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Prologue of the game that i am making

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I hope you guys like it! just tell me if there is something i might need to add or any corrections i need to do. here it is.


If there was a place on earth to call home, where would that be? Many have looked for the answer, many had found it. But there are others who failed and went insane or just gave up on life. For myself, I am still looking for that place. I think I found it at last, but I’m scared. Scared of what man may do to destroy all that is good. And don’t get me wrong, I vowed to protect mankind, just not the ones who prey on the weak and needy. I was ready to give up on them, until a certain young man made me think otherwise. This is my side of the story. Would you care to listen to it?




Chapter 1 the Rebels



It was a cold and quiet evening out here in the outskirts of the city. Many people took the city life for the easy life there. I for one, Prefer the wilds, where survival of the fittest is an iron-clad rule. These wilds are one of the most peaceful places that I can come to whenever I needed to get off some steam, or just to sleep under the trees. Such a simple life I once had, but that place was now gone. The place that once was green and full of life, was now burned to the ground by war. What was I to do now? My only place where I once considered home, was now gone. My family was also gone because of war. Many families were killed during the raid that the Rebels did when they took over the town.

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