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Cs:s Operation Revitalization

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This is thanks to an anonymous vigilante


for keeping (After aound 4 posts i stopped keeping track of dumb reasons)




warrior (Bhop only)

lithium (the only legitimate reason)




against keeping (I got lazy and stopped keeping track of dumb reasons.)













(penguin: i put him here because when talking he was all for removing cs:s)


Who are the "we" that decided to keep it? where is the effort? You came on the server after it was already populated and spent a good chunk of it afk and only some of them actually playing, after about an hour and a half or 2 you left as opposed to us staying on.



If you don't expect him to do something, why is everything stuff that only he can do? why do you state that it relies heavily on bleed and nomulous? nomulous wont do anything you know that he is only for tf2 and forums

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I'm for keeping the servers. Why can we not have the servers? It's dumb to be arguing against someone trying to revitalize CSS when trying isn't even costing us money. It's no skin off YOUR back whether they stay or go. So why all the negativity? It's just plain dumb. Worse comes to worse, CSS gets downsized even more (maybe to the level of MC if needed) so more people can join other divisions. And if more people sign up woo! But seriously, keep the negativity and the guilt tripping and the accusing out of here. You're doing no one any favors or you're not helping anything.

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2. Find a way to have an intro screen or something nice, or just motd coming up all the time (not the broken steaming pantload it always has been) (Sept 20) Not completed

4. Update LR (Maybe add a new game, or a few...) (Sept 30) Not completed

2. Intro screen, do you mean overlay? an MOTD? an MOTD window always pops up for me. Though its an ad, its still a MOTD.

4. Same thing as hub. What do you want.

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All of you are fudgeing retarded. No offense @Hidingmaster, but just give up. Do you really think CSS is going to be how it was in the past. Resorting to starting over is pitiful also. Get over yourself baby. You put all your time and effort in this steaming pantload just for it not to pay off. What the fudge am I talking about right? Every couple weeks, months, etc., we got the same damn people asking "CSS dead or what" or "CSS night!" fudgeing cut my beef n' fixin off. Some of you might be hype as steaming pantload atm, but watch as your dedication slowly fades away. Start crying bitches. I don't give a fudge. TL:DR Niggers trying to fix something long dead. The dedication is there, but the time and current state of the situation fudgeed everything up. I would post more, but I already consumed the daily dose of sodium. P.S - "If this works, then I will be active again." -Kirito This has to be one of the most ignorant/idiotic things ever said out of his god damn squeaker mouth.


You say that, yet css can still get the population. Whether or not it works in the end doesn't matter. People wanted to give it a last shot and we're going to do it. CS:GO has been dead for a long ass time, yet its still around... no reason to give up on css yet

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Why is everyone bashing on hiding he is trying to help the community and all of you are being so negative like it affects you or something. You're not paying for the servers so leave it alone. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it should get closed down. There are other people who are so happy that CSS isn't closing down. Think about other people too, not just yourself.

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You say that, yet css can still get the population. Whether or not it works in the end doesn't matter. People wanted to give it a last shot and we're going to do it. CS:GO has been dead for a long ass time, yet its still around... no reason to give up on css yet

Look man, I didn't mean to look like an asshole. I'm a realist. What can I say?

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Why is everyone bashing on hiding he is trying to help the community and all of you are being so negative like it affects you or something. You're not paying for the servers so leave it alone. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it should get closed down. There are other people who are so happy that CSS isn't closing down. Think about other people too, not just yourself.

And by everyone do you mean Chrono. Strong difference between bashing and constructive criticism.

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And by everyone do you mean Chrono. Strong difference between bashing and constructive criticism.

@Legend PLEASE. Do tell. How was I in any way "bashing." If bashing to you is speaking in a civil manner, by all means.


All of you are fucking retarded. No offense @Hidingmaster, but just give up. Do you really think CSS is going to be how it was in the past. Resorting to starting over is pitiful also. Get over yourself baby.

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Honestly, you cant blame hiding because he's atleast trying, and nobody else was willing.

But although he is trying, I agree that it is a pointless effort. The time we spend working on css is time we could use towards improving csgo. Think, if you had two people dying infront of you: One is an old man, he lived his life, he had his fair share of fun. The other is a young boy. He is still young, he hasnt gotten to experience all his life yet. Which do you save? You can only save one, no way around it. Now, I would imagine most would pick the boy. CSS Is the old guy, CS GO being the young boy. Let csgo have its chance to thrive, it has more potential than CSS, rather than trying to drag an old division back up, that has little to no chance of recovering, atleast not significantly enough to be called populated.

I love css, spent 4 years of my life playing our css servers, maybe its because of the fact ive seen its downfall that I know it cant recover. The majority who voted for css to stay are newer members, who didnt experience the servers when they were good. 10 people on a server is normal to them. They believe "Hmph, easy enough. Just add this and that and BOOM, people!" Im sure other servers have gone through this same situation, and tried the same exact things. You can give a crappy car a good paint job, but it doesnt make it run any better.

Well anyway, thats my rant.

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@Voly You are no fucking help. All you have done is bash HidingMaster. It's people like you who bring down the vibe of this clan. Don't say shit like you're being constructive. You are down right bashing him. You claim you're not talking shit but in reality, you are. Saying shit like he's wasting his time and it's never going to work and he should just give up. The only thing you have going for you is being right about people having dedication and losing it instantly. We (as in a couple of people) are trying to revive CS:S and we don't want assholes like you killing our mood. Don't be fucking saying you're not bashing. You're disrespectful and rude.

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