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Matsi - team fortress 2

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I was the warden that round when it happened. Told them to go to dodge ball, and Matsi asked to press the buttons. I said sure why not and told the reds to get it to red dodge ball. When I went into blue dodge ball a few of the blue's were already pressing buttons even though I never said to start. I just kind of let things happen at the point. After a few seconds, I saw that there was only 2 reds playing. I was completely unaware of how dodge ball worked on Causirina. Told the reds to go back into red dodge ball, that's when out of no where reds were killed. So honestly, if you want to scold Matsi, you can also scold me for being a trashy warden that round.


The thing is... they were all starting anyways... they all finished because we didnt hit the buttons soon enough so I figured they would all start again as soon as they ran in the second time so I started pressing the buttons... they just all lost that time...


There's no rules that say you have to give a "go" to start the games. The closest thing is that blus cant hit buttons without warden's permission, which I had.

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okay, so i am +1 this thread, matsi does know better and was clearly a misunderstanding. everyone has stated almost everything so i will leave it at that.



ALSO, dont -1 if you are going by someone elses word not an actual witness or watched the dropbox

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+1 unban. forge... not cool.

Forge was not in the wrong. He interpreted it as a mass, so he did't hesitate to do his job. Upon review it seems it is not anymore. Don't +1 unless you have valid reason to do so. +1ing this just because you don't like forge is useless to the conversation.

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The warden NEVER said that the reds had to wait for his OK to start dodgeball. As such, the first round, all the blues started triggering the traps and the warden never freaked out and neither did the reds. The second round, it was the exact same circumstances, but matsi triggered the traps when the reds weren't really expecting it. He also triggered them efficiently, which killed all the reds.




Exactly what I was thinking. Matsi did nothing wrong in this instance. If you do watch the demo, someone does ask @Goblins if they were to start and he DOES say yes. On top of that. He DID tell them to get back into dodgeball where matsi flawlessly got every unexpecting red.


How is this any different from when I tell 15 reds to go into russian roulette and kill every single one with one bullet?


Willing to unban, waiting to hear back from @diabeetus, @kbraszzz

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