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We Need More Rule Enforcers For Goldenrod

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From what I've seen, staff go onto Goldenrod as much as they possibly can. When they see a problem or are told about a problem, a staff member goes there. There is nothing else we can really do about it.


@Kypari @Hachi @Prettymucheverymemberofstaff

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If we need to move staff anywhere, then it's Trade Gaming History. I'm there for several hours at a time almost every day, and I seldom see other staff come on, and when they do, they aren't usually actively enforcing the rules.

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Honestly, when I have been on I haven't noticed any mic spam or immature behavior. The only time I actually had to get on was to warn someone to change their name because it didn't have three type able characters in it.


~Next time there is mic spam like that contact me and I will gladly get on to help sort out the situation.

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@BelloWaldi @Dethman


how can you disagree with a fact? there are literally no moderators on tgh most of the time and i have to call on mods to get on the server, the closest thing i see is @Tekage and @Kypari but they have to go back and forth.


stupid lmao.

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@BelloWaldi @Dethman


how can you disagree with a fact? there are literally no moderators on tgh most of the time and i have to call on mods to get on the server, the closest thing i see is @Tekage and @Kypari but they have to go back and forth.


stupid lmao.

There's no need to get mad over a rating.

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There's no need to get mad over a rating.

Im not mad about the rating? Im upset about you guys not explaining why you disagree. Contribute to the division you are in instead of posting garbage like "xD LOL DONT GET MAD OVER LE RATING"


Tf2 division kids are retarded holy shit no wonder everyone hates them

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There's a thing called asking for a staff member. I hear it's very effective and if there are no staff members on the you must be on at 4 am because there are usually staff members willing to do their job. Just a suggestion...

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