arguing about something that I couldn't give two shits about?

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It wasn't a random bullshit sprung on you like opening a gift at Christmas that your mom has lovingly wrapped and placed only to find that it was in-fact a jack-in-the-box with a boxing glove that comes out and punches you in the face saying, "Ha ha you're a fudgeing dumbass for expecting something suitable from this."

That is honestly the most unsuitable metaphor I have ever heard.

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Kid. I've played fudgeing highlander/competitive tf2. I know what it's like to play without crits and I feel it is inferior. I'm not on xG servers to play actual tf2 I'm on xG servers to fudge around, even on jb. I think crits need to stay because the random luck aspect is fun. And because competitive tf2 is great and I love it, and screw around tf2 is also great and I love it. We don't need to combine the two, which is what it sounds like you are trying to do. xG servers are for fun above all else. We frankly do not need Competitive settings. Crits should stay. Keep competition and fun separate.

1. Don't call me kid. If we can't all act and treat each other with respect like adults than we should not be in this clan.

2. I'm not trying to combine comp with jailbreak. I just want the crits gone because they aren't fun to me and add nothing. If you claim it is inferior that there are no random crits than you're really amazingly picky that those rare random moments in actual pubs that happen to be crits are inferior. Look at a killfeed in any normal pub, the vast majority of them are regular kills. Only one out of about fifty are actual crit kills? Unless that one kill out of fifty really makes you feel alive or something you may just be exaggerating or lying. Otherwise they add nothing besides a red glow to a killfeed marker and a possibly bullshit death.

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1. Don't call me kid. If we can't all act and treat each other with respect like adults than we should not be in this clan.

2. I'm not trying to combine comp with jailbreak. I just want the crits gone because they aren't fun to me and add nothing. If you claim it is inferior that there are no random crits than you're really amazingly picky that those rare random moments in actual pubs that happen to be crits are inferior. Look at a killfeed in any normal pub, the vast majority of them are regular kills. Only one out of about fifty are actual crit kills? Unless that one kill out of fifty really makes you feel alive or something you may just be exaggerating or lying. Otherwise they add nothing besides a red glow to a killfeed marker and a possibly bullshit death.

*Yawn* We get that you don't want crits; we do. Stop complaining about crits and trying to ruin the servers for loads of other people just because you want the server to be perfect.

There's a lesson you should learn: Life doesn't always go your way. Get over it.

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"dont call me a kid"

compared us to kids (squeakers).


and how is calling someone a kid rude? is being young a negative thing?


and you obviously give way more of a fuck than i do. i'm not playing tf2 for glory or honor it's just for fun. i dont really care about fairness when i'm having fun. what world do you live in that this is some test of skill and honor? have you seen the people that play jailbreak? it's not the top of the tf2 skill ladder, getting fair kills isnt that impressive here. so why not embrace the random crit and laugh when one gets you? public opinion is clearly that crits should stay, you continually figthing them is only making things less fun for YOU, because the vast majority of people on tf2 are not irritated by random crits.

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"Ahh it's the time of the debate where the person who is realizing their argument is shite so they focus on spelling and grammar. Even though I go through my steaming pantload and any grammatical errors are there on purpose xD."

I said that because I couldn't understand any of your first sentence.

"My personal favorite, it makes TF2 what it is. (Ha, no.)"

Ha, yes.

I'm sorry that first sentence threw you for a loop but it's not that hard to figure out. I'll go add a comma or two later.

Ha ha really no. xD


"CRITS: ARE fudgeING STUPID. They do not do anything to benefit TF2 and if you think so YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT TF2 IS."

Opinion, not necessarily true.

Except you clearly don't know what TF2 is if crits are the only thing that makes it different to you, from CoD or BF or Counter-Strike. Seriously. So it's pretty dead-on.


"This is really a digression but my definition of squeaker is generally someone with the attitude, maturity, and overall voice of a 12 year old who has yet to understand the fact that they are stupid when compared with the majority of the world. This is a broad generalization of course but whatever. I guess you just had to know that because you have nothing else to pick at."

Ha, no.

I said that because your words don't make sense. Why are you picking at them then? Hmm?

I'm not picking on them. I'm saying you act like someone with the maturity, attitude, and overall voice of a 12 year old who contributes very little to this argument.


"Not only do I doubt that I flat out think you are either lying or completely stupid. I already told you why it's wrong. People who think it would ruin the game DON'T EVEN UNDERSTAND THE GAME. Play on a no crit server and there is literally no difference besides the random bullshit kills guys."

How don't we fuc king understand the game? You're just saying random things because now you're just picking at things because you can't find anything wrong.


"Bullshit" is not a good word. Why? Because it's not bullshit. Many people find random crits fun, and then you just have people like you who are making the servers worse.


You don't understand the game because you compared TF2 without crits to CS:GO and CoD even though that's how you play the game 95% of the time xD that 95% of the game is just as different from those games as the 5% with crits is.

Bullshit is a very appropriate word. Because people don't find crits fun they only find it fun when they get random bullshit kills with crits. xD


"It makes the game interesting. (Completely subjective and flat out untrue in a lot of ways.)"

No, just no. It does make the game more interesting otherwise why would I be up at 11pm (UK Time) arguing about something that I couldn't give two shits about?

And no it doesn't. You may be up arguing late but your arguments are hardly arguments, and you're wrong on just about every assertion. So the amount of time you dedicate is null and void when I'm also dedicating a lot of time to the very subject. The difference is I know what I'm talking about, why I don't like crits, and want to change the servers for the better where-as at this point I'm fairly certain you're just disagreeing because you don't like me. Which is fine, don't like me. I don't care xD

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