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Best PC Games

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I consider System Shock 2 to be the best PC game ever released. Also the music is godly, which really brought it to the top of my list. It has amazing music, a very-original storyline (in video game history), it is the scariest game I have every played (besides Silent Hill XD), and Bioshock was made by the people who made this, so image Bioshock 100x better. That is the sheer amazement I get whenever i play this game.

Seriously, if you are bored, download it. It's vaporware and only 200mb. You won't be dissapointed!!!


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Trackmania :D Probably my most played game, which I consider the best racing game of all time. It is mainly because of how it plays like an arcade racer. You respawn when you crash, and whoever gets the fastest time wins! I wasted 7 years playing this game competitively and this is where I started my first 2 servers :3 XASECO FTW!!!!

Check out this trailer and the best part about it is that its actually real gameplay :D


I was (idk if I am still) ranked like 500 in the world for the mode, Island.


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I have the actual SystemShock 1 AND 2.


Number one I have for DOS, second one I have the CD somewhere.

Great games.


My all time favorites stick with PC gaming's finest.


First up DOOM

Released in 1993 by id Software - it was a landmark game that made the FPS genre gain mass popularization.

I find the simple byte size music to be amazing - I have even made myself Soundtrack CD's of it.

As old as this game is, it STILL tops my list as greatest FPS ever.



Second Duke Nukem 3D

Duke Nukem 3D is a first-person shooter computer game developed by 3D Realms and published by GT Interactive Software. It was released on January 29, 1996 for the PC. It is a sequel to the platform games Duke Nukem and Duke Nukem II published by Apogee. An expansion pack, Plutonium Pak, was released in November 1996.

The series has always had my attention and with the "Duke Nukem Forever" coming up it will be AMAZING.



Third Golden Eye 007

This game was the first truly successful game on a console and is widely stated as the best console first person shooting game of all time. The game featured realistic game play and an exceptional multiplayer system.


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I'll keep mine simple, though I have no technical favorite game, the one I might have to put at top due to my ability to never be able to stop playing it for more then a few weeks is Warcraft 3 and its Expansion The Frozen Throne. :)

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I'm currently typing an essay for my Communication class right now, so this post is a reserve spot (I'll come back and evaluate later).


Warcraft III: RoC & FT

Chip's Challenge

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ALSO did anyone ever play Postal 2? Man that game was so much fun!!! BURN A BOOK, SAVE A TREE!


I own both Postal games. :)

And I've watched the Postal movie. ^^


Imma go piss on a bitch now.

Sign my petition? <3

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HEY! Wanna sign my petition? *points to notepad*

That line. >.<


I am annoyed though, MOST gamers today class the NEW AGE shit as the greatest games.

Things like Call Of Duty, Fallout, Halo - this isn't GREATEST age classic genre.

This is kiddie ass new shit - when I go to ask people the greatest games of all time, I expect to hear "Mario, DOOM, Serious Sam ect" not this crap the grew up on.


Speaking on SS.



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