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@hidingmaster - teamspeak

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Link to original thread /xenogamers.com/threads/31298/ (reason i created this thread)

I do not see how someone can assume by my past that they can automatically assume any post i make is classified as troll, He obviously is thinking bias due to past incidents(noted i have not had a ban in over a year/year and a half) Besides when i called chrono smelly.

This is unjust and dangerous to have someone that thinks these conditions are considered reasonable.


Second- the thread was not even intended for @Nomulous and not @Hidingmaster He was simply one of the refers i was using to prove my point on how ignorant a Cl can be to a rule that the clan has.


Even @Aegean got involved into this and thought hiding was in the wrong.

List of evidence.




Even @Aegean got involved into this and thought hiding was in the wrong.

Further Information:

As far as hidings ability to lead and dictate rules in game i have no clue, But the past month i have made post's and every time they involve anything serious Hiding automatically assumes i am trolling. How is this guy fit to be Forum moderator/Admin

@DrLee @Gawd @ThePenguin @diabeetus


Anything hiding says to me beyond this point i do not know if i will be able to take it serious, For those tagged if you need anything further i'll be glad to help.

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You were banned for continuing to harass Chrono, yet you still do so like you haven't learned your lesson.


You bring your group of friends to the forums to post a thread that has a little validity but reeks of something else. I then reply and get a rude answer from you, then spammed by you and others when I close it. It's blatant trolling and its obvious who is doing it. Also, if it was only for nomulous you can message him directly, anything on forums is really meant more for the CL's.


Can you go ahead and post your chat logs as well as warriors? Or were you spamming me?


Also, you may want to go ahead and remove that signature. Its just another avenue in which you are trolling.

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Learn what the fuck spam is, stop being a disgrace,


And you SURE AS FUCKING HELL, have no clue what porn is either apparently. Just the way you act is fucking pitiful, you should be having an open mind to topics with your current position, yet you avoid the subject with a stupid opinion.

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@Hidingmaster Me and @Chrono have known each other for over 3 years anything he does to me is out of joking manor and never to be taken serious as i do equal to him over steam/ingame, Please do not talk like you know everything.


Second off, Aegean was a co-leader for over 2 years and is one of the most creditable sources i can have, By friends i'm not sure what you mean, Because people like me? they are credited as my friends? Or are you speaking in the sense we are rating your post's shit posts? As said previous by other cl's and admins that ratings do not matter and there is no rule against them. Once again ignorant to the rules.


As to you thinking and honestly implying your logic to the "oh i know you're trolling" is extremely arrogant.

The part about private messaging- I do not know this person i have never seen him, nor do i know what he is capable of, He owns the clan now he runs it opposed to @Rhododendron just paying for it, He gave him self leader, I do not know if i will get banned for bringing up this subject so i posted it in general so if i get banned people know it was in vain for voicing my opinion and providing the evidence needed against you, That there are people corrupt within the ranks. That do not deserve them ranks. @Nomulous i am not saying he is not deserving of his ranks, But from going by what i heard he gave him self forum leader whilst not supposed to have it as well as the leader star on team speak. (something silence never gave him)

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Warrior and Asock, there's no reason to be so rude, honestly its starting to be very disrespectful and I am greatly offended. All you all do is harass whoever you can get to respond to you guys. I responded to the original thread with no rude remarks, no insults, nothing. I responded asking for a better look into ASocks side of the story. The second I do that you all attack me. You take for granted the things that people do to make this a better place. You attack those that honestly do the best they can.


I'd appreciate it if you could all just stop for once. I have no problem with people voicing an opinion and standing by it, but what you guys do is shameful. You put people down. I should have banned a majority of you all a long time ago for the disrespect and harassment.


Seriously, stop. Just stop. The fact that you can't see the person on the other side of the forum doesn't mean they aren't affected. You would never pull this stuff in real life, or at least I hope not.


If your goal has been to ruin my night, you have gone above and beyond that, so congrats. I actually feel like shit because of it. So thanks a lot.

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I'm not going to read any more then the first line, I'm not being rude. I'm done with this post until more people wake up and reply, You're opinions and your reasoning are all invalid... need you now more then ever @Gawd

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Warrior and Asock, there's no reason to be so rude, honestly its starting to be very disrespectful and I am greatly offended. All you all do is harass whoever you can get to respond to you guys. I responded to the original thread with no rude remarks, no insults, nothing. I responded asking for a better look into ASocks side of the story. The second I do that you all attack me. You take for granted the things that people do to make this a better place. You attack those that honestly do the best they can.


I'd appreciate it if you could all just stop for once. I have no problem with people voicing an opinion and standing by it, but what you guys do is shameful. You put people down. I should have banned a majority of you all a long time ago for the disrespect and harassment.


Seriously, stop. Just stop. The fact that you can't see the person on the other side of the forum doesn't mean they aren't affected. You would never pull this stuff in real life, or at least I hope not.


If your goal has been to ruin my night, you have gone above and beyond that, so congrats. I actually feel like steaming pantload because of it. So thanks a lot.


My goal is been for you to notice that this is fucking nsfw, and against the rules.




But you are too thick into your own OPINION to realize its against the RULES of the CLAN.





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Rabid: From rabid- You impulsively ban me and then post this in the shout box? [MEDIA=imgur]KXQJnHe[/MEDIA]

Rabid: proof of ban. [MEDIA=imgur]FkOOoLt[/MEDIA]

Rabid: Thank you for proving my point further

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Rabid :

Oh also i noticed you say "you brought your friends" like you're implying that there opinions are irrelevant

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I didn't have the chance to comment on the other thread before it closed, so I may as well post it here...


Either the avatar NSFW policy should change or the photos should be removed. I personally don't view the photos as a big problem, but either we should enforce it equally or not enforce it as we are now. Rabid's stuff was used directly in spite of, and in the knowledge of, the teamspeak3 anime photos. The rule has to change or we have to change the way we're enforcing it.

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